Request for Proposals
Training Coordinator, McLean Little League
McLean Little League (MLL), of McLean, Virginia, is seeking to award a paid contract to one or more providers who offer training and related services to our athletes, coaches, and community of Little League baseball and softball players for the 2016 season (February through November).
Qualified candidates may be an individual or group. Applicants must detail their qualifications and experience in training Little League (ages 5-13) baseball players, softball players, and coaches. Candidates must provide threereferences whowill speak to the candidate’s credentials for the scope of work.
The selected candidate(s) must provide proof of insurance and submit to a criminal background check. The selected contractor must be available for player evaluations commencing in February 2016.
MLL requests candidates respond to the following suggested scope of work. Preference will be given to candidates who propose to satisfy the entire scope of work;however,candidates may propose less than the complete scope of work.
The format of each proposal should be an electronic document (e.g., Microsoft Word or Powerpoint), with separate pricing provided for each item in the scope of work. Please price each numbered and lettered item separately.
Proposals should be emailed no later than midnight January 29, 2016, to Josh Benner, Executive Vice President of MLL, at . Finalists will be interviewed by members of the MLL Board of Directors and a contract will be awarded in early February, 2016. Emailed questions will be answered until January 27th.
McLean Little League Specifications for Training Coordinator
Player Development
- Player Evaluations for AA, AAA, and Majors Baseball (Spring season only)
Task requires attendance at all baseball evaluation sessionsand subsequent submission of a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet with objective scores for all players eligible for baseball drafts.Evaluations are February 6, 18, 20, and 27. Contractor’s evaluation scores shall be provided to all managers to assist thebalanced selection of players. Contractor’s evaluations shall also be used to slot MLL athletes whose own parent manages or coaches.
- In-Season Skills Clinics
Task requires contractorplanning and executing skill-development clinics for MLL players of all levels. The goal of skills clinics are to develop players’ skills and sportsmanship, and promote the love for the game. Clinics are open to all registered MLL players (baseball and softball). Clinics must be staffed appropriately to ensure safe and meaningful interaction between players and coaches. The League provides a field and will send promotional emails to applicable MLL families. Contractor fees of up to $10 per player per session (with the exception of (c) below) may be imposed and said fees are to be collected directly by Contractor from the players at each clinic.
MLL Skills Clinics requirements/demands include:
- Contractor shall providing two one-hour sessions per week between April 10, 2016through May 15, 2016
- Contractor shall provide twoone-hour sessions per week from September 5, 2016, through October 31, 2016.
- Pre-Season Clinics
- Contractor shall provide at least two dedicated baseballpitching clinics during the month of March. Contractor may use MLL fields/bullpens, or (preferably) obtain an appropriate indoor facility.
- Contractor shall plan and coordinate (but not coach) four “free” one-hour pre-season sessions during the 2-weeks prior to Fall ball season for all registrants of Transition-Majors baseball. Contractor shall coordinate with baseball VPs and AAA and Majors Managers to volunteer as the coaches for clinic stations. Assume 20 hours to plan and coordinate these clinics.
Coach Development
- Coach’s Clinics:
Contractor shall:
- Plan, schedule, and run a mandatory on-field coaching clinic / model practice for managers and coaches (and their own kids), by level of play, from transition through AAA baseball and softball, prior to the first game of each season;
- Plan and schedule an on-field coaching clinic / model practice for managers and coaches for tee-ball and rookie ball. Work with MLL Board to coordinate instruction byMLL’s experiencedparent-coaches; and
- Coordinate Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) seminars before the beginning of Spring and Fall seasons.
- Contractor may elect to share/post video recordings of each clinic on the MLL training website. Recordings done by Contractor for MLL shall be the property of MLL.
- Contractor is expected to facilitate a manager and coach mentoring network andidentify experienced baseball and softball managers/coaches at each level of play who are willing to serve as mentors to new managers/coaches. Contractor should create, maintain and distribute a currentlist of able mentors for baseball and softball VPs to circulate to managers and coaches.
- Contractor is expected to lead or participate in team practices for Transition through Majors baseball and softball teams, when requested by the respective team managers. Contractor should assume each practice is 90 minutes in duration, including all preparation, travel, and field time. MLL will limit use of Contractor to two (2) practices per team, per season, unless authorized by the relevant baseball or softball VP.
Additional Activities:
- Summer Camps
MLL fields host summer camps approximately 7 weeks each summer. The League would like the training coordinator to schedule these camps with outside training organizations. In addition, each day of summer camps, the following need to be done: open bathrooms and snack bar, and close/lock-up.
- Sunday Field and Facilities Preparation rep and Cleanup (April 1 – July 15)
MLL uses its fields Sundays during the Spring seasonfrom about 10am to 5:30pm during the spring season for make-up games. Responsibilities for Contractor during said timeframe include opening the bathrooms, field prep for games, trash collection, closing, and any other duties outlined by the complex manager.
- If time and field/cage space allow, the training coordinator may offer private lessons to MLL players on Sundays.
Other Services:
Please specify any additional services proposed.
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