U.S. Geological Survey, Virginia Water Science Center Series, Guest Lecturers
(Last updated 11/17/11)
November 16, 2011: Dr. Christopher Magirl, U.S. Geological Survey, Tacoma, Washington:
“Geomorphic response of rivers downstream from retreating glaciers on Mount Rainier, Washington”
October 6, 2011: Dr. Ian Waite, U.S. Geological Survey, Portland, Oregon: “Application of Watershed Disturbance Models to Predict and Assess Biological Integrity of Stream Ecosystems”
October 7, 2010: Dr. Megan Young, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California: Environmental Isotope Forensics: Using a Multi-Isotope Approach to Understand Complex Hydrological Problems”
November 3, 2009: Dr. Doug Burns, U.S. Geological Survey, Troy, New York: “How to Add Natural Tracers to Your Hydrological Toolbox”
June 4, 2009: Dr. Norman E. (Jake) Peters, U.S. Geological Survey, Atlanta, Georgia: “Evolution of hydrological and biogeochemical process understanding at a Water, Energy, and Biogeochemical Budgets Program site: Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Georgia”
January 13, 2009: Dr. Gerald Bawden, U.S. Geological Survey, Sacramento, California: “Dams, Debris-flows and Land Subsidence: New 3D Technology Brings Natural and Human-Caused Disasters Into Focus”
April 24, 2008: National Research Program – Sponsored Lecture Series: Mr. Bob Jarrett, U.S. Geological Survey, Paleohydrology and Climate Change Project, Denver, Colorado: “Insights in Flood Science Using Paleoflood Hydrology”
February 12, 2008: 2008 GSA Birdsall-Dreiss Distinguished Lecturer, Dr. Larry McKay, Jones Professor of Hydrogeology, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of Tennessee: “Cracks in the Clay: The Role of Fractures and Macropores in Critical Zone Hydrology”
October 24, 2006: Internal USGS only, Ms. Ute Wiegand, U.S. Geological Survey, Richmond, Virginia: "Hydrogeochemical processes in dump sediments of the lignite pit Zwenkau, Germany"
June 1, 2006: National Research Program - Sponsored Lecture Series, Ms. Faith Fitzpatrick, U.S. Geological Survey, Middleton, Wisconsin: “From Landslides to Levees - Important Links Among Episodic Sediment Movement, Fluvial Landforms, Geologic Setting, and Aquatic Habitat”
September 13, 2005: National Research Program - Sponsored Lecture Series, David P. Krabbenhoft, U.S. Geological Survey, Middleton, Wisconsin, “Mercury Contamination of Aquatic Ecosystems: A Global Problem with an Uncertain Future”
January 21, 2004: 2004 Darcy Lecturer, Dr. Allen Shapiro, Ph.D., U.S. Geological Survey, National Research Program, Reston, Virginia: "Recent Advances in Characterizing Ground Water Flow and Chemical Transport in Fractured Rock: From Cores to Kilometers"
December 18, 2003: 2004 GSA Birdsall-Dreiss Lecturer, Dr. Barbara Bekins, U.S. Geological Survey, National Research Program, Menlo Park, California: "The Influence of Hydrogeology on 25 years of Natural Attenuation at a Crude Oil Spill Site"
October 30, 2003: Ms. Judy Denver, U.S. Geological Survey, Dover, Delaware: “Results of USGS National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Study of the Delmarva Peninsula, 1999-2001 and Overview of Current Studies of the Potomac River Basin and Delmarva Peninsula”
May 27, 2003: Ms. Asrati Rwgoshora, Tanzanian Ministry of Health, Sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the United Nations: “Water-Quality issues in Tanzania”
May 8, 2003: Mr. Ed Weeks, U.S. Geological Survey, National Research Program, Denver, Colorado: “A Historical Overview of Artificial Recharge Studies in the U. S. Geological Survey”
January 15, 2003: Mr. Samuel Austin, Virginia Department of Forestry, Charlottesville, Virginia: "Forest Reference Stream Monitoring"
March 19, 2002, Dr. Mary Voytek, U.S. Geological Survey, National Research Program Reston, Virginia: "Patch-scale controls on denitrification in stream bed sediments"
January 22, 2002, Mr. Chuck Heywood, U.S. Geological Survey, Albuquerque, New Mexico: “Simulation of ground-water flow in the Hueco Basin, New Mexico, West Texas, and Northern Chihuahua"
January 16, 2002: Mr. Scott Phillips, Chesapeake Bay Program Coordinator, U.S. Geological Survey, Baltimore, Maryland: "Overview of the USGS Chesapeake Bay Program"
January 8, 2002: Mr. Jason Pope, U.S. Geological Survey, Richmond, Virginia: "Characterization and Modeling of Land Subsidence Due to Ground-water withdrawals from the Confined Aquifers of the Virginia Coastal Plain"
October 29, 2001: Dr. Karen Rice, U.S. Geological Survey ,Charlottesville, Virginia: "Arsenic and Copper Fluxes to a Suburban Lake in Northern Virginia and Relation to Urbanization"
September 11, 2001: USGS, National Research Program - Sponsored Lecture Series, Dr. Roger Morin, U.S. Geological Survey, National Research Program, Denver, Colorado: "Rock Mechanics and Hydrology: Using Geophysical Well Logs to Integrate Stress, Fractures, and Fluid Flow"
September 7, 2001: Mr. John Koreney, GeoEngineers, Bothell, Washington: "Modifying a USGS Model of the Portland Basin for Simulating Water Withdrawals"
April 10, 2001: 2001 GSA Birdsall-Dreiss Lecturer. Dr. Steve Ingebritsen, Chief of the Branch of Regional Research for the Western Region, U.S. Geological Survey, National Research Program, Menlo Park, California: "Land Subsidence in the United States"
January 25, 2001: Dr. Ingrid Verstraeten, U.S. Geological Survey, Lincoln, Nebraska: "Degradation of Triazine and Chloracetanilide Herbicides by Bank Filtration, Ozonation, and Chlorination in a Public Water Supply "
October 12, 2000: USGS, National Research Program - Sponsored Lecture Series, Mr. John Duff, U.S. Geological Survey, National Research Program, Menlo Park, California: "Quantifying Nitrogen Transformations along a Stream-Catchment Continuum: Using Multiple Approaches"
September 12, 2000: Dr. C. Blaine Cecil, U.S. Geological Survey, Geologic Division, Reston, Virginia: "Sediment load of tropical rivers in Indonesia as a function of climate"
May 1, 2000: Dr. Michael S. Fenster, Environmental Studies Program, Randolph-Macon College, Ashland, Virginia: "Hydrology in Higher Education: Focus on a Private Liberal Arts College" Mike also spoke briefly about his past and current research interests including: and a hydrology project on the Randolph-Macon College Campus, coastal geology, a surface water estuarine study.
February 29, 2000: Mr. Randy McFarland, U.S. Geological Survey, Richmond, Virginia: "Virginia Coastal Plain Ground Water: Geology, Resource Management, Computer Modeling, and the Chesapeake Impact Crater"
December 20, 1999: Ean M. Warren, U.S. Geological Survey, National Research Program, Menlo Park, California: "Kaboom! - An explosion in Kingsford, Michigan"
December 6, 1999: Dr. Madeline Schreiber, Department of Geological Sciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia: "Anaerobic biodegradation of petroleum-contaminated groundwater: Experimental and modeling studies"