Why don’t I see records for past appointments?

MYSFHEALTH only shows records from the date you signed up for an account. It does not show records or information from before you signed up for an account. If you want a complete copy of your medical record, please call medical records at 415-206-8622 or go to the medical records office on the 2nd floor of San Francisco General Hospital.

Why can’t I see all my test results on MYSFHEALTH?

Test results only appear in MYSFHEALTH after a provider has reviewed and released them. Some tests are not on MYSFHEALTH because of California law. These tests include HIV, Hepatitis, drug use tests, biopsies, and pap smears. Radiology test results will only include the provider summary of test results from the providers once they have been reviewed and released.

Why can’t I see my complete medical record on the MYSFHEALTH?

MYSFHEALTH only shows specific information. This includes medication lists, allergies, and certain test results. If you want a complete copy of your medical record, please call medical records at 415-206-8622 or go to the medical records office on the 2nd floor of San Francisco General Hospital.

How do I schedule/reschedule an appointment online with my primary care doctor?

Unfortunately, online scheduling through MYSFHEALTH is not available. We hope to have this feature available to you in the near future. To make or change appointments, please speak with your clinic. Other features such as emailing with your doctor, medication refills, and electronic bill payment are not available currently.

How can I change my contact info on the portal?

To update your information, call outpatient registration at 415-206-8487. You can also inform the front desk staff at the clinic when you have your next clinic appointment.

What do I do if I forget my username or password?

Return to the portal website mysfhealth.org. Click on the link just below the blue login button that says “Can’t access your account.” Choose the appropriate option and follow the prompts. You will receive an email with information on how to retrieve your username or password.

I registered for MYSFHEALTHat my primary care doctor’s office or the hospital. However, I never created the account.

Return to mysfhealth.org. Click on the link just below the blue login button that says “Can’t access your account.” Choose the option that says “Do not have an account.” You will then be asked to verify the same information you gave in the clinic when you registered. If the information provided matches, you will receive another emailwith instruction on how to create an account.

How do I change my password?

Once you are signed into MYSFHEALTH, click on the link in the upper right corner with your name. You will see a drop down. Choose settings. You will then see a screen that asks you to enter your old password and then you will enter your new password twice. This process resets your password.

I can’t find my outpatient clinic records. How do I view them?

If you have already signed up for MYSFHEALTHat your clinic, start by loggingin at mysfhealth.org. On the right side of the page, you will see a section titled “Linked Accounts.” There is a blue link below labeled “Go to Account.” Click on this link and you will see any available outpatient records. If you have not signed up for MYSFHEALTHat your primary care doctor’s office or signed up in the hospital only, you will need to let your clinic know that you want to see your clinic health records as well. Check with your doctor’s office at your next visit to see if your clinic is part of MYSFHEALTH.

What browser do I need to use MYSFHEALTH? Can I use my tablet or smartphone?

Any of the popular browsers should work including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, or Safari. As long as your tablet or smartphone connects to the internet, you should be able to use them to use MYSFHEALTH.

How secure is MYSFHEALTH?

When you submit personal and account information over our network, it’s protected by Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. It protectsall account information in MYSFHEALTH, making it nearly impossible for anyone other than you to findit. Additional security measures include the following: automatic sign-out after idle time, option to change your password anytime you would like, and firewall protection. Make sure to keep your username and password safe and do not share with others or leave your computer unattended with personal health information visible.

Updated 2/20/15