DECEMBER 16, 2008
The Faribault County Board of Commissioners met pursuant to the recess of December 4, 2008 at the Courthouse in the City of Blue Earth at 9:00 a.m. on December 16, 2008. The following members were present: Butch Erichsrud, Bill Groskreutz, Tom Loveall, Barb Steier, and Tom Warmka, Commissioners. County Auditor John Thompson and County Attorney Brian Roverud were also present.
The meeting was called to order by Chair Steier.
The pledge of allegiance was recited.
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Warmka/Erichsrud motion carried unanimously to approve the synopsis and official proceedings of the December 2, 2008 regular meeting and the December 4, 2008 truth in taxation hearing.
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Loveall/Warmka motion carried unanimously to approve the agenda of December 16, 2008.
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The calendar was updated. No member of the public appeared to make comment. Committee reports were presented. Erichsrud, Groskreutz, Loveall and Warmka reported on the Association of Minnesota Counties annual conference; Erichsrud and Warmka reported on the Minnesota River Board; and Steier reported on the Economic Development Agency.
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Recognition was given to the following employees for length of service: Mark Walton of Public Works for 30 years of service; Elizabeth Boettcher of the Auditors office, Bryan Schultz of Veteran Services, and Brenda Ripley of Central Services for 25 years of service; Sheryl Asmus of the Recorder’s office, Chris Anderson, Geary Wells, and Joe Anderson of the Sheriff’s office for 20 years of service; and Dave Hanson of Public Works, Donna Steele of the Extension office, and Mike Jacobson of Building and Grounds for 15 years of service.
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Central Service Director Brenda Ripley met regarding office business.
Warmka/Groskreutz motion carried unanimously to approve that effective December 16, 2008 any new hire for the full time positions of Dispatcher or Dispatch/Jailer will be determined as follows: the position will be defined as Dispatcher if 80% of time worked is dispatching and will be covered under the coordinated PERA (public employees retirement association) or the position will be defined as Dispatch/Jailer if 80% of time worked is in the jail and will be covered under the correctional PERA. Dispatch/Jailer position will be cross trained in both dispatching and jailing areas. Any internal transfer of an employee into the dispatcher position will automatically be enrolled in the coordinated PERA.
Warmka/Groskreutz motion carried unanimously to approve the hiring of a Technical Administrator 1 in the Auditor/Treasurer office.
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Warmka/Erichsrud motion carried unanimously to approve the following SSTS loans: $14,424.57 to Mark Mensing for Parcel No. 07.015.0200 in Elmore Township and $6,800 to Mike Gjere on Parcel No. 02.028.0701 in Blue Earth Township.
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Groskreutz/Loveall motion carried to approve Resolution 08-CB-30 setting the 2009 county commissioner salary at $17,755.66, per diems at $80 per day, and mileage reimbursement as set by the Internal Revenue Service. Commissioners Groskreutz, Loveall, Steier, and Warmka voted yes. Commissioner Erichsrud voted no.
WHEREAS, Chapter 301 of Session Laws 1975 provides for a method of determining county commissioner's compensation, per diem and expense allowance; and,
WHEREAS,The resolution establishing the salary, schedule of per diem payments and expense allowances must be adopted by the County Board of Commissioners prior to January 1 of each year to become effective on January 1 of the next following year; and,
WHEREAS,The County Board of Commissioners of Faribault County, after due deliberation and consideration, has determined the annual salary, schedule of per diem payments and expense allowance that will be effective January 1, 2009, and thereafter until changed by resolution of the said Board in a manner as provided by law.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the County Board of Commissioners of Faribault County as follows:
1. That the annual salary of each County Commissioner of Faribault County shall be the sum of $17,755.66 beginning January 1, 2009, payable in not less than bi-weekly increments, less deductions as authorized or required by law, and shall be paid to such Commissioner during the interval as he or she is qualified to hold office.
2. That each individual County Commissioner shall be paid a per diem of $80 per day, after making application therefore, who, by proper designation for authorization has served on any board, committee or commission of county government, including committees of the Board, or for the performance of services when required by law for any of the following work, service or activity:
Human Services Board and/or Committee
Representative on the Council on Aging
CountyExtension Committee
South Central Private Industry Council (PIC) Joint Powers Board
County Fair Board
County Weed-Crop Inspection
CountyCommissioner's Highway Committee
County Representative MnDOT Advisory Committee
County RepresentativeMinnesota Transportation Alliance
CountyCommissioners as Road, Drainage Inspectors or Fence Viewers
CountyLand Classification and Appraisal Committee
Forfeited Tax Sale Proceedings, including Appraisals
Planning and Zoning Commission
CountyBuilding, Building Maintenance and Equipment Committee
Crime Commission
Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Regional Development Commissioner, Board or Committee
Economic Development and/or StarCounty Committee
CountyLibrary Board and/or Committee
CountyLaw Library Board
Labor Relations, Negotiations, Personnel and Bargaining Committee
CountyInsurance Advisory Committee
CountyInvestment Advisory Committee
CountyRadio Communications System Committee
911 Emergency Telephone Communications Board or Committee
State and/or CountyBuilding Code Board or Committee
Airports Zoning Committee
County Parks Board or Committee
BlueEarthRiver Basin Committee
Comprehensive Water Planning Board or Committee
Interstate Highway 90 Corporation and/or Trunk Highway 169
Commission, Board or Committee
County Deferred Compensation Plan Committee
Solid Waste Management or Disposal Board or Committee
Water Quality Management Board
Wetland Bank Committee
Budget Committee
Resource Conservation and Development Council
Association of MinnesotaCounties and/or State Welfare, Social
Services/Human Services Board of Committee
Manure Management Task Force
Juvenile Detention Committee
Environmental Committee
Huntley Sewer Service District
Activities relating to public drainage systems under the
jurisdiction of the County or Court.
