Date of First Issue: 25 September 2007
Effective Date: 26 October 2007
Revision: 00
Date of Revision: 00/00/00
Page 2 of 30
Compiled By: Customer Service Department
Authorized By: ______
Date: 25 September 2007
Dear Sir/Madam
Transnet Port Terminals Durban MPT is pleased to present for your attention and use Terminal Guidelines in respect of the Durban Multi-Purpose Terminal.
The purpose of this document is to provide a comprehensive reference manual to the users and potential users of the terminal. It is also to clarify terms and conditions of working ships and handling cargo for all vessels that call permanently or that are diverted for one reason or the other to Durban Multi Purpose Terminal from other Transnet Port Terminals.
We trust that this document will be a valuable piece of information for your operations.
Should you have any queries regarding any content of the document kindly channel them to the Customer Services Manager via e-mail: in order that one place is used for consolidating input from various stakeholders.
We thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Kind regards
Earle Peters
Business Unit Executive
Cell: 083 283 9774
Document Nr / Revision / Document Title / Page NrDBN MPT TG001 / 00 / Durban Multi-Purpose Terminal Guidelines / 2
DBN MPT TG002 / 00 / Table of Contents / 3
DBN MPT TG003 / 00 / Shift Times, Shift Changes, Shift Indaba, Tea Breaks / 4
DBN MPT TG004 / 00 / Cargo Handled at TPT Durban MPT / 5
DBN MPT TG005 / 00 / Break Bulk Planning Process / 6 - 7
DBN MPT TG006 / 00 / Export Container Planning Process / 8 - 9
DBN MPT TG007 / 00 / Import Container Planning Process / 10 - 11
DBN MPT TG008 / 00 / Berthing Conditions / 12 - 15
DBN MPT TG009 / 00 / Berth Details / 16
DBN MPT TG010 / 00 / Container Stacking / 17
DBN MPT TG011 / 00 / Container Transshipments / 18
DBN MPT TG012 / 00 / Customs Requirements / 19
DBN MPT TG013 / 00 / Road Motor Transport (RMT) Procedure / 20 - 21
DBN MPT TG014 / 00 / Safety First / 22
DBN MPT TG015 / 00 / The Call Centre / 23
DBN MPT TG016 / 00 / Miscellaneous Services Note / 24 - 25
DBN MPT TG017 / 00 / Claims / 26
DBN MPT TG018 / 00 / Terminal Fleet / 27
DBN MPT TG019 / 00 / Mobile Harbour Crane / 28
DBN MPT TG020 / 00 / Contact Details / 29 - 30
a. A-Shift 06H00 TO 14H00
b. B-Shift 14H00 TO 22H00
c. C-Shift 22H00 TO 06H00
Monday to Friday / Start / StopMorning / 05h45 / 14h15
Afternoon / 13h45 / 22h15
Night / 21h45 / 06h15
Saturday and Sunday
Day / 05h45 / 18h15
Night / 17h45 / 06h15
Monday to Friday / Start / StopMorning / 06h00 / 06H15
Afternoon / 14h00 / 14H15
Night / 22h00 / 22H15
Saturday and Sunday
Day / 06h00 / 06H15
Night / 18h00 / 18H15
Monday to Friday / Start / StopMorning / 10H00 / 10H30
Afternoon / 18H00 / 18H30
Night / 02H00 / 02H30
Saturday and Sunday
Break Day Shift / 11h30 / 12h15
Break Night Shift / 23h30 / 00h15
NB: The Terminal closes on Christmas Day, First day of the New Year and Workers’ Day.
a. Break Bulk Cargo excluding Cement, Rice, Sugar and Timber
b. Abnormal Cargo:
i. Direct - Landed / Shipped Direct onto / from Transporters’ vehicles; and
- conveyed out of the terminal within the first 4 hours of landing
ii. Indirect - Landed / Shipped using Standard Terminal Equipment (excluding Terminal Mobile Crane); and
- conveyed out of the terminal later than the first 4 hours of landing
iii. Dimensions
Abnormal cargo, including vehicles, means any article which exceeds any one of the following:
1. Mass: 25 tons
2. Length: 12 metres
3. Width: 2.5 metres
4. Height: 2.87 metres
c. Vehicles:
i. Direct – Landed / Shipped onto/off Transporters’ Vehicles and Vehicles that are directly driven / towed from or onto the ship and removed immediately from the terminal.
