Section 1 Name
This organization shall be known as the Iota Chapter of Chi Phi Fraternity at The Ohio State University.
Section 2 Purpose
The purpose of this organization is to build better men through lifelong friendships, leadership opportunities, and character development.
Section 3 Non-Discrimination Policy
This organization and its members shall not discriminate against any individual(s) for reasons of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
ARTICLE II - Membership
Section 1 Eligibility
One shall only be eligible for membership if they (1) are male, (2) are at least sixteen years of age, (3) are a bona fide student in full college standing with 12 college credits in attendance at the The Ohio State University, (4) have achieved either a 2.75 cumulative GPA throughout their college career or a 2.75 cumulative GPA for their entire high school career, (5) and are a member of at least one campus organization, club, or association.
Section 2 Qualifications for Initiation
Qualification for initiation shall consist of (1) attendance and participation in no less than 95% of all New Member activities, functions, and meetings, as outlined in each semester’s New Member Syllabus, (2) a cumulative collegiate GPA of no less than 2.75, (3) the affirmative vote of every voting member one week prior to initiation, (4) a written attest to obey, support, or amend this Constitution, and to the assumption of responsibility to meet all obligations of membership appearing in Appendix II of this Constitution.
Section 3 Roster
All men initiated into the Iota Chapterof Chi Phi Fraternity shall, until their death, be a member of the Iota Chapter of Chi Phi Fraternity unless as otherwise described in this Constitution.
Section 4 Membership Categories
All undergraduate members of the Iota Chapterof Chi Phi Fraternity shall be considered either a New Member, an Initiate, or an “Initiate Away from Campus.” There shall be no “inactive” status of membership.
Section 5 Status of Membership
All men initiated into the Iota Chapter of Chi Phi Fraternity shall, be considered equal in standing and shall enjoy entirely the same rights, privileges, and responsibilities of membership.
Section 6 Revocation of Membership
The membership of a member may only be revoked through a formal and exact hearing in a Court of the Chapter as described in the Constitution of the Chi Phi Fraternity.
Section 7 Resignation of Membership
A man may resign his membership in the Iota Chapter and the Chi Phi Fraternity through the submission of a formal resignation to both the Chapter Alpha and the National Director. In order to be released from incurring any further financial obligations, that member is solely responsible forreceipt his resignation by the National Director prior to the assessment of any fees or charges assessed on his behalf to the Chapter.
ARTICLE III - Officers
Section 1 Elected Officers
The elected officers of the Iota Chapter of Chi Phi Fraternity shall be the Alpha (President), Beta (Vice-President), Gamma (Secretary), Delta (Treasurer), Epsilon (Sergeant at Arms), Zeta (Historian), Eta (Risk Manager), Recruitment Officer, and New Member Educator. All nine officers shall have voting rights on the Chapter’s Executive Council.
Section 2 Terms of Office
The term of office of the elected officers shall be for no less than 355 days and no more than 375 days. Officers shall be sworn into office before the Chapter at the fourth official weekly meeting following their election.
Section 3Oath of Office
Officers shall assume office upon their assumption of the following oath: “I do solemnly promise upon my honor as a member of the Chi Phi Fraternity that I will faithfully perform, in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Fraternity and the By-Laws of this Chapter duly authorized, all the duties of the office therein to which I have been elected; that I will not allow myself to be swayed by passion or prejudice in the execution of my office; that my example as an officer of this Chaptershall be such as order and decorum require; and that I will endeavor to the best of my ability to obey the laws and promote the welfare of the Chi Phi Fraternity, and to persuade all other members of the Chapter also so to do.”
Section 4Responsibilities
The duties of the elected officers shall include but are not limited to the following:
- The ALPHA shall be the official head of the Chapterand shall have the following duties:
- Preside at all meetings, preserving respect, order, and decorum;
- Perform ritual as prescribed by the constitution and usages of the fraternity;
- Acquaint himself thoroughly with the Constitution of the Chapterand the Constitution and Laws of the Fraternity, enforcing such rules rigidly;
- Keep a strict oversight over the affairs of the Chapterand warn and advise the Chapter of any concerns or problems that exist or may exist;
- Promote positive communication with the general Fraternity and the National Office;
- Ensure that the Chapter utilizes at least one Faculty Advisor and continually involves numerous (approx 4-6) Chapter Advisors and promotes constant, positive, and appreciative weekly communication with such individuals;
- Promote positive communication with the university, college, or institution’s Greek Affairs Director, Dean, or other such administrator(s);
- Oversee the productivity, responsibility, and accountability of all Chapter officers (i.e. success of committees through the Beta, accurate and timely reporting of the Gamma; positive fiscal status of the Chapter through the Delta, positive IFC relations through the IFC Representatives);
- Lead the membership through a comprehensive evaluation of the Chapter at the beginning of each academic term – usually at a Chapter retreat;
- Lead the membership through a continuous goal development and tracking process.