For such committee, board or commission work which may be required by law, or which is authorized by the CountyBoard of Commissioners, providing, that such work, service or activity is authorized by Board action to the performance of such work, service or activity.
3. That in addition to the salary and per diems set forth herein, eachindividual CountyCommissioner may be paid his or her actual and necessary expenses with mileage allowance as set by the InternalRevenue Servicefor necessary travel on official business of the county by private conveyance.
- The effective date of this resolution shall be January 1, 2009, and thereafter until changed in the manner provided by law.
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Warmka/Groskreutz motion carried unanimously to approve Resolution 08-CB-31 authorizing payment of bills before the end of the current year on December 29, 2008. Commissioners Erichsrud, Groskreutz, Loveall, Steier, and Warmka voted yes.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Faribault County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the County Auditor to pay bills submitted by December 29, 2008 before the end of the current year. The Auditor shall present a list of bills paid to the board before the first meeting in 2009.
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Loveall/Warmka motion carried unanimously to approve Resolution 08-CB-32 authorizing the auditor to advance ditch funds from the General Revenue Fund on December 31, 2008. Commissioners Erichsrud, Groskreutz, Loveall, Steier, and Warmka voted yes.
Be it Resolved that the Faribault County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the Auditor to make advances to ditch accounts with negative balances as of December 31, 2008 as recommended by the Auditor.
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Warmka/Erichsrud motion carried unanimously to approve request from S. Cory to attend a one day Manatron assessment administration training in St. Paul and a one day ACS 2010 tax legislative coding training in St. Peter and D. Hanson to attend a one day bituminous plant monitor training in Mankato.
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Groskreutz/Warmka motion to add the Rice Lake aerator to the County’s insurance and permit the aerator with the Department of Natural Resources failed. Commissioners Erichsrud, Loveall, and Steier voted no. Commissioners Warmka and Groskreutz voted yes.
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Soil and Water Director Michele Stindtman and Urban Outreach Specialist Jesi Matthew met to discuss education issues their office is developing.
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Public Works Director John McDonald met regarding office business.
Erichsrud/Warmka motion carried to accept the quote from Yeager Implement of Blue Earth for a Brillion Skid Steer landscape seeder Model LSS6 for $6,500. Commissioner Groskreutz voted no.
Warmka/Groskreutz motion carried unanimously to purchase a 2009 Sterling Model LT9500 truck from the state net bid from Boyer Truck of Lauderdale at a total cost of $62,346.18 after $25,475 trade-in on a 1998 Ford LT9000 truck.
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Discussion was held on the likely State of Minnesota cutbacks.
Warmka/Loveall motion carried unanimously to adopt Resolution 08-CB-33 setting the 2009 budget at $17,242,007 in revenues and $18,204,104 in expenditures. Commissioners Erichsrud, Groskreutz, Loveall, Steier, and Warmka voted yes.
WHEREAS,The Faribault County Board of Commissioners has considered the financial needs of FaribaultCounty,
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the budget of FaribaultCounty for 2009 will be set at $17,242,007 in revenues and $18,204,104 in expenditures.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of said budget be kept on file in the Office of the CountyAuditor for public inspection.
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Groskreutz/Warmka motion carried unanimously to approve Resolution 08-CB-34 setting the 2009 levy of $8,576,813 before Program Aid adjustments and $7,777,328 after Program Aid reductions and other aids for taxes payable in 2009. Commissioners Erichsrud, Groskreutz, Loveall, Steier, and Warmka voted yes.
WHEREAS,the Faribault County Board of Commissioners has passed a proposed budget for 2009,
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that FaribaultCounty hereby approves a proposed levy of $8,576,813 before Program Aid and other aid adjustments and $7,777,328 after Program Aid and other aid reductions for taxes payable in 2009.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the levy be appropriated to the proper funds as follows:
General Fund 4,536,242
Public Works Fund 1,189,000
Humans Services Fund 1,895,497
Library Fund 192,797
Debt Service 763,277
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEDthat the program aid and other levy reducing aids in the amount of $799,485 as certified by the Minnesota Department of Revenue be subtracted from the General Fund when calculating the spread levy.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of said levy will be on file with the CountyAuditor of FaribaultCounty.
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Transit Program Coordinator Bonita Zimmer met regarding the Prairie Express drug and alcohol testing changes, including observation and covered leave situations, test refusal, and zero tolerance issues.
Erichsrud/Loveall motion carried unanimously to approve the FTA mandated changes in the transit drug and alcohol policy as presented.
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Groskreutz/Warmka motion carried unanimously to accept the Treasurer’s report as of November 30, 2008 and approve the designations of County Auditor/Treasurer John Thompson and Deputy Treasurer Kathryn Anderson as signers for the Magic Fund Account.
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Warmka/Loveall motion carried unanimously to pay bills totaling $437,234.41 as follows:
DITCH FUNDS 31,637.31
$ 437,234.41
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Commissioner Steier was thanked for her effort as a county commissioner.
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The meeting was adjourned Sine Die for 2008.
Barb Steier, Chair John Thompson, Auditor/Coordinator