ii. Indirect – Landed / Shipped onto/from the Quayside and vehicles that are driven / towed into / from a Pre-assembly area in the terminal
iii. Passenger Unit
1. Any vehicle unit on rubber wheels up to 3500kg
2. Any vehicle up to 4.8 metres in length
3. Boats, Agricultural units and Forklift units are excluded from this vehicle category.
iv. Commercial Unit
1. All vehicle units on rubber wheels from 3501kg to 8500kg
2. All vehicle units with the length dimension from 4.81 metres to 12.0 metres
3. All vehicle units with width dimensions up to 2.50 metres
4. All vehicle units with height dimensions up to 3.30 metres
v. Heavy Commercial Unit
1. All vehicle units exceeding 8500kg
2. All vehicle units exceeding the length dimension of 12.00 metres
3. All vehicle units exceeding the width dimension of 2.50 metres
4. Any vehicle not on rubber wheels
d. Containers
i. IMDG Containers: IMCO 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9
ii. Normal containers: 20ft, 40ft and 45ft
iii. Abnormal / Out of gauge containers
iv. Reefer containers
v. High cube containers
a. ID100 – Vessel Information from Agent 20 days prior to ETA
i. Vessel Name
ii. Arrival and Sailing Draft
iii. Length
iv. Cargo out / in
v. Total Volume
vi. Ships Gear
vii. Engagement List (Detailed cargo list for pre-assembly)
b. PHASE 1 – CPO
i. Open file for vessel
ii. Allocate berth
iii. Draw up Bar Chart
c. PHASE 2
1. Exports: Shipping Orders – to be submitted to Harbour Revenue 72 hours prior to ship arrival
2. Imports: Ship Manifests – to be submitted to Harbour Revenue and Operations 72 hours prior to
Ship arrival
Landing Orders – to be submitted to Harbour Revenue 72 hours prior to ship arrival up to 12 hours after ship is posted or submitted not later than 12 hours after ship has been posted.
1. Pre-Planning Meeting at least 48 hours prior to berthing
2. Port Officials, Agents, Stevedores, Transporters, Clearing and Forwarding Agents, Freight Rail
3. Terminal Resource Planning at 10h30 daily
1. Labour and Equipment Plan (Tons per gross crane hour)
2. Set performance measures (Norms)
3. Plan start and finish times of ship
4. Stowage plan / Hatch List (Discharge)
5. Final Engagement List
d. PHASE 3 – 24 Hour Plan aboard the Ship
i. Port officials, Cargo Owner, Stevedore, Agent, Ship’s Captain
ii. Resource planning
iii. Cargo planning
iv. Sequencing
v. Review of previous shift performance
e. PHASE 4 – Completion of Ship
i. De-brief / Wash-up meeting
ii. Remedial action for next ship
a. Handled at owner’s risk. TPT Durban MPT may refuse abnormal cargo to be discharged / loaded onto RMT until satisfactory arrangements have been made for handling and carriage.
b. Direct discharge or loading. Abnormal cargo landed directly onto transporter’s vehicle should leave the terminal within the first 4 hours of landing. Failure to adhere to the 4 hour rule, then the abnormal cargo will be considered as an indirect load.
c. No abnormal cargo shall be staged on the wharf-side.
d. Any abnormal cargo which is found on the wharf-side shall be removed by the terminal using appropriate terminal equipment and staged away from the wharf-side at a cost chargeable to the ship account or ship agent; i.e. client / agent.
a. Nomination of a ship 20 days prior to ETA, submission of ID100 and thereafter daily update until arrival.
b. Confirmation of Expected Time of Arrival 10 days prior to arrival of ship
c. Firming of Expected Time of Arrival 5 days prior to arrival of ship
d. Allocation of Berth on the ‘First planned first served’ basis as per the berthing policy and presentation of the Bar Chart daily.
e. Nomination of provisional Stack Dates by Agent at least 14 days prior to ETA including:
i. Port rotation, Weight, IMCO
f. Firming and communication of Stack Dates by Agent to TPT Durban MPT and Transnet Freight Rail 7 days prior to ETA
g. Populating of Call Centre System with firmed Stack Dates
h. Processing of Documentation:
i. Submission by Agent to Port officials of the following:
1. Booking reference 72 hours before stack opens
2. Number of containers per Port
ii. Planning of Stack Location
iii. Capturing Booking Reference into GCOS
iv. Submission of Container Terminal Order (CTO) to the Harbour Revenue Office 72 hours before stack opens for capturing into SAP and forwarding of captured documents to Stack Planners by Agent.
