IACRN Monthly Meeting

Meeting Agenda

August 23, 2016

Invitees & Attendance

Check P Column to Indicate Attendance

Name / P / Name / P / Name / P
Megan Lagueux / P / Lisa Lewis / Mary Beth Davenport / P
Erin Sandene / Kathryn Malone / P / Diane Branham / P
Teri Hernandez / P


Topic / Meeting conversation (updates, status)
Quarterly Meetings / ·  4th quarter meeting planning (Gap Analysis lists safety as Quarter 4 topic)
·  Other 4th quarter ideas- personalized medicine, innovative care (when is it research?)
·  Matt Taylor- Diane will contact
·  Kathleen Barnes- director of UCD Personalized Medicine department, contact if Matt Taylor does not respond/have ideas
·  Kathy Oman? Marilyn Cores? Backup resources for other speaker ideas
·  Ethics? Matt Wynia
Mentor/HR Orientation Project / ·  Survey will need to be revised for UCH; discuss how to split projects
·  When we have a final draft, we will find content experts to review; may need to revise again based on their feedback; Teri will assist with finding content experts
·  Review tasks for moving forward
·  Need Erin for this discussion. One issue that came up is whether the introduction of Reimagine 2020 will skew the pre-video survey results. Is there a way to use Reimagine 2020 presentation as intervention instead of or in addition to video?
Email Schedule / ·  September- Diane B
Social Media Updates / ·  Quarter 4 meeting save the date- Nov 15?
Chapter Status / ·  Work on steps to becoming full chapter
·  Past Meeting Agendas- Mary Beth will look for agendas that were approved for CEs, add all agendas to Google drive ()
·  Revise mission statement- add knowledge development, “culture”, add to vision to tailor it? Teri will review and send feedback
·  Elections for quarter 4 meeting- who may be interested in officer positions? Add board member at large positions?
Conference / ·  Attendees: Lisa, Mary Beth, Diane
Other topics / ·  Building membership- reach out to other nurse research groups at CHCO and UCD; Erin to reach out EBP/Nurse Scientists; Megan to find contact for nurse practioners on campus conducting research at CHCO and UCD
·  Also include psychiatric team
Next Meeting / ·  Tuesday September 27 1:00-2:00pm

To Do Items - Bold