- The BETA shall be the chaplain of the Chapter and the second officer thereof in rank, and should oversee all committees. His duties shall include:
- Deliver the Prayer of the Fraternity at meetings and meals;
- Oversee all internal aspects of Chapter operations;
- Review the Chapter’s compliance with “Chi Phi Fraternity’s Basic Chapter Expectations”;
- Ensure productivity and accountability of membership;
- Appoint and oversee committee chairmen;
- Ensure that committee system functions and that actual committees operate smoothly;
- Ensure participation and attendance at Chapter events;
- Ensure that the membership is content with Chapter operations;
- Ensure that the Chapter has (at the very minimum) the following actual committees: social committee, brotherhood committee, recruitment committee, New Member education committee, Alumni relations committee, service and philanthropy committee, intramurals committee, and scholarship committee.
- Ensure that the Chapter has considered or plans to implement a public relations committee, parents club committee, and special events committee;
- Delegate duties to committee chairmen and primary members.
- The GAMMA shall be the secretary of the Chapter. It is his duty to make official reports, take the minutes at Chapter meetings, ensure successful Chapter communication, and keep and preserve all records. His duties shall include:
- Complete all Chapter paperwork;
- Record minutes from weekly Chapter meetings and distribute such minutes within 36 hours;
- Maintain and distribute/conspicuously display a Chapter calendar;
- Create and distribute agendas for weekly Chapter meetings by soliciting announcements and topics of officer reports prior to the meeting;
- Create, print, and distribute a weekly Chapter newsletter or list of reminders;
- Create and distribute a Chapter phone, address, and email list within the first week of the academic term;
- Complete and mail the following reports:
- Pledging Report for each man within 5 days of the Pledging Ceremony;
- A Permission to Initiate Report two weeks prior to the scheduled initiation;
- A Mid-Year Report by December 1st;
- An End-of-Year Report by May 1st;
- A Change of Officer Report immediately upon the election of any new officers;
- An Election of Congressional Delegates Report by such date as is determined each spring.
- The DELTA shall be the treasurer of the Chapter. He is responsible for the collection of allmonies due the Chapter, and the payment of all bills incurred by the Chapter. His duties shall include:
- Oversee all areas of Chapter finances and ensure the long-term fiscal health of the Chapter;
- Oversee the creation of a Chapter budgets for each academic term and for each fiscal year;
- Ensure the tracking and timely collection of all accounts receivable, such as alumni contributions, fundraising checks, Chapter dues, member fees, and assessments, and fines;
- Ensure the tracking and timely payment of all accounts payable, such as electric, water, gas, cable, internet, trash, and other bills, IFC dues, insurance assessments, dues to the general Fraternity, pledge and initiation fees, and expenses associated with committee budgets;
- Balance Chapter checkbooks and accounts each week;
- Submit weekly budget-to-actual statements and balance sheets at every weekly Chapter meeting.
- The EPSILON shall be the custodian of the lodge room and of the personal property of the Chapter. He is the sergeant at arms of the Chapter and is also often the House Manager. His duties shall include:
- Assist the Alpha in maintaining order and preserving decorum for Chapter meetings;
- Oversee the operation of the Chapter’s Brotherhood Board;
- Admit only qualified individuals into the lodge;
- Maintain consistent weekly communication with the ChapterHouse Corporation or landlord;
- Schedule, plan, outline, delegate, and oversee weekly Chaptercleanups for every member (New Members and Brothers alike);
- Budget for and purchase necessary items such as light bulbs, toilet paper, and cleaning supplies;
- Ensure the overall upkeep of the facility (Chapter House) by overseeing the rapid repair of broken windows, boilers, air-conditioners, and other such problems;
- Ensure that fire and safety inspections occur no less than once per academic year;
- Provide for the safekeeping of Chapter property;
- The ZETA shall be the historian of the Chapter and shall see that the Chapter publishes and circulates an alumni newsletter at least once each year. His duties shall include:
- Ensure that each of the Fraternity’s rituals and customs is practiced and performed no less than once per term by the group;
- Record written accounts of the Chapter’s events and enter such accounts into the Chapter’s written history;
- Take photographs for historical purposes and enter such photographs into the Chapter’s written history;
- Submit 2-3 paragraphs of news and notes to the Chi Phi National Office by no later than November 10th and April 10th for publication in The Chi Phi Chakett.
- The ETA shall be the Risk Manager of the Chapter and shall be responsible for all programs, education, and inspections concerning risk management. His duties shall include:
- Ensure that all Chapter events and social activities occur within the guidelines of the Chi Phi Personal Safety Policy;
- Ensure that all members of thereview (once per academic term) the Chi Phi Personal Safety Policy;
- Work with the ChapterEpsilon to ensure regular safety and fire inspections at the Chapter House;
- Test all fire alarms and exit lights;
- Ensure that general health standards are maintained;
- Prevent safety hazards from accumulating and clear all items which may obstruct emergency exists or pose a threat to individuals;
- Work with other officers of the Executive Council to ensure that hazards to the overall health of the membership are avoided (i.e. alcohol and substance abuse, impaired driving).
