
Questions are taken from the material discussed inthe CCH BusinessWorks© resource; click on the link to find the material. To find the answers, search for the material under the headlines given in bold.

Human Rights and Equity Issues

Harassment in the Workplace

1. Question:

How is Harassment defined? How narrow or broad is the term defined? Discuss briefly the responsibility of the employer in harassment cases and what steps should be taken (See under "Practice Tips).

Dealing With Disability Issues in the Workplace

2. Question:

What is a Disability? Describe why it is difficult to define the term and how lawyers and tribunals deal with disability cases (see under "Practice Tips").

Equal Pay/Pay Equity

3. Question:

What is the basis of the Equal Pay/Pay Equity issue? What are the methods used to deal with the issue? Is there a preferred method? (see under "Practice Tips")

4. Question:

What is the purpose of the Job Evaluation Committee? What is not the role of the Committee? What should be the make-up of the Committee?

Labour Relations

Consumer Price Indexes (CPI)

5. Question:

What is the definition of the CPI? Where is it mainly used in HRM?

Benefits and Pensions

Flexible Benefits and Work Practices

6. Question:

What are flexible work practices and why should an employer be interested in them? How does this relate to our current family models? How can Flexible Benefits and Work Practices be utilized to attract and retain employees?

Employment Health and Safety Guide

7. Question:

Federal and provincial laws specify general and specific duties for employers to protect the health and safety of their workers. Discus the differences.

In the Workplace or Outside the Workplace?

8. Question:

What is the definition of "workplace"? Can it also be outside the traditional work premise?

Equal Pay and Pay Equity

9. Question

What is the difference between Equal Pay legislation and Pay Equity legislation? Which governments (federal/provincial) have Equal Pay laws? Which have Pay Equity laws?

Employment Equity

10. Question

Which governments have Employment Equity legislation? How is Employment Equity supported in provinces without EE laws?

11. Question

What is discrimination? Why should an employer be concerned about discrimination in employment?

12. Question:

If behaviour is unintentional, will it still be considered discrimination?

13. Question

What does the term “Systemic Discrimination” mean? Discuss the term and how it can be dealt with.

14. Question:

What Is Undue Hardship? Discuss.