Annual Report
MNA Regional Council 4
September 2015
Chair Patricia Comeau, Methuen School Nurses
Vice Chair Brian Zahn, Lawrence Public Health Chair
Treasurer David Guiney, Tewksbury Hospital DPH Chair, Unit 7 representative
Secretary Maureen Travis, Wilmington School Nurses Chair
Other Members of Regional Council
Gayle Burke, Holy Family Hospital Co-Chair
Jeanine Burns/Mary Keller, Northeast Hospital Co-Chairs (Beverly and Addison Gilbert Hospitals)
Elizabeth Collins, Beverly Hospital
Lisa Cyr-Wilmot/Christine Campbell, Anna Jaques Hospital Co-Chairs
Sarah Dedrick, Methuen School Nurses Chair
Jane Emery/Laureen Opolski, Merrimack Valley Hospital Co-Chairs
Tracy Fernald, Bedford Public Health Chair
Judith Gross, Retired, Addison Gilbert Hospital
Diane Lee, Lawrence General Hospital Chair
Kay Marshall, Anna Jaques Hospital, MNA Board of Directors Liaison
Tammy Normand, Gloucester School Nurses Chair
Norma Ouellette, Lawrence General Hospital
Kathy Schevis/Kellie O’Brien, NSMC Salem Hospital Co-Chairs
Doreen Swartz, Haverhill School Nurses Chair
Staff: Ryan Berard, Community Organizer
Peggy O’Malley, Office Manager
We thank Aline Smith, a Salem Hospital ICU nurse, for serving as an At-Large member on our Regional Council.
Activities and Accomplishments2014-2015
Reimbursement of Continuing Education and Certification
In the entire 2014 fiscal year (ending June 30, 2014), we reimbursed 121 members a total of $10,635.
In just the first six months of fiscal year 2015, we reimbursed 88 members a total of $7,425 before the benefit ended in accordance with the decision made at Regional Summit meetings. We shared with the leadership of other regions and MNA our members’ unanimously critical comments about the elimination of this popular benefit.
MNA Continuing Education Programs
All six of our Region 4 CE programs were extremely well-attended and well-received. We had 170 members attend the “Street Drugs” program, presented by Region 4 member and MNA Associate DirectorCharlene Richardson. Attendance at our Region 4 CE programs regularly exceeds 100 members. This past year, participants have come from the following 30 facilities:
Addison Gilbert Hospital
Anna Jaques Hospital
Allied Health
Beverly Hospital
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Cambridge Hospital
Chelsea Soldiers Home
Dental Solutions Staffing Agency
Genesis Twin Oaks
Gloucester School Nurses
Harvard Vanguard
Haverhill School Nurses
Lawrence General Hospital
Lemuel Shattuck Hospital
Massachusetts Department of Development Services
Hogan Regional Center
Northeast Region, Hathorne Unit
Massachusetts Department of Public Health
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary
Massachusetts General Hospital
Methuen School Nurses
Merrimack Valley Hospital
Northeast Physicians Hospital Organization
Newton-Wellesley Hospital
North Shore Medical Center/Salem Hospital
St. Elizabeth’s Hospital
Tewksbury High School
Tewksbury Hospital
Tufts Medical Center
Whidden Hospital
Wilmington School Nurses
These programs are planned by the Regional Council in collaboration with MNA Associate DirectorMary Sue Howlett of the MNA Nursing Division based upon input from our members.
We thank Norma Ouellette, Chairand the other members of the Region 4 EducationCommittee for their many years of dedication to presenting CE programs that educate our members. The Regional Summit recently decided that this work will now be done through the MNA Associate Directors working directly with the Regional Councils, rather than Education Committees.
MNA Labor School
In the spring, 22 Region 4 members, from many different bargaining units, attended morning and evening classes of Labor School Track 2, “Role of the Floor Representative, Grievances and Arbitration” taught by Joe Twarog. Joe will next offer Track 5, “Labor Law and Special Topics” beginning on September 28.
Region 4 Scholarships
In August, Region 4 donated $10,615 toward the $50,000 collected from all 5 Regions to fund scholarships for MNA Members and Children of Members who are pursuing education in nursing or a health care profession. There were 13 Region 4 applicants this year. Congratulations to the nine who were awarded scholarships.
Caitlin Connors, $2,000 for Masters of Public Health
Stephanie Fairbanks, $2,000 for Masters in Nursing (MSN)
Kathleen Murphy, $2,000 for DNP (doctorate in nursing)
Andrea MacDonald, $1,000 for MSN
Children of Region 4 Members
Yonnie Collins, $1,000 for EP/DPT
Joel Emmott, $1,000 for BSN
Sarah Foss, $1,000 for MSW
Meghan Sparkas, $1,000 for BSN
Savannah Sullivan, $1,000 for BSN.
Collective Bargaining
Regional Council 4 has allocated $105,000 of our Region 4 Reserves to provide direct financial support to our 13 bargaining units. Funds can be used by local leaders for any activities that fall into one of these four broad categories: education, political organizing, member involvement, and support for collective bargaining. Bargaining units with fewer than 75 members can access up to $5,000. Units with 75 or more members can access up to $10,000.
Local bargaining unit committees hold meetings at our office which also provided a welcoming and confidential space for meetings between bargaining unit members, MNA Labor Associate Directors and legal counsel in preparation for grievance arbitrations.
The elected leaders of our 13 bargaining units meet monthly at Regional Council 4. They work every single day, all unpaid, to protect the rights and professional practice of colleagues as well as our patients. In addition to these leaders, there are four At-Large seats on the Council, on which any Region 4 member can serve.
