Received 13 New Grants
- EmployeesCommunity Fund of Boeing California Grant for “How to Build a Computer” Class
- Edison Emergency Food and Shelter Homeless Grant
- Ticket to Work EN Network
- Otto P. Berdach Trust Grant for Independent Living and Peer Support
- John Porter Trust Grant for General Operating Expenses for Homeless Program
- Discretionary Funds from Supervisor Knabe
- Pacific Hospital of Long Beach Charitable Trust Grant for Personal Assistance Services
- Disability Capitol Action Day Scholarship Award for 7 attendees
- Department of Rehabilitation Title VII B Transitional Funding Grant
- Alfred P. Sloan Award for Excellence in Workplace Effectiveness and Flexibility
- AB204/SSR Grant for funding Core and AT Services
- U.S. Department of Education Grant (IL Part C Program) for Systems Change Advocacy
- City of Long Beach Emergency Solutions Grant for Homeless Services
Three New Programs
- Counseling-Affordable Counseling by Rob Schlesinger, Registered Marriage Family Therapist Intern.
- DRC’s Transitional Young Adult Group.
- Summer Youth Leadership Program partnership with Southern California Rehabilitation Services (SCRS) at DRC.
Staff Accomplishments and Changes
- 3 staff members are FAST (Functional Assessment Service Team) certified through the American Red Cross.
- Dolores Nason interviewed and broadcasted by KFRN Radio Station 1280AM on “Focus on Issues”.
- Myralynn Arzaga promoted to Office Manager.
- Mario Rodriguez promoted to Equipment Operations Manager.
- Dolores Nason re-appointed to Access Services Board of Directors and currently serves as Vice Chair.
- All staff trained for Mental Health First Aid Certification.
- Dolores serves as Acting Chair of Long Beach Transit Paratransit Advisory Committee
- 28 DRC Volunteers donated 4,841.3 hours in 2012 (Six former volunteers are now DRC employees)
Social Media
- Facebook pagecreated for DRC.
Catchment Area News
- DRC assisted 1,122 unserved consumers compared to 1,061 in 2011.
- 3,533 individuals received Information and Referral assistance compared to 3,345 in 2011.
- DRC staff attended 221 outreaches providing information to 11,624 individuals.
- DRC conducted 168 workshops reaching 2,164 individuals.
- DRC website had 610,936 hits compared to 428,117 in 2011.
Other Noteworthy Items
- E-slate voting machine demonstration took place and DRC received publicity in the Grunion Gazette.
- Press Telegram Newspaper article quoting DRC’s Executive Director, “Machines will aid disabled voters”.
- Book Signing/Presentation by Laurie Hoirup from her memoir “I Can Dance: My Life With a Disability” held at DRC.
- Disability Legal Rights Center conducted an ADA Presentation to consumers and staff.
- Disability Rights of California, the Center’s new Client Assistance Program (CAP) Representative, presented training on CAP to consumers and staff.
- Department of Rehabilitation (D.O.R) Compliance Review took place in September.
- DRC hosted a “Voter-Get-Ready” workshop where attendees registered to vote, learned about the ADA approved voter booths located in Long Beach City Hall, received materials that allow you to vote by mail and asked questions about voter’s rights and responsibilities.
- D.O.R. added new zip codes and cities to DRC’s service area: 90623- La Palma, 90630- Cypress, 90740- Seal Beach, 90831- Long Beach, 90755- Signal Hill.
- 2012 Annual Awards Dinner had a net profit increase over the prior year.
- 15 consumers completed “How to Build a Computer” Class and were able to take home the computer they built.