EDUC 205 C02 Fall 2006


EDUC 205 Section C01 SYLLABUS


3 credit hours


Class Schedule: Mon/Wed/Fri 10:00-11:00 Dr. Egbert

Office Hours: 9:00-11:00 T, TH Aspen, Bldg. Rm. 123

11:00-12:00/ 2:00-3:00pm M, W, F 732-6890


The College of Southern Idaho, a comprehensive community college, provides educational, social and cultural opportunities for a diverse population of South Central Idaho. In this rapidly changing world, CSI encourages our students to lead enriched, productive, and responsible lives.


My goal is to sequence and guide the reading and discussion as an ongoing intellectual activity. I will shape and direct dialogue, rise critical questions, pull threads of ideas together, make connections between earlier discussions and subsequent ones, and draw attention to important points. In short, I will orchestrate a set of readings in terms of some larger curricular design, relevancy of the “REAL- WORLD” of teaching.


Gargiulo, R.M., Parsons, R.D., Hinson, S.L. & Sardo-Brown, D. (2003).

Development/Individual Differences. Standford, CT: Thompson Learning,



Course Description: This course examines development/ individual differences as a basis for reflecting on learning. (This class includes Portfolio Entry: Individual Difference Student Profile. This class addresses Idaho Core Teacher Standards 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8.) Prerequisite: ENGL 101


·  Understand the difference between normal development and abnormal development.

·  Understand concepts relating to cognitive and moral development; behavioral and cognitive learning theories; and classroom management and discipline.

·  Identify characteristics related to 13 disabilities and Gifted and Talented students.

·  Discuss prevalence, origination, and contributing factors of disabilities and Gifted and Talented students.

·  Discuss school policies, practices, programs, and laws.

·  Discuss special education, how it affects, and is affected by parents, families, and ethnicity.


Principle 2: Knowledge of Human Development and Learning- The pre-service teacher

understands how students learn and develop, and provides opportunities that support their intellectual, social, and personal development.

Principle 3: Adapting Instruction for Individual Needs- The pre-service teacher understands

how students differ in their approaches to learning and creates instructional opportunities that are adapted to students with diverse needs.

Principle 4: Multiple Instructional Strategies- The pre- service teacher understands and uses a

variety of instructional strategies to develop students’ critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.

Principle 5: Classroom Motivation and Management Skills- The pre-service teacher

understands individual and group motivation and behavior and creates a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.

Principle 6: Communications Skills- The pre-service teacher uses a variety of communication

techniques to foster inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in and beyond the classroom.

Principle 8: Assessment of Student Learning- The pre-service teacher understands, uses, and

interprets formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and advance students

performance and to determine program effectiveness.

Student learning outcome / Assessment
1.  Students will demonstrate an understanding of normal child developmental stages and general aspects of 13 exceptionalities in children (ICTS 9).
2.  Students will discuss student learning styles, strategies, and group configurations for optimal classroom management (ICTS 2).
3.  Students will collect student learning data to interpret student individual differences (ICTS 9).
4.  Students will use systematic observation for gathering data to develop a student profile (ICTS 9).
5.  Students will demonstrate an understanding of how students learn and develop (ICTS 2).
6.  Students will identify opportunities that support student learning and development (ICTS 2).
7.  Students will demonstrate effective communication skills (ICTS 6). / Exam
Assignments, class discussion, exam using an instructor rubric
Assignments and class discussion evaluated using an instructor rubric
Individual Differences Student Profile Essay (portfolio entry) assessed using an holistic scoring rubric
Individual Differences Student Profile Essay (portfolio entry) assessed using an holistic scoring rubric
Individual Differences Student Profile Essay(portfolio entry) assessed using an holistic scoring rubric
Individual Differences Student Profile Essay (portfolio entry) assessed using an holistic scoring rubric

Fill in the chart below to keep track of your grade.