- The RECRUITMENT CHAIRMAN shall be the chief organizer of Chapter recruitment events and shall be responsible for the coordination of all recruitment efforts. His duties shall include:
- Lead the Chapter through a comprehensive, lengthy (multi-month) recruitment program;
- Work with the general membership to identify quantifiable standards for potential members that can be identified over time;
- Act as the primary source of information and communication for members of the Chapter with regards to overall recruitment strategies, progress, and other relevant information;
- Work with other Chapter Officers to lead the Chapter through a substantive recruitment retreat that analyzes the key characteristics of potential members;
- Work with other ChapterOfficers to lead the Chapter through the development and tracking of recruitment goals and objectives;
- Organize and track information about potential members and ensure that the membership of the Chapter is taking action to actively “recruit” such individuals;
- Utilize the Chapter’s social, brotherhood, alumni relations, scholastic, and philanthropic/service efforts and events as key recruitment events;
- Encourage a constant focus on the calculated growth of the Chapter.
- The NEW MEMBER EDUCATOR(S) shall be responsible for all New Member programs and for the adequate expression of all expectations of membership to all New Members of the Chapter. His duties shall include:
- Design, organize, plan, and document a reoccurringNew Member program for the Chapter and provide such program in its entirety to all Brothers and New Members at the beginning of the program;
- Ensure that the New Member program is free of hazing and/or other inappropriate activities;
- Provide all New Members with a quantitative list of initiation requirements within the first week of the New Member program;
- Ensure that all New Members successfully acclimate to the Chapter culture;
- Impart a relevant amount of knowledge necessary to participation as contributing members of the Chapter;
- Facilitate the brotherhood and friendship with and between Brothers and New Members;
- Be a primary point of contact for all New Members and the Chapter;
- Ensure that all New Members understand and agree to the expectations of initiated members are (financial, time, participation, fraternal, scholastic, etc.) before they are initiated;
- Ensure that all New Members meet all requirements for initiation.
ARTICLE IV - Committees
Section 1 Structure
All committees shall be composed of one chairman, elected by the committee, and at least two other members. The chairman of the committee shall be primarily responsible for budget requests made to the Delta and shall report to the Beta.
Article V – Method of Selecting and/or Removing Officers and Members
Section 1 Election to New Membership
The vote required for election to membership, shall be an affirmative, favorable vote of every voting member of the Iota Chapter of Chi Phi Fraternity.
Section 2 Election of Officers
Officers will be elected once per 365 days by a majority vote from the Chapter.
Section 3Resignation
Officers may only resign with the approval of a simple majority vote of the Chapter . Any vacancy occurring during the year shall be filled by a majority vote at the next official meeting of the Chapter. All duties and responsibilities of any resigning officer shall be the responsibility of the Alpha until that position is duly filled.
Section 4 Removal from Office
The Chapter may remove a member from office through a seventy-five percent (75%) vote. Such removal will take place immediately.
Article VII - Advisors
Carrie Miller- Associate Director, Ohio Union
ARTICLE VII – Meetings
Section 1 Time and Place
The Chapter shall meet no less than once per week during the academic term except when a university holiday falls upon the day of the week in which the Chapter regularly meets.
Section 2 Attendance
All members shall attend all regularly scheduled meetings of the Chapter except as approved by the Gamma.
Section 3 Decorum
Closed toed shoes, “long” dress pants, and a collared shirt shall,in all cases, be required for admission to Chapter meetings. Proper attire shall in all cases be determined through the discretion of the Epsilon.
Section 4 Agenda
All meetings of the Chapter shall adhere to an agenda customized for each meeting. The agenda shall be prepared in advance and provided to all members prior to the commencement of the meeting. The agenda shall follow the following template:
- Call to Order
- Prayer of the Fraternity and singing of Gather Brothers
- Roll Call
- Officer Reports
- Report of the Beta
- Individual committee reports
- Report of the Gamma
- Report of the Delta
- Report of the Epsilon
- Report of the Zeta
- Report of the Eta
- Report of the Recruitment Chairman
- Report of the New Member Educator
- Report of the Alpha
- Old Business
- New Business
- Chi Phi Creed
- Motion for Adjournment
Section 5 Voting Rights
Only undergraduate members in good financial (either current or current to a payment plan) standing and in good academic standing (with no less than a 2.75 GPA) may be eligible to vote at a Chapter meeting or in a court of the Chapter.
ARTICLE VIII – Budget and Finances
Section 1 Approval of Budget
The Chapter shall operate within a structured budget approved by the membership of the Chapterno less than fifty (50) days prior to the commencement of the budget’s term.
Section 2 Committee and Officer Budgets
Individual committees and officers may petition for the approval of a sub-budget through a specific, itemized request submitted three (3) days prior to the budget’s scheduled proposal to the Chapter. Individual budget requests shall, in all cases, automatically become an addendum to the proposed budget and need not be approved separately.
Section 3 Dues and Fees
All members shall be required to pay the individual dues amounts and fees required by anapproved budget for the term of that budget by the seventh (7th) day of the academic term.
Section 4 Invoices
Members shall not be required to pay any dues, fees, or assessments for which they are not given thirty (30) days notice by electronic mail.