Detailed System Design

Document Review and Change Summary
Review Date / Brief Summary of Changes
From Prior Version / Document
Version 1.0
12/08/05 / §  Original / Interface Team
Version 1.1
02/07/05 / §  Modified – to be used for Meter Postage Only / Interface Team & OSC
Version 1.2
03/14/06 / §  Updated XML to agree with mapping. Also removed DOC_CREA_USID from Vendor and Accounting components since not required. / Interface Team & OSC
Version 1.3
04/18/2006 / §  Updated Event Type to be INM8 / Interface Team & OSC
Version 1.4
05/03/2006 / §  As a result of problems loading test file, it was determined that the dollar amount on the vendor line should be mapped to VL_ACTU_AM rather than VL_AM / Interface Team
Testing Team

MFASISIET: Internal Exchange Transaction (IET)

Table of Contents

1. Overview 3

1.1. Document Definitions and Naming Conventions 3

1.2. Document Usage 5

1.3. Logical Document Component Structure 6

2. Publishable Specification 7

2.1. Transaction Layout: IET 7

2.1.1 Document Prefixes 7

2.1.2 DOC_ID standard 8

2.1.3 IET AMS_DOCUMENT root element attributes 9

2.1.4 JV Document Component: IET_DOC_HDR 10

2.1.5 JV Document Component: IET_DOC_VEND 12

2.1.6 JV Document Component: IET_DOC_ACTG 14

2.1.7 Original Entry IET Example 1 – XML layout with no references 17

2.2. Copy Books 19

1. Overview

1.1.  Document Definitions and Naming Conventions

This section describes/defines the DTD naming conventions applied in this document.

Transaction Layout Definitions

·  Attribute – The name of the data element in the database as well as the name of the XML tag.

·  Caption – The label on the User Interface that defines the data element.

·  Description – A textual description of the data element.

·  R/C – Required/Conditional. Required specifies that the data element is required by the interface for the transaction to successful submit. Conditional means that specified conditions must be adhered to by the interface for the transaction to successful submit. No value specifies that the data element is optional by the interface for the transaction to submit.

·  Type – The data type of the data element.

o  VarChar – Variable Character text. Alphanumeric data.

o  Byte – Unsigned character.

o  Char – Character. Fixed length alphanumeric text, required to meet the exact specified size.

o  Date – Date Format YYYY-MM-DD

o  Decimal – Numeric value with a specified decimal position (9,3) = 999999999.999

o  Boolean –True/False. True conditions = “true”, False conditions = “false”.

o  Memo – Alphanumeric Text with a maximum of 1500 characters.

o  Currency – Numeric, with two decimal positions. Format 9999.99.

o  Integer – Numeric value, a whole number.

o  Long - Numeric value, a long whole number.

·  Size – The (numeric) size of the data element

·  MFASIS (ADV3.x) Notes – Notes specific to the MFASIS (ADV3.x) data element.

o  CVL – Coded Value List, the value of the data element must come from the CVL table specified in the MFASIS (ADV3.x) Notes.

·  MFASIS (ADV2.x) Derivation Notes – Notes specific to translating MFASIS (ADV2.x) document layout data to MFASIS (ADV3.x).

o  D.TEXT – Data element from the header or document section of the MFASIS (ADV2.x) document layout.

o  L.TEXT – Data element from the line or detail section of the MFASIS (ADV2.x) document layout.

XML Definitions and Conventions

·  Root - The upgraded MFASIS XML file and document root declaration identify the required root elements that must be contained for the XML file or document (transaction) to load into MFASIS. The upgraded MFASIS XML file must contain a single root element that contains specified attributes, at the file level. Each document transaction contained within the XML file must also contain a root element that contains the specified attributes, at the document level.

·  Attributes - Attributes are name-value pairs that occur inside start-tags after the element name.

·  Elements - Elements are the most common form of markup. Delimited by angle brackets, most elements identify the nature of the content they surround. Elements normally begin with a start-tag, <element>, and end with an end-tag, </element>.

