[Subtitle of the Proposal]
*[Affiliation/Professional denomination, City, Country]
*[contact email (confidential)]
[Second Author
Affiliation/Professional denomination, City, Country
contact email (confidential)]
[In a few words, describe in what consists your presentation as precisely as you can. For example, installation with objects, stereo sound and double video projection; paper on urbanism with PowerPoint/Keynote slides and video clips; concert for piano and live electronics, etc.]
*Presentation Format
[Choose a format suitable to your presentation from the following currently in use at the conference:
- coLab. A discussion panel, a collaborative presentation or workshop involving the conference public. Variable time
- concert. A live music performance. Variable time
- encounter. An artist talk or informal presentation typicallyrelating towork that is exhibited, screened, reproduced or performed at the conference. Max. 30 min
- from afar. A presentation delivered using a video conferencing service (subject to prior agreement)
- listening. Music or sound reproduced on a listening station. Ongoing during the conference.
- on paper. A standard conference paper with/out audio-visual support. 20 min + 10 min Q&A
- on screen. A film or video screening, or a digital artwork accessible from a computer station. Ongoing during the conference.
- on view. An exhibition of artworks, objects or posters. Ongoing during the conference
- performed. A lecture-performance or performance. Variable time
Alternatively, if your proposal doesn’t seem to fit any of the formats, suggest how a format needs modifying or a new format.]
*Abstract or Artist Statement
[Between 300 and 500 words written in English (UK spelling).
Artist statements are expected to be longer than abstracts for presentations “on paper” as they also need to:
- describe the main features of the presentation at the conference (expands the description at the beginning)
- list the requirements for its practical realisation (dimensions, duration, technical equipment, lightning, instruments, etc.)
Authors should make sure that the abstract or artist statement shows meets the followingrequirements:
- your presentation is pertinent to the conference topic.
- your presentation has an organicrelation (not just instrumental) to Deleuze and his world.The expression ‘Deleuze’s world’ was first introduced by Manuel DeLanda in Intensive Science and Virtual Philosophy (2002) and we use it here referring to the extensive rhizome of friendships, collaborations, references, etc. that traverse Deleuze’s historical and conceptual persona.
- your presentation isimportant for artistic research and art practice. ‘Importance’ refers not only to possible epistemic implications, but especially to the perspective that the proposal adoptsin regard to artistic research and art practice and to the values that the proposal brings to those practices]
[A list of five key words or phrases that closely describe the content of your presentation (not only the abstract). These words will be used as suggestions to the editors when indexing your presentation for the DARE archive.]
[Abstracts and artist statements do not usually have references, although sometimes, an in-line citation (author year, page) with end reference to a key source may be useful. In general, this optional section is intended to give a sample bibliography of the sources that you will use in your final paper and integrate in itslist of works cited. Use Chicago Style, if possible.]
List of Media
[This optional section fulfils the same function as the previous for images, audio and video sources.Please, do not insert any images in the text or send media files with your proposal. Instead, create a list of references with links to the fileon a file hosting service (Dropbox, Google Drive, One Drive, Box, etc.), sharing platform (You Tube, Vimeo, Sound Cloud, etc.), repository (institutional, Research Catalogue, Fig Share, etc.) or website. Please note that this material is not meant for publication at this stage.]
*About the author/s
[For each author of the proposal listed above in alphabetical order,providea short biography or personal introductionof about 150 wordswritten in English. You may add ashort paragraph or list of publications, exhibitions, performances.]
[A work email address that will be published with the abstract or artist statement]
[Linksto a work or personal website, a repository, a sharing platform etc.]
[Note. Sections marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. Please delete the text between square brackets when you are ready to submit. If you have questions regarding any aspect of your paper, please contact: editorial [AT] dareconferences.org]