Possible / Check when done / Actual Points Earned / Percent % / Grade Earned
Exam 1 / 60
Exam 2 / 60
Exam 3 / 60
Exam 4 / 60
Exam 5 / 60
Critical Thinking / 15
Data Collection Outline / 30
Student Profile Essay / 50
Bonus: Attendance / 5
Video Critique (4) / 20
Attendance / 30
Participation / 30
Study Guide / 25
Course Evaluation / +5 bonus pts
Total Points / 505


Grading is a process to provide feedback, a method to assess progress, and a means to check for mastery. It is not to develop a bell curve, to bring about competition, or to reward and/or punish students.

Grading 90-100% = A Divide the number correct

Scale: 80-89.99% = B by the number total to get a

70- 79.99% = C percentage.

60- 69.99% = D

HONESTY POLICY______ If a student is suspected of cheating on an exam, plagiarizes on the book critique or ANY PAPER, I will give s/he a zero on that assignment.



Acknowledge and adhere to due dates for all assignments. Late papers and tests will receive an automatic reduction of 15% the first day late, an additional 5 points each day thereafter and will not be accepted two weeks after due date. Papers handed in after assigned class meeting will be subject to a reduction of 10% (same day).

End of term is Friday before finals. No papers will be accepted during finals week. Changes in course content maybe made by the instructor, so make sure you attend daily.


Read assigned chapter before class and be ready to discuss the assigned topic.


Attend class every day. Five attendance points will be deducted for each day missed. This policy is enforced to ensure that al students receive needed instruction, the building blocks to achieve a complete education, and develop habits of responsibility, accountability and punctuality. After the fifth day missed you must provide medical evidence or written verification of emergency to continue. If you cannot attend class on regular basis, my independent class is an option.

If you miss six consecutive hours of class, I will either drop you from the course or give you an F at my discretion. After five absences due to medical emergencies or sports, you will receive a grade no higher than a “C”. Student may be automatically dropped from class due to excessive absenteeism.

I will not supply notes. If you miss a day, you must get the notes from another student in class. Don’t come in late or work on homework from another class. If you are no participating, you are considered absent.


Students will learn the concept and skills stated in objectives. All students will complete requirements to the best of their ability the day they are due.


MEASURE STUDENTS LEARNING: Monitor, record, and provide time for mastery of information.

PROVIDE FOR DIFFERENT LEARNING STYLES: Expose students to several different types of assessments, teaching strategies and modalities.

RELEVANCY: Relate real life and real world experiences to classroom instruction.

FOLLOW general education requirements, Department Goals, and Education Standards.

ESTABLISH a positive, orderly, classroom climate that is conducive to learning.

COMMUNICATE expectations and scheduled absences.



There will be five tests comprised of multiple choice, matching, true and false. Make-up test be pre-arranged with the instructor only upon emergencies. Scantrons will be used, so record your answers with pencil. Information necessary for the exam will come directly from the book and lecture material.

Call in and make other arrangements prior to test in case of an emergency or illness. Students will still be subject to a 15% reduction in grade due to late penalty. If there is no emergency, there is no make-up test.


Students Profile

Part (1) Data Collection Outline (Section 1-5).

Part (2) Student Profile essay (Section 1-5).

The portfolio entries (data collection and essay) should be a minimum of three typed pages, double spaces, font 12, in APA (American Psychological Association) essay form on a word processor, saved to a disk to your hard drive. A hard copy will be submitted to the instructor. Grammar and spelling errors will be graded. I will not read a paper that is not proofread and in finished form. You will not have the opportunity to rewrite this paper. Do it right the first time. Include a cover sheet and information pertaining to two theorists, their names and concepts, which apply. Describe how they apply to the student you interviewed.


Each EDUC 205 student will spend (2 hours minimum) observing and/ or interviewing an ethnic or disabled student. You will type his or her observations according to specific guidelines, in outline form, which are provided in the study guide. This must include two theorists and their main ideas, pertaining to the individual who was interviewed. This student is preferably a friend or relative, and you will set up the interview yourself. It does not have to be directly in the school setting. This data collection information in outline form will be used to write the final essay. See study guide for outline.