·  CDATA Tags - In a document, CDATA instructs the parser to ignore (most) markup characters. Between the start of the section, <![CDATA[ and the end of the section, ]]>, all character data is passed directly to the application, without interpretation. Elements, entity references, comments, and processing instructions are all unrecognized and the characters that comprise them are passed “literally” to the application.

1.2.  Document Usage

In the normal course of operations, Agencies/Departments transact intra-agency business (between funds within the same agency) and inter-agency business (between different agencies within the same fund or different funds). These transactions are collectively referred to as Internal Exchange Transactions (IET). Internal exchange transactions include:

·  Expenditure for revenue transactions – which are comprised of payments for goods or services provided by one agency or fund to another agency or fund;

·  Operating transfers – which are comprised of transfers of resources from one fund or agency [that is legally authorized to receive the original source revenue] to another fund or agency [that is legally authorized to expend the resources]; and,

·  Reimbursements – which are comprised of expenditures from one fund or agency intended to repay or “reimburse” expenditures made by another fund or agency.

The State of Maine will use IETs to handle to process these transactions with the following interface partners:

·  DAFS-DFPS Meter Postage Journal Vouchers

1.3.  Logical Document Component Structure

The Journal Voucher has the following logical document structure:

Current Inbound JV Document Structure Advantage 3 (IET) Document Structure

2. Publishable Specification

2.1.  Transaction Layout: IET

Action Code (OE) / Component Description
Document Component / AMS_DOCUMENT / R / XML file root element.
IET_DOC_HDR / R / General information about the document.
IET_DOC_VEND / R / Vendor line
IET_DOC_ACTG / R / Accounting line

R – Required

CR – Conditionally Required: Required only if modifying a field within that component

O – Optional

NOTE: Every field listed in the following tables MUST be included in the XML script. For this purpose, “null” may be a valid value (see the XML sample attached).

2.1.1  Document Prefixes

In order to identify the interface(s) by agency and type, the following code(s) have been assigned. References will be made to these codes throughout the mapping document:

Agency / External Interface / Current Interface Type / DOC Prefix / Document Creator ID /
DAFS-DFPS / Meter Postage Journal Vouchers / JV / MPJ / INTFMPJ

2.1.2  DOC_ID standard


M / P / J / M / M / D / D / Y / Y / 1 / # / # / # / # / # / # / # / # / # / #

The format of the DOC_ID is defined by the State of Maine. The format is:

·  PREFIX: 3-character document prefix such as “MPJ”

·  DATE: 6-character date (mmddyy)

·  SEQ: 1-digit sequence number. Will always be set to “1”

·  10 characters provided by agency to uniquely identify each of their documents

MFASIS-IET-GSD-02-28-2006.doc 1

2.1.3  IET AMS_DOCUMENT root element attributes

Attribute / Caption / Description / R/C / Type / Size / MFASIS (ADV3.x) Notes / MFASIS (ADV2.x) Derivation Notes /
DOC_CAT / Document Category / The category in which the document is located. Constant value for all IET documents. / R / VarChar / 8 / "INT"
DOC_TYP / Document Type / The type of document, defined in the Document Type table. Constant value for all IET documents. / R / VarChar / 8 / "IET"
DOC_CD / Document Code / The alpha-numeric that indicates the type of transaction / R / VarChar / 8 / "IET"
DOC_DEPT_CD / Department Code / The Department is a Chart of Accounts code corresponding to the Department submitting the IET / R / VarChar / 4 / The Department Code of the Receiver/Buyer.
Must be valid on the Department Table.
For Meter Postage will be 18P
DOC_ID / Document Id / The document ID to identify this document. / R / VarChar / 20 / Assigned by Agency. See section 2.1.2.
DOC_VERS_NO / Document Version Number / The version number assigned to this document. The version is incremented with each modification draft and after with a cancellation. / R / Integer / “1”
AUTO_DOC_NUM / Automatic document numbering is turned on. / R / Integer / 3 / “false”
DOC_IMPORT_MODE / Document Import Mode / The import mode determining the phase of the document on import. The State of Maine has determined that only new entries will be processed; there will be no modifications processed. / R / VarChar / 4 / “OE”

