State of Minnesota Joint Powers Board
Sibley County Sibley & Nicollet Counties
RUSH RIVER TMDL PROJECT Proceeding – January9th 2013
In Attendance:
The following board members were present at the meeting; Sibley County Commissioners Bill Pinske, Jim Swanson, and Jim Nytes; Watershed Technician Ron Otto, and Watershed Projects Coordinator Brady Swanson.
The meeting was called to order by Chair Bill Pinske at 9:00 a.m.
A motion was made byCommissioner Nytes and seconded by Commissioner Swanson to approve the minutes from the October 19th, 2012 Rush River Joint Powers Board meetings. Motion carried.
Brady Swanson summarized the budget totals for the project to this point. He explained that each of the work plan’s sub elements was exercised since the last meeting, with the exception of sub element #2 for point source BMPs.
With element #1 (i.e. non-point source BMPs) and element #6 (i.e. technical assistance) seeing the largest expenditures since the last meeting, Commissioner Swanson inquired as to how these elements were broken down. Brady explained to the board that each element is comprised of several sub elements in which specific details, and funding allocations, are outlined within the work plan. In the case of element #1, specific BMPs and objective are described with appropriate funding to complete a specific number of projects over the course of the TMDL.
Best Management Practices
Ron Otto gave an over view of the Best Management Practices put in place during 2012. A total of 16 rock tile inlets were installed, one open inlet was removed, one clean water diversion was installed, 25.9 acres of land were enrolled in pasture management, and the clay liner of an earthen basin manure lagoon was repaired.
Education and Outreach Activities
Brady summarized the public outreach and educational activities since the last JPB meeting. He noted that staff had held a sub-surface sewage treatment system (SSTS) workshop on November 20th. The workshop was setup to have small informational presentations regarding watershed health, loan funding and process, county permitting and compliance, and system maintenance. Presenters included Brady Swanson, Ron Otto, Jeff Majeski (Sibley Environmental Services), and Bob Billiet (Sibley SSTS Inspector). Land owners were notified of this meeting through public news releases in the local papers, advertisement in the quarterly River Watcher newsletter, and direct mailings to all individuals who had upgraded an SST system since 2004.
Other educational and outreach activities discussed included the quarterly River Watcher newsletter and annual watershed calendar. Brady explained that he had begun to utilize county printing resources for the River Watcher newsletter instead of outsourcing the printing. By doing so, Brady explained that he was able to save nearly $400 in printing costs for each mailing event. This will save the watershed projects $1,600 in printing expenses each year.
The annual watershed photo calendar contest had concluded and 40 calendars were printed for each watershed. Interest in these calendars remained high as in years past and most of them were distributed within days after printing. These calendars include photos taken by local residents from around the watersheds, as well as watershed/BMP information in the margins of each month.
Old Business
A brief summary of the previously held Technical Committee meeting was given by Brady Swanson. This meeting approved payment for numerous tile inlet alternatives as well as discussion on projects that could potentially be completed during the upcoming construction season if landowners follow through with plans. Furthermore, a brief discussion regarding TMDL work plan changes took place. With the small number of BMP projects eligible for cost sharing, the watershed staff is looking into ways to expand the number of fecal coliform addressing BMPs in which they could add into the work plan. As of this point, the small number of available projects is the primary reason in which BMPs are not being implemented at the rates seen during previous grant projects.
New Business
Brady Swanson presented to the board the 2013 DNR flow contracts. He explained that these are contracts that the watershed project signs with the DNR each year in order for stream gauging. Commissioner Swanson moved that the board should approve the signing of the contract, and Commissioner Nytes seconded the motion. With no further discussion, the motion to sign the 2013 DNR flow contracts carried. Commissioner Pinske inquired whether or not there are changes made to monitoring plans during drought conditions such as those experienced in 2012. Brady explained that the MPCA sampling protocols are set up for event based monitoring and that sample collection does slow down when no precipitation events occur.
The next item of new business in which Brady Swanson brought forth was in regard to the Board of Water and Soil Resources Clean Water Partnership Technical Assistance Grant. This funding source had unspent monies which needed to be returned to the state at the end of the 2012 fiscal year. This funding was never originally contracted to last the entire duration of the TMDL project, and a one year extension had also been utilized to keep these funds available.
The final pieces of new business were the MPCA semi annual reports and BWSR technical assistance grant final report which are due on February 1st. Brady informed the board that he had already begun work on these reports and would have no issues finishing them well before the deadlines.
Other Business/Questions
No other business or questions were brought forth.
Since the last JPB meeting, coordinator Swanson had attended the following meetings: (3) Sibley County Soil and Water Conservation District meetings, a Lake Titlow Committee meeting, U.S. Geologic Atlas meeting, and held a Technical Committee meeting and SSTS workshop.
Scheduling of Next Meeting Date
The next Joint Powers Board meeting is scheduled in the Commissioner’s Room located in the Sibley County Courthouse for Wednesday, April10th, 2013 starting at 9:00 a.m.
A motion was made by Commissioner Pinske and seconded by Commissioner Nytes to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:30 a.m.
Rush River TMDL Project
Joint Powers Board
Sibley & Nicollet Counties
Attest: ______
Secretary / Treasurer Chair of the Joint Powers Board