Food Technology

All pupils: Pupils are to design and make a child friendly instruction booklet for a piece of kitchen equipment e.g cooker, bread maker, microwave etc to encourage children to do more cooking. Pupils have been given a paper copy of the taskas well as it being on the school network.

Modern Foreign Languages

Year 7 French

powerpoint giving instructions for a poster about famous French people

Year 8 French

powerpoint giving instructions for a poster about famous French people

Year 9 French

powerpoint giving instructions for a poster about Paris

Italian (Mrs Nichols' classes)

Yr 8: Make a menu in Italian containing drinks and snacks and prices (using vocab provided)

Yr 9: Make a leaflet advertising a house that is for sale/rent (using a number of key expressions provided)

8A: Make a menu in Italian containing drinks and snacks and prices (using vocab provided)

8B: Draw a family tree with your family in Italian, and write 8 sentences to describe it.

Yr 9: Make a leaflet advertising a house that is for sale/rent (using a number of key expressions provided)


Year 8 are to create a poster of something 'Spanish' which could be famous people, footballers or holiday regions.

Year 9 are to produce a recipe in Spanish highlighting the main ingredients and the stages of cooking for a typical Spanish meal or they can prepare that meal, take a photograph as proof and write a brief description in English of what it tasted like and whether they enjoyed making it or not.


Y8 and Y9: aresearch project about a German athlete or famous person past or present, reiterated in a powerpoint with suggestions and ideas on the VLE.


Year 7 will be doing different tasks dependent on the teacher that they have. Some will be researching graphics, techniquesand file types, others have a DTP task or a database to investigate.

The year 8 and 9 students will be researching, collectingand evaluating graphics based around promoting chocolates.


Year 7s will receive a literacy homework pack of basic English skills

Year 8 have to design and make a board game to teach younger students their tables

Year 9s have a literacy homework pack.


Year 7 – Task sheet on ‘Crazy Creature’ Textile Artists.

Year 8 – Task sheet on researching African (Kenyan) culture.

Year 9 – Task sheet linked to website on Artist Beatrice Coron : Stories Cut from Paper.


For years 7, 8 and 9 there is a listening worksheet with accompanying music to listen to on the VLE.


Year 7: Brazil Booklet

Year 8: Volcanoes Booklet

Year 9: Climate Change Booklet.

Design Technology

All pupils:Analysis of an everydayproduct. Every pupil has a hard copy and they have been shown where to find it on the school web page.


Year 7: Worksheet on the Battle of Hastings

Year 8: Source exercise on the Bubonic Plague

Year 9: Source exercise on Hitler's rise to power


See school web site for further details


See school web site for further details


See school web site for further details


See school web site for further details