Essay Directions:

Transform information to be included in essay format per date on syllabus. The paper is designed to give your reader an indication of your educational background concerning an individual with a disability or within a minority culture. (Do not write numbers and letters in your paper.) Analyze the student and record the data. Then write findings and suggestions in essay form. Use General Information, Physical Development, Cognitive Development, Socio-emotional Development, and Summary, Conclusion, and Implications as subtitles, which are flushed left and italicized. Capitalize the first letter of each word as shown and do not underline.

You should have a good understanding of educational pedagogy and have some teaching strategies mentioned in your paper that work in the classroom for effective instruction. As appropriate indicate theoretical reasoning, theorists (at least two), which supports your information and include your rationale for including it.

·  You should write this paper as if you are a professional, informing the lay public or professionals (principal, teacher, parent, daycare provider, etc.) regarding how their efforts could be improved.

·  Use at least (15) key terms from the textbook. Underline and bold these terms you use in your paper so it is easier for your reader to identify them.

·  Use educational terminology correctly. Don’t just use the terms; show that you know its proper use and make it clear to me.

·  Do not quote the textbook without including the Reference page (see APA format).

·  Write introductory paragraph including the individual’s disability and/or nationality.


You will receive 15 points for answering critical thinking questions, which will be handwritten on notebook paper. There will be three exercises throughout the course. Each assignment is worth 5 points to be done in class.

VIDEO CRITIQUE______ The paper will be written in note taking form discussing your opinion feelings, insights. First write your notes, and then add insight to the bottom, minimum one paragraph of insights. This information will not show up on a test directly. However, the information reinforces the book content. The notes will be worth five points each.

·  How does this video relate to this class?

·  What accommodation would you have to make in a regular classroom?

·  What adaptations would a teacher make to his/her lesson plan or assignment in reference to the problem?


Students are strongly encouraged to complete evaluations at the end of the course. Evaluations are very important to assist the teaching staff to continually improve the course. Evaluations are available online at: Evaluations open up two weeks prior to the end of the course. The last day to complete an evaluation is the last day of the course. During the time the evaluations are open, students can complete the course evaluations at their convenience from any computer with Internet access, including in the open lab in the Library and in the SUB. When students log in they should see the evaluations for the courses in which they are enrolled. Evaluations are anonymous. Filling out the evaluation should only take a few minutes. Your honest feedback is greatly appreciated!


Guidelines to Successful Writing

Writers Should also be Aware of the Following:

·  Every sentence needs a subject AND a verb, and subjects and verbs MUST agree.

·  Apostrophes must be placed properly to indicate possessives.

·  Papers should NOT be written in 2nd person (only use the words “you” when in a direct quote), nor should they be written using the imperative (when the reference of “you” is implied.)

·  Many words in English sound the same but have different meanings. You must u the correct spelling to convey y messages. Here are some examples:

o  There (place) their (possessive), They’re (they are)

o  Its ( possessive), it’s (It is)

o  To (preposition), too (also or excessively), two (2)

o  Then (time), than (comparison)

o  Your (possessive), you’re (you are)

o  Effect (noun = result; verb = to cause) affect (noun = emotion; verb = to influence)

It is Assumed That Your Paper is Your Original Work and Your Opinion, so:

·  To avoid making you paper to wordy, you must avoid phrases such as:

·  “I think that…”

·  “I feel that….”

·  “From my perspective…”

·  “It is my personal opinion that…”

Plagiarism is representing someone else’s work as your own. The penalty for plagiarism is zero credit for the work in question. When in doubt, provide references to sources. Use APA format and reference page. (See website:, directories E, Egbert, personal webpage. APA.)

·  You must quotation marks when quoting.

o  Periods and commas go inside closing quotation marks.

o  Colons, semicolons, and footnote numbers go outside closing quotation marks.