Student Success Meeting Minutes
Wednesday February 3rd.
Committee members in attendance
Beth Armstead (Co-Chair) David Stokowski (Co-Chair)
Sascha Larrabee (Transfer Advisor) Brian Johnson (Lead Advisor)
Melody Simpson (Testing Coordinator) Rachelle Bassen (Science Faculty)
Rolando Rael (Title V Director) Ambrosia Aranda Knighton (Duel Credit
David Archibeque (IT Coordinator) Coordinator)
Adonica Seymour (NASNTI Admin)
Mr. Stokowski called the meeting to order at 8:10
Beth Armstead seconded
Reviewed Minutes from last meeting
No change found
Beth Armstead moved to accept the minutes from last meeting with no changes.
Ambrosia Knighton seconded this motion.
Beth Armstead requested that we review the Retention plan and that we discuss any changes that we see needed at the next meeting in March. Beth Armstead also mentioned that the content was good but it seemed a bit “unpolished.” She asked for volunteers to spruce it up. Sascha Larrabee suggested that we change the graph colors to crimson to make it a bit more Aggie friendly. Everyone agreed to review the plan and suggest corrections at the next meeting.
David Stokowski suggested that we speak about the Spring student welcome party on the 19th.
Melody Simpson thought that it would be better if the faculty wore nametags. David Stokowski mentioned that the nametags came in a few days later. Sascha Larrabee mentioned that the instructors wore their NMSU T-shirts. The game was a scavenger hunt of people. In order to earn their t-shirt and flash drive students were given a list of trivia about faculty and they were asked to find out which one corresponded to which faculty. It was meant to be a hunt to find out which faculty was which. Melody Simpson thought it might be easier with nametags. Sascha Larrabee countered with “even if they had name tags the object of the game was to get to know the instructors better.” If the students had known the faculty better then the game would not have been fun. Sascha Larrabee agreed to ask the faculty to wear their nametags at the next student welcome party.
The committee took a moment to recognize Adonica Seymour on her first SSC meeting. She told us about herself. She is from Acoma and is excited to be here as well as to assist in the NMSU Native American club.
There was a brief discussion of the August Student Welcome Party and a general agreement that the party last August went so well that we should just do the same thing again.
New Business
Disappearing task force tabled for another month.
Workshop for grads also tabled for another month.
Brian Johnson and Beth Armstead spoke about a potential grant opportunity which could be awarded to our school and that could potentially lead to more recruitment opportunities and better marketing. It sounds like a great opportunity except no one really has the time to devote to write an entire grant. Beth Armstead said that she would schedule a meeting for the next week or so.
The events for spring ‘16 on campus were discussed among them the talent show, the transfer fair, eat and complete, Spring convocation and commencement.
Beth Armstead brought up letting other campuses know what sort of activities were going on our campus. There was an email circulating about the activities that Alamo campus was putting on and there were many similar activities between Grants and Alamo campus.
Beth Armstead is excited to recruit students for the Alternative teaching licensure program. She and other NMSU Grants representatives will go to local schools to recruit teachers who want to finish their degrees with NMSU Grants.
Melody had asked Ambrosia to follow up about CLEP testing so that more students could get their Assoc.
Brian Johnson said that he hope the glass cases could be filled with ASG things and it could be used to showcase the good work that ASG is doing as well as a recruiting tool.
Beth Armstead discussed an idea that Dr. Serban had about celebrating Leap year. And even though we have no leap year babies at this campus we could have a birthday cake and celebration. As David Stokowski said “a birthday party without a cake is just a meeting”
There are also going to be earth day festivities. We will think of fun activities and discuss them at the next meeting.
A reminder that the 2nd Annual NMSU Town to Gown talent show will be held April 15th.
Melody Simpson wants to let everyone know that she is holding a customer service workshop on March 11th from 9-11. She invited all of the work-study student and anyone who needs a brush up on their customer service skills. There will be pizza and soda.
Beth Armstead suggested that we have a celebration after all of the construction is finished!
Dr. Real motioned to close the meeting. Ambrosia Knighton seconded.
Next meeting March 2nd!