Dear members and parents,
All members who ride independently in walk, trot and canter and have attended at last two rallies in the previous year are eligible to attend camp.Members who are 9 may stay, 10yrs+ must stay, and younger members can stay with a parent. Camp will cost £150. A non-refundable deposit of £50 to be paid on returning this form by 31st May. The balance to be paid by the camp meeting on11th July in St Brides Hallat 7pm. Stabling will be limited and charged at £20 payable on booking.
All parents must read the rules and provisions for camp which can be found on the Dinas Powis website or from me.
In order to run camp we need lots of help with setting up, dismantling, pony supervision, child supervision(CRB required), transport and catering. We ask that each member attending has an adult to help with these jobs. Please could you give us a day to help during the week.
Camp will be set up at 10.30 on Saturday 23rd July and one evening during the week before. Lots of help is needed.
All members ponies should arrive between 2.30 and 3.30pm on Sunday.The Farrier will be on site at 3.30 pm to remove hind shoes of all poniesbeing turned out. If you prefer you can have your ponies shoes removed by your own farrier at home before hand. Mares and geldings are turned out in separate fields.
Would anyone with specific dietary requirements, eg vegetarian, please inform Clare Roberts?
Could we stress please that members should be properly turned out when mounted at Camp, to include a shirt, tie, Pony Club or school-type sweater, hairnet, gloves and body protectors where applicable (ie jumping). They may be refused admission to the ride if inappropriately dressed. A swimming session will be arranged for one evening so members are reminded to bring bathers. Evening activities may alter depending on weather.
Camp will be dismantled on the afternoon of Friday, 29th July and parents are requested to make arrangements to collect their children’s possessions between 3 – 4pm when prize giving will take place.
Anyone with any queries please speak to me. Please return the form to me
Clare Roberts
CAMP 24 – 29 JULY 2016
I agree to my son/daughter …………………………………… attending Camp 2016 at The Grange Peterson-super-Ely, and give permission for the Organiser/Instructor to take whatever action is necessary in the interests of my child or pony. I have read the rules and provisions for camp
Tel No. to contact
During those dates: Day: ………………………………….. Night ……………………………..
Doctor: ……………………………………………………………………………………………...
Date of last Tetanus injection …………….. Diet requirements …………………………………..
Any health condition, Asthma, etc ……………………………………………………………….
I will / will not need the CampFarrier** Delete as appropriate
My pony is a mare/gelding*
I would like to book a stable at £20*
I can help with: catering / supervision / transport on ………………………………………day.*
I enclose a non refundable £50 deposit
Signed …………………………….. Parent/Guardian