Melissa GibsonRoom 724
Dhara Javia Taylor Road
Math 7 Course Syllabus
Course Description
By the end of grade seven, students will understand and use rational numbers,including signed numbers; solve linear equations in one variable; sketch andconstruct plane figures; demonstrate understanding of transformations; useand apply properties of similarity; examine properties of geometric shapesin space; describe and sketch solid figures, including their cross-sections;represent and describe relationships between variables in tables, graphs, andformulas; analyze the characteristics of linear relationships; and represent andanalyze data using graphical displays,measures of central tendency, andmeasures of variation.
Projected Course Outline
1st Semester
Unit 1 Operations with Rational Number
Unit 2 Expressions and Equations
Unit 3 Ratios and Proportional Relationships
2nd Semester
Unit 4 Inferences
Unit 5 Geometry
Unit 6 Probability
Textbook and Required Materials
- Prentice Hall Mathematics course 2 ($56.47)
- Students will use scientific calculators and protractors throughout the year. They may supply their own, labeled with their name, or may use a calculator or protractor provided by the school.
- Students must bring the following to class everyday:
Notebook paper and composition book
1 ½ inch, three ring binder
Homework will be assigned nightly. Students are expected to show all work for each problem given. Failure to show all work will result in points being deducted from their homework grade. Homework is due on the following day it was assigned, unless told otherwise. Students are responsible for recording homework assignments in their math notebook and agendas.
** Notebook checks will occur periodically
Make-up Work
Upon returning to school following an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher to request make-up work. The students must complete make-up work within the time specified by the teacher. At TaylorRoadMiddle School, the student will be given the same amount of time to make up the work as the student was absent unless other arrangements are mutually agreed upon. The student will receive the actual grade on the make-up work if the absence was “excused”. Make-up work submitted late will receive partial credit.
Graded Tests/ Assignments
Assignments and tests will be graded and returned to students in a timely manner. Students must make up all missed tests and assignments. Assignments that are turned in one day late will receive a maximum of 75%. After one-day late extension, students will receive a 50%.
Recovery Policy
Recovery Policy is an opportunity for students to recover from a failing or low ( 73 or below) cumulative grade in a particular subject. It isallowed for students who have completed all required work and is assigned. It is allowed for students who have demonstrated effort and attended school, but have failed to achieve success. A student may request recovery work only once per nine-week time period. Students should contact the teacher concerning recovery opportunities. Teachers will establish a reasonable time period for recovery work to be completed during the semester. All recovery work much be completed prior to the last 10 days of each nine week period.
Extra Help
Help will be provided during 4th period REAL time. Students may also talk to the teacher about help before school (8:00-8:30A.M.).
Parents Communication
Parents can communicate with me via e-mail, notes in student agendas, or by phone.
Classroom Rules/Expectations
Students are expected to follow the dress code, be punctual, be prepared, be attentive, and participate actively in class. There is not chewing of gum in class. All math is to be completed in pencil. Student will receive a detention if they receive 3 strikes for inappropriate behavior.
Grading / FultonCounty Grading ScaleHomework Completion / 10% / 90 and above / A
Class Work / 20% / 80-89 / B
Quizzes / 30% / 70-79 / C
Tests/Projects / 40% / Below 70 / F*
*Any grade below 70 is failing
Parent Signature ______Student Signature ______Date ______
* Policies are subject to change as warranted.