2.1.4  JV Document Component: IET_DOC_HDR

Attribute / Caption / Description / R/C / Type / Size / MFASIS (ADV 3.x) Notes / MFASIS (ADV 2.x) Derivation Notes /
DOC_CD / The alpha-numeric identification code assigned to the document on the Document Control table. Each document code must be unique within the application. The document code is a required field when creating a new document. It also may be a selection criteria / R / VarChar / 8 / Same as in AMS_DOCUMENT
DOC_DEPT_CD / The department code assigned to this document. / R / VarChar / 4 / Same as in AMS_DOCUMENT
DOC_ID / The document code and number that is either manually assigned or if left blank, automatically generated by the system. The version number is assigned automatically. Duplicate document identification numbers are not allowed. / R / VarChar / 20 / Same as in AMS_DOCUMENT
DOC_VERS_NO / The version number assigned to this document. The version is incremented with each modification draft and after with a cancellation. / R / Integer / 10 / Same as in AMS_DOCUMENT
DOC_CAT / The category in which the document is located. / R / VarChar / 8 / Same as in AMS_DOCUMENT
DOC_TYP / The type of document, defined in the Document Type table. Each document code must be assigned a document type. / R / VarChar / 8 / Same as in AMS_DOCUMENT
DOC_CREA_USID / The user identification code assigned by the system for the user creating this document. / R / VarChar / 20 / Unique for each interface partner. See section 2.1.1
DOC_REC_DT_DC / The record date manually entered on the document header. If not manually entered, the date becomes the one when the document was submitted successfully. / O / Date / Format as YYYY-MM-DD / JV-DOCUMENT-HEADER-RECORD.RECORD-DATE
VEND_CUST_CD / The unique identifier assigned to the vendor/customer. In ADVANTAGE Financial, a vendor can also be a customer. Provider/seller / O / VarChar / 20 / Must be valid in the Vendor-Table, but may be null.
INIT_CD / Field that tells the nature of the 1st party. Choices are Provider/Seller or Receiver/Buyer. Required field. / R / VarChar / 3 / Values are:
P= Provider/Seller
·  For Meter Postage will be R.

2.1.5  JV Document Component: IET_DOC_VEND

IET_DOC_VEND (who receives the revenue) /
Attribute / Caption / Description / R/C / Type / Size / MFASIS (ADV 3.x) Notes / MFASIS (ADV 2.x) Derivation Notes /
DOC_CD / The alpha-numeric identification code assigned to the document on the Document Control table. Each document code must be unique within the application. The document code is a required field when creating a new document. It also may be a selection criteria / R / VarChar / 8 / Same as in AMS_DOCUMENT
DOC_DEPT_CD / The department code assigned to this document. / R / VarChar / 4 / Same as in AMS_DOCUMENT
DOC_ID / The document code and number that is either manually assigned or if left blank, automatically generated by the system. The version number is assigned automatically. Duplicate document identification numbers are not allowed / R / VarChar / 20 / Same as in AMS_DOCUMENT
DOC_VERS_NO / The version number assigned to this document. The version is incremented with each modification draft and after with a cancellation. / R / Integer / 10 / Same as in AMS_DOCUMENT
DOC_CAT / The category in which the document is located. / R / VarChar / 8 / Same as in AMS_DOCUMENT
DOC_TYP / The type of document, defined in the Document Type table. Each document code must be assigned a document type. / R / VarChar / 8 / Same as in AMS_DOCUMENT
DOC_VEND_LN_NO / The vendor line number visible to a user that uniquely identifies each vendor line within a document. / R / Integer / 10 / 1
VL_ACTU_AM / User-supplied amount for lines tied to this particular vendor line. / R / Currency / 14,2 / Must be positive. This represents the asset credit side. / L.DEBIT-LINE-AMOUNT
FUND_CD / The identification code associated with a fund record, which is an essential part of a governmental accounting system. Values may be entered as a chart of account element on a budget or accounting document. / R / VarChar / 4 / L.FUND
BSA_CD / The identification code assigned to the balance sheet account. / R / VarChar / 4 / L.BS-ACCOUNT