v. Capturing of CTO to Booking Reference on GCOS
i. Road Motor Transport Booking:
i. Making and obtaining confirmation of RMT booking by a Transporter by 12H00 for the next 24 hours.
j. Processing of actual containers on arrival at Port:
i. Delivery of export containers to the Port within firmed stacked dates.
ii. Stacking and allowing containers to dwell for three days before Custody Charges are raised from Day 4 should a ship not commence within 48 hours after stack closed.
iii. Compile and sign off Conac 12 hours before arrival of ship and update twice daily at 08h00 and 15h00.
iv. Presentation of Sequence List to Port for loading, within 12 hours after stack close.
k. Pre-Plan meeting between the Ship’s Agent, Stevedores, Cargo Owner, Transporter and Port officials at least 48 hours prior to berthing.
l. Agenda: Documents, no. of parcels, total volume, gang allocation, estimated berth detention, the stow plan.
m. Terminal Resource Planning daily at 10h30 for the next 24 hours:
i. Start time of container dispatch to ship
ii. Compilation of planning document: Labour and equipment
iii. Presentation of Stack Plan with container numbers
n. Berthing of the ship at the Port as per the Bar Chart.
o. Daily Meeting between the Ship’s Agent, Stevedores and Port officials at 08h00 on board the vessel
p. Calling of containers ex Stack as per the Sequence List
q. Updating of the Call Centre System on a two hourly basis daily until the ship completes
r. Forwarding final Conac Report to Ship’s Agent and Harbour Revenue within 12 hours after shipping completes.
s. Debriefing meeting between Ship’s Agent, Stevedores and Port officials within 24 hours after ship sails.
i. Analysis of the performance of a ship
ii. Compilation of the Performance Report
t. Signature of the final Conac Report by all the parties
SLA MEETING: Business Review Meeting between Customer Service Department and the Client
a. Nomination of a ship 20 days prior to ETA, submission of ID100 and thereafter daily update until arrival.
b. Confirmation of Expected Time of Arrival 10 days prior to arrival of ship
c. Firming of Expected Time of Arrival 5 days prior to arrival of ship
d. Allocation of Berth on the ‘First planned first served’ basis as per the berthing policy and presentation of the Bar Chart daily.
e. Processing of Documentation:
i. Submission by Agent to Port officials of the following documents 72 hours before ship arrival:
Lists: Import Containers, CTO, Rail, IMDG, Restow, Transshipment, Reefers and Booking Reference
ii. Capturing of relevant information from documents into SAP System and forwarding of captured documents to CPO by Harbour Revenue.
iii. Capturing of Manifests into GCOS
f. Pre-Plan meeting between the Ship’s Agent, Stevedores, Cargo Owner, Transporter and Port officials
g. Submission of Discharge Sequence to Port officials
h. Terminal Resource Planning daily at 10h30 for the next 24 hours:
i. Start time of container discharge from ship to stack or rail
ii. Compilation of planning document: Labour and equipment
iii. Presentation of Stack Plan with container numbers
i. Berthing of the ship at the Port as per the Bar Chart.
j. Daily Meeting between the Ship’s Agent, Stevedores and Port officials at 08h00 on board the vessel
k. Discharging of containers from the ship
l. Stacking and allowing containers to dwell for three days before storage charges are raised from Day 4
m. Compile and sign off Conac 12 hours before arrival of ship and update twice daily at 08h00 and 15h00.
n. Updating of the Call Centre System on a two hourly basis daily until the ship completes
o. Rail wagons
i. Nominating loading dates [Agent]
ii. Submitting of ‘Next Week’s Business’ Reference Number from Transnet Freight Rail [Agent] to CPO
iii. Placing of Calling-in-Order for empty wagons [Transnet]
iv. Loading of wagons [Transnet]
v. Placing of Calling-out-Order once wagons have been loaded [Transnet]
p. Road Motor Transport Booking:
i. Making and obtaining confirmation of RMT booking by a Transporter by 12H00 for the next 24 hours.
q. Processing of actual containers on arrival at Port:
i. Discharging of import containers to the Port.
ii. Completion of CIR, Paper Tally, Scan Record and Seal number
iii. Stacking and holding containers for three days after the last container is discharged before Storage Charges are raised from Day 4. Overstays to be sent to Bonded Warehouse at client cost.
iv. Compilation and updating of the Container Actual (Conac) Report twice daily at 08h00 and 15h00.
v. Loading and dispatching of container within the three day dwell time.