Post Harvest Operations

Harmonized GAPFood Safety Plan


Owner: ______

Person Responsible for Enforcement ______

I am available 24/7 at this number: ______Date ______

If I am unreachable, ______will take responsibility for our food safety. (# )

Table of Contents

Our Commitment / 2
Animal Monitoring SOP / 15
Basic Facts of Our Production / 6-8
Body Fluids SOP / 15
Chemical Applications SOP / 15
Disciplinary SOP / 15
Employee Personal Belongings SOP / 16
Employee Training Policies and Form / 3-4-5
Glass, Metal, Hard Plastic SOP / 16
Glove/Apron/Coverall Use SOP / 17-18
Hazardous Chemicals SOP / 17
Jewelry/Haircoverings SOP / 17-18
Maintenance of Restroom Facilities SOP / 18
Maps / 9
Microbiological Testing SOP / 18
Mock Recall Forms / 22-23
Sanitizing SOP / 18
Shipping/Transportation SOP / 18-19
Spills/Leaks From Vehicles, Machinery, Utensils SOP / 19
Toilet/Handwash Stations / 14
Toilet Spills/Leaks SOP / 19
Traceability / 20-23
Trash SOP / 19
Water Quality Issues / 10-12

Our farm has made a commitment to food safety.

  • We train all employees in their native language,before they handle produce, about our policies and standard operating procedures.We log each training and require employees sign to confirm that they understand and have received this training. We give them a copy of what they sign.
  • We give personnel with food safety assignments sufficient training so that they may meet their responsibilities and log this.
  • We keep records verifying that training, in this plan.
  • We post signage in each employee’s first language on proper handwashing procedure and on our visitor’s policy(s). We train all employees on how to wash their hands and state that they must wash their hands before handling product each day and after
  • Our Food Safety Plan addresses potential physical, chemical, and biological hazards and control procedures. We monitor, verify, and keep records on water quality, soil amendments, field sanitation, production environment, and worker practices.
  • This plan is reviewed at least annually, preharvest, and updated as noted. Records are maintained in this binder or as noted. We maintain records for at least two years.
  • We have and implement a disciplinary policy to maintain compliance with our policies and procedures. We record incidents on the back of the individual employee signature pages (pg 5), which we keep in this book.
  • We perform an internal and an external mock recall annually.
  • We perform and document a self-auditof our production annually. We use a copy of the Harmonize GAP audit for that purpose. The latest self-audit is included in this plan.
  • We have a documented traceability program.

The person in charge of our food safety, ______has:

  • taken at least one food safety course or workshop (certificate attached)
  • has had experience implementing a Food Safety Plan. See below:

Employee Health, Hygiene, and Sanitary Practices Policies

Each year, all employees are trained using this form and SOPs in this plan. All employees are trained BEFORE they handle produce. Each must realize and understand that:

  • I am required to wash my hands before beginning or returning to handling produce.
  • I recognize that I am required to wear reasonably clean clothes that protect the food product from bodily sources of contamination.
  • I have been told that potable water may be consumed from an unbreakable container or a single-use cup (if there is a trash receptacle for it) in a designated area, but not in the produce field.
  • I recognize that smoking and eating are confined to designated areas, separate from produce areas.
  • I know that I am prohibited from handling produce if symptoms of an infectious disease exist. Symptoms include fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and jaundice. I must report this to management immediately so that it may be logged.
  • I have had training on and understand proper use of pre-harvest and post-harvest application materials, as well as non-regulated materials. A copy of pesticide spray licenses of those who spray is attached.
  • I have had training on and know where there are written directions for the proper use of cleaners and sanitizers and the proper concentrations for each product and use. I know where there is personal protective equipment for me to use to do this work.
  • I realize I must seek prompt treatment with clean first aid supplies for cuts, abrasions, and other injuries and report them. I have been told how to accomplish this. Minor cuts or abrasions are okay if covered with a non-permeable covering, bandage, or glove. Band aids on hands shall be covered with gloves. Kits are readily available and maintained in sanitary and usable condition. Used materials and gloves are properly disposed of.
  • I understand that I must report and make sure that any produce, container or clothing that has come into contact with blood or other body fluids