Dummy Pronouns Worksheet
The sentences below are missing dummy pronouns. In pairs, add in the dummy pronouns and circle which type the sentence describes: weather, distance, time, or value judgment.
1. Is after 8 already?
weather distance time value judgment
2. According to dentists, is important to floss daily.
weather distance time value judgment
3. Is raining hard outside. Will not stop until tonight.
weather distance time value judgment
4. Is true that all bears hibernate?
weather distance time value judgment
5. Is a short walk to the beach from here.
weather distance time value judgment
6. Is 10:00pm. Is getting late.
weather distance time value judgment
7. Is cold outside?
weather distance time value judgment
8. Is a long drive across town?
weather distance time value judgment
9. Is a good idea to study long before an exam.
weather distance time value judgment
Dummy Pronouns Worksheet
Exercise Key
1. Is it after 8 already? (Time)
2. According to dentists, it is important to floss daily. (Value judgment)
3. It is raining hard outside. It will not stop until tonight. (Weather).
4. Is it true that all bears hibernate? (Value judgment)
5. It is a short walk to the beach from here. (Distance)
6. It is 10:00pm. It is getting late. (Time)
7. Is it cold outside? (Weather)
8. Is it a long drive across town? (Distance)
9. It is a good idea to study long before an exam. (Value judgment)