Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
When can I apply for my CCT?
As soon as you are within six months of your CCT date. It is advisable to start the process as soon as you are within this timeframe as the application can take sometime to complete. Unfortunately we are unable to send CCT application packs out before you are within the six months before CCT date. From 31st March 2014 the GMC will no longer accept recommendations for CCT if the date is 12 months or more since CCT date. Applicants will be expected to complete the full CESR application.
How do I apply for my CCT?
Please email the College on It is helpful if you include either your College membership number or full name and postal address in the email. We also require your CCT date and whether you are seeking subspecialty recognition so we can send you the contact details for the Sub-specialty Training Adviser.
Can I include a subspecialty in my application?
If you have followed an approved Grid programme. Your CCT will be General Paediatrics with subspecialty recognition. It is advisable to apply for your subspecialty at the same time as your CCT as you just need to complete an extra section of the form. If you apply for subspecialty recognition at a later date the GMC will charge an additional fee. If you wish to seek subspecialty accreditation please let us know this when you apply for the CCT pack, so we can send you contact details of the Training Adviser that needs to sign off your form. Neonatal Medicine and Community Child Health applicants will need to complete an additional form that we can send you. A special interest does not appear on the Specialist Register and therefore does not need to be included in the application.
What other documentation do you require with my application?
As well as the completed CCT form you will be expected to send us a current CV and your original MRCPCH examination certificate. It is also very useful if you could send us any RITAs/ARCPs you have on your files. We do also request this from the Deanery, but we find applications that include this information can be processed quicker. It is requirement that we have a RITA or ARCP for all periods of HST (SpR posts).
Do I need to send my GMC certificate to you?
Not any more. Since PMETB (Postgraduate Medical Education Training Board) merged with the GMC in Spring 2010, there is no longer the need to include this with your application. We are aware that some applicants may still have the old application form guidance, which asks for this document to be sent. Any we receive will be returned via recorded delivery.
My posts are not all straightforward SpR posts in the UK. What documentation do you require for these?
Any LAT posts should also be supported by the College form. We also require evidence of satisfactory performance (usually a RITA or ARCP).
An acting up post should be supported by the College form and a letter or training report from a supervising consultant, confirming satisfactory performance.
Any out of programme research posts or overseas posts should be supported by approval from the GMC (previously PMETB). We also require evidence of satisfactory performance (RITA/ARCP, training report or letter from supervisor).
If overseas GPT (SHO) posts are counting towards training they should be supported by original evidence of satisfactory performance and original evidence that the post was approved for training.
How long will the CCT process take?
It is hard to say exactly how long the process will take as the form needs several signatures, which may take some time to collect. Once the application reaches the College we endeavour to process the application completely within six weeks (including making the recommendation to the GMC). As every application is different, some will go through quicker. We understand the need for the CCT and try and process them all as quickly as we can. If there is any problem or further information is required for your application we will let you know as soon as we process it (usually two working days after receipt).
How should I send my application to the College?
We strongly advise recorded delivery. Once you have acquired all the required signatures your application becomes valuable time wise. It would be heartbreaking to go through the process again! While we can accept photocopies if the form were to go missing, you would still need to get the form signed again, as we can only accept original signatures. Of course, we are more than happy to accept applications in person if you work locally or are in the area.
How much does it cost?
The College will process your CCT application as part of your membership. If you have not been paying College membership since you started your training (SpR) then you may need to pay either the full five years of fees or any shortfall. A guide to fees is included in the application pack. If you are unsure if you need to pay fees please send us your application as normal, and we will let you know if there is any fee to pay once we start processing the application.
This fee does not include the payment to the GMC. The GMC are the awarding body for CCT and charge £390 for the process. This will need to be paid to the GMC once you complete their online GMC connect* system. The GMC will send you details of how to do this, as they will already have your details on record (sent in advance by the College).
What happens once my application is with the College?
We try and start processing an application within two (working) days of receipt as we realise the tight timeframe for many applications, with consultant posts waiting to be started. We do an initial check of the application to ensure we have all the documentation required and will send your original certificate back to you via recorded delivery. It is at this point that we would ask you for any further documentation we require. Sometimes an applicant will supply us with everything we need, but we may still need information from your Deanery or Regional Adviser. This does not mean that there is a problem with the application, as usually any issues are picked up long before an application reaches the College.
You have all the required documentation you need for my application, what happens next?
A final signature is required for your application, that of the Officer for Training. As soon as they have signed your application we can make a recommendation to the GMC. This is done on the same day as the Officer signs off the application, and is sent to the GMC via email. We will then send you a letter to confirm that the recommendation has been sent.
Do I also need to apply to the GMC?
By the time a recommendation is made to the GMC you should have already applied online at GMC connect*. The GMC should now be able to issue you with your CCT.
When can I apply for Consultant positions?
As soon as you are within six months of your CCT date. However, you cannot start a consultant post until you are past your CCT date, as you must be in a training post on your CCT date.
Do I need to be on the Specialist Register to start a Consultant post?
You need to be on the Specialist Register to start a substantive post. However, if your CCT application is delayed and you have a consultant post already lined up, you can usually start the post as a Locum until your name is on the Specialist Register.
*GMC connect is a new online system at the GMC which was launched on 22nd March 2011. The College will supply your contact details to the GMC in advance, and the GMC will contact you directly with details of what to do. It is at this point that you will need to pay the £390 fee.
SpR FAQs 14.01.2014