The monthly meetings of Regional Council 4 provide the forum to learn what is happening in each of our bargaining units, to provide mutual support, and to strategize on how best represent our members. The #1 issue remains unsafe staffing, including inadequate staff for high patient volume in all units but particularly in EDs, and management’s continuing use of mandatory overtime as a regular staffing tool.
Our efforts are strengthened by Region 4 members participating in the MNA Annual Meeting during Convention. To foster that, we fund up to $250 in reimbursement to Region 4 members to attend Convention. Last year, 24 members received this benefit.
Regional Council 4 leaders participated in two “Regional Summit” meetingsin 2015 with leaders of the MNA Regions and MNA President Donna Kelly Williams to discuss issues affecting all five Regions and our members. We have recently finalized one Regional Convention Benefit, and application,for $250 reimbursement of our member expenses.
We welcome our future leaders, nursing students, to Region 4:
-RNs in the BSN nursing program at UMass/Lowell who come to Regional Council 4 meetings to witness leadership by staff nurses, learn about the benefits of collective bargaining, and engage in open discussions about our shared goals.
-Local leaders of the Massachusetts Student Nurses Association participate in their statewide MASNA meetings via videoconference from the Region 4 office.
Legislation and Political Action
Region 4 members had a busy year participating in a number of important actions and activities.
-Members made several trips to the state house to lobby legislators on our many bills. We had meetings with newly elected members of the Massachusetts House of Representatives, Representative Paul Tucker ofSalem and Representative Brendan Crighton of Lynn.
-Members also went on trips to Washington, DC to participate in actions for DC and Veterans Administration nurses, as well as to meet with our Representatives and Senators about the federal safe staffing bill and the Robin Hood Tax with National Nurses United.
-Back at home, nurses from our region also participated in solidarity actions with other local unions, attended this year’s Merrimack Valley Central Labor Council breakfast, many events sponsored by the North Shore Labor Council, and actions that celebrated the 50th anniversary of the passage of Medicare.
-Jim Winnett, a nurse at Whidden Hospital, is our delegate to the North Shore Labor Council whose members have been tireless in their support of safe staffing legislation. Last fall, the Council interviewed candidates for Congress. He reported that then-candidate (now Congressman) Seth Moulton said he did not support safe staffing legislation because he “had some experience in health care and believes the law will stifle innovation”. We have some work to do.
-Our members attended, and in some cases provided testimony, at all of the Boston meetings of the Health Policy Commission on the development of regulations on ICU nurse staffing on October 29, March 25, November 19, May 20 and June 10.
-We also attended the legislative hearing of the Joint Committee on Labor and Commerce on July 21 on MNA’s Workplace Violence Prevention bill.
With the Massachusetts Legislature still scheduling hearings on our MNA bills, Region 4 members are looking forward to another busy and productive year of advocating for the critical causes in which we believe.
Community Outreach
During the holiday season, Region 4 members hand-delivered $500 checks to each of these community organizations: Bread and Roses in Lawrence, Cape Ann Food Pantry/Open Doorin Gloucester, My Brothers Table in Lynn, the Merrimack Valley Food Bank in Lowell, and The Santa Fund (Salvation Army) of the Lawrence Eagle Tribune. The work done by each of these organizations is tremendous. We urge our members to help them out in any way possible.
Region 4 continues to collecthats, scarves, mittens and gloves for school-age kids and teens. Many of theseare handmade. All through the winter we deliver them to nurses in our five MNA school nurse bargaining units and the Lawrence Public Health Department.
FY 2015 Operating Income and Expenses
Region 4 had an operating surplusover$14,500 and an overall surplus nearly $23,500 for the fiscal year 2015
(July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015). See details below.
Operating Income
Dues $128,903
Interest and Dividends +$ 5,244
Total operating income = $134,146
Non-Operating Income
Market adjustment +$ 8,961(We cannot include this income in our budget because the amountis unknown until the fiscal ______year ends.)
Total Income =$143,107
Salary/benefits $47,479
Scholarships 9,500
Electricity 3,000
Maintenance/Office cleaning 1,299
Office supplies 122
Telephone/Internet 2,555
Photocopy 395
Miscellaneous 198
Bank fees 2,623
Depreciation 1,172
Convention 3,693
Member CE/Certificationreimbursements 7,425
Postage 116
Stipends to Regional Council officers 4,000
Contributions 2,700
Rent on Lynnfield office 30,000
Regional Committee Meetings 193
Regional Council Meetings 2,473
Region 4 Pens 696
Total Expenses $119,639
NET INCOME $ 23,468
Region 4Reserve Fund
Over many decades, the Region 4 membership hasaccumulated significant reserve funds (savings)from operating surpluses in previous decades. After years of careful investment by Regional Council 4, the fund amounted to nearly $263,000 on June 30, 2015, an increase of $20,000 from the previous year.
As noted above, Regional Council plans to distribute a significant portion of our reserves to our bargaining units to pay for local member services, benefits, activities as determined by each of our bargaining units.
In June, we negotiated a new 5-year leaseon our Lynnfield office with no increase in rent for three years.
Our Treasurer, David Guiney, was nominated by Regional Council 4 to serve on the MNA Finance Committee and he was appointed. David has also been appointed Treasurer of the MNA Unit 7 Executive Board, the committee which represents all the nurses and health care professionals who work for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Goals for 2015-2016
Increase the active participation of Region 4 members in the work of our bargaining units, our Region and MNA, our union and professional association.
Fully implement and evaluate the distribution of reserve funds to our collective bargaining units,
Expand Labor Education of more of our members,
Sponsor a “Get to know your legislators” event for all Region 4 members,
Conduct an on-line survey to assess the unique and common needs of each of our bargaining units and our members so that those needs can be addressed through our Region.
Host an exciting Region 4 celebration of Nurses Week 2016.