Post-Production Images and Finalized Content Are Required 2 Weeks Prior to Inventory Receipt
Your product information is broken down into standard fields such as Online Title, Online Long Description and Product Features 1-5. This ensures that everyone's products are presented in a consistent, standard format. It also ensure that our customers have a predictable, easy-to-browse experience with the products.
Unique product descriptions, professional photography, and search engine optimization are highly important. Online content must be well-written and presented to drive customers through organic searches to your product pages and give them a reason to buy.
After you add images and the required content fields in the Website Content Required queue, the Enterprise Content Management team reviews, validates and approves each item for online visibility using SEO-friendly style guide standards that help ensure brand consistency.
For products that will be displayed on, post-production images and customer-facing content are required at least two (2) weeks prior to the receipt of inventory in our online fulfillment centers. Requirements are denoted in the portal as an asterisk (*) next to the attribute name and are as follows:
Is This a Sellable UPC? / Select either Yes - This UPC is on the actual product for saleorNo - Shipping/Carton UPC and not for saleOnline Title / Incorporates brand, product type, size, color, character (20-120 characters)
Online Long Description / 255-2000 characters that highlight your product's most appealing features and gives the customer the right details to make a buying decision. Strategically placed SEO-friendly keywords help draw organic search traffic.
Product Features 1-5 / Well-written bullet points (up to 255 characters) are easy to view, easy to comprehend and aid customer in their search for the perfect product. These bullet points should inform, convince and aid the sales process.
Acceptable Image Types / Environment / Lifestyle / Model Shot / Out of Box / Packaged
Make Maximum Use of Brand Imagery and Video
Many products are more dependent on looks than function, so a photo communicates more effectively than copy. Grabbing a shopper’s eyes with great brand images helps increase conversions.Because an online shopper can’t touch or try on an item, you should supply them with visual information to convey color, size, style, shape and selection by using up to 5 product images. Striking product imagery can reduce purchase anxiety and increase conversion.
Use the following types of images:
- Environment or lifestyle shots
- Kids and adults interacting with a product
- Capture multiple views and angles to simulate viewing the product in person.
- Incorporate a package shot for collectible and gift boxed items
- Take advantage of the online zoom function with images that are at least 1000x1000 pixels
Pictures speak louder than words, but videos shout!
**Adding a video can increase the conversion rate by 64%**