29 April 2014
Congratulations and Welcome to the Beaver Battalion.
As the Commanding Officer of the Oregon State University Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps Unit, it is my pleasure to welcome you as a member of the Class of 2018. Our class is just beginning to take shape as scholarship notifications and university letters of acceptance are received and the unit is notified of those enrolling at Oregon State University (OSU) with the goal of earning a commission in the Navy or Marine Corps. As the class forms we will send you an updated information packet with forms that must be completed. All of this information should be available on our website ( over the summer as well as other helpful information. Three items that should be particularly helpful are the NSO Checklist, the FAQs, and the Physical Readiness Guide. These can all be found on the Prospective Students tab under the New Student Orientation (NSO) link.
In order to ensure that you have a great start as a midshipman at OSU, please remember the following:
- NSO begins on Friday, 19 September 2014. Report time has not yet been determined. Attendance at NSO is highly encouraged, but not mandatory. All NSO activities are planned for either on campus or in the immediate, surrounding area. The NSO program is designed to provide as much of the necessary orientation to the NROTC program as possible before non-NROTC freshmen move into the dorms on Tuesday and Wednesday, 23-24 September. New midshipmen will fully participate in all OSU freshman orientation activities (OSU CONNECT) and NROTC NSO should not conflict with these events. NSO concludes with a swearing in ceremony on Friday, 26 September followed by a cookout at the Naval Armory. Family and friends are encouraged to join us for both the ceremony and the cookout.
- During NSO, midshipmen will live in the same dorm rooms that they will have during the academic year and will eat most meals at the OSU dining halls. Ms. Plagmann, our OSU State Secretary,willarrange forearly move-in with OSU Housing and Dining. Midshipmen should request “early move-in” on their application and be prepared to pay for early move-in cost of $18 per night for four to five nights. We hope to subsidize meal costs, but our budget for next year has not been released as of this week, so no decision can be made. However, if meal or room costs for NSO may prevent your attendance, please contact the unit as early as possible, as we do have some scholarship money provided by alumni, so that no student should miss NSO for financial reasons.
- I strongly encourage midshipmen to live in Finley Hall, which is across Washington Way from the Naval Armory. Many first-year midshipmen, as well as Army and Air Force ROTC cadets, live in Finley Hall. It is close to the unit, as well as to dining and recreational facilities, and many of the students living in Finley Hall will have a similar schedule. I recommend living with another midshipman or cadet because they have similar lifestyles and schedules and will be up early and tired at the end of the day. However, there is no requirement for NROTC students to live in Finley Hall,we have just found that most midshipmen find that living with those who have similar schedules are more successful and enjoy the experience.
- No student may participate in the program without medical clearance. For Scholarship program students, a Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board (DODMERB) physical must either be completed with a finding of physically qualified (PQ), or must be in the process of being completed due to follow up requirements from the initial DODMERB physical. If a DODMERB physical has been completed with a finding of Physically Qualified (PQ), nothing more is required. If the DODMERB physical is in progress, or if you are a College program (non-scholarship) student, you must complete a medical history and the equivalent of a High School Sports Physical sometime after 1 June 2014 and have a release to participate in physical activity without limitations. A scholarship cannot be activated without a completed DODMERB physical with a finding of PQ.
- Prospective midshipmen are expected to be physically fit on arrival. This includes meeting the Navy height/weight standards and being prepared to take the Navy Physical Readiness Test (PRT) or the Marine Corps Physical Fitness Test (PFT) on Saturday, 20 September. For the Navy midshipmen, the PRT consists of maximum pushups, maximum situps and a 1.5 mile run. For USMC midshipmen the PFT consists of maximum pullups, maximum situps, and a 3.0 mile run. You must be medically cleared and meet height/weight standards to take the PRT/ PFT, and you must meet all physical fitness requirements to receive scholarship benefits. Midshipmen will also take a swimming test during NSO.
- Drug and alcohol abuse is a common societal problem that harms the Navy and will not be tolerated. This includes underage drinking and the abuse of prescription medications. Expect to take a drug test on the first day of NSO or upon reporting to the unit.
- You will be assigned a mentor, who is a current member of the battalion, during the first week of school based on common interests, majors, etc. If you wish to talk to a current or former student between now and September to learn more about life as a midshipman, please contact the unit and we will arrange for a student or recently commissioned Ensign to contact you.
- Plan on some assigned reading over the summer. Titles have not yet been determined, but build some reading time into your summer schedule for some topics such as Naval History, Leadership, and “How to Succeed in College.” Titles and requirements will be announced sometime in June if not earlier.
- We will provide more guidance as the school year ends and over the summer. Please monitor the website. You will need to bring some forms and information to NSO. A complete list will be provided at a later date. Additional information will include your original birth certificate (we will make and certify a copy and return the original to you), immunization record, and health insurance information.
- During your time as a midshipman, we will treat you as an adult and many things that were done for you in the past by others will become your responsibility. We do not discuss your status, grades, finances, or other issues with your parents or guardians without your permission unless you are under the age of 18. That means that you are responsible for your finances, completing the various forms, providing information, and keeping your parents up to date on your NROTC experience. Balancing your privacy rights,as well as with keeping parents and guardians informed is a challenge at times, so it is your responsibility to keep your parents informed as well as to meet the administrative requirements necessary to join the unit in September. As a first step, I strongly encourage you to share this letter and other correspondence with your parents.
You received this letter because we are expecting you at OSU in the fall and plan on you joining the OSU NROTC Unit. If you have decided otherwise, please contact us immediately to inform us of your change in plans. If you are a Scholarship student, you will also need to contact NROTC Headquarters in Pensacola, Florida to decline your scholarship. Failure to do so may prevent another student from being placed at OSU.
Best wishes as you complete your senior year in High School and congratulations on your record of achievement. If you need any assistance, please contact our freshman class Advisor, LT Ben Kyler at 541-737-5620 (email: ), or OSU State Secretary, Ms. Sue Plagmann at 541-737-6289 (email: ).
R. K. Wood
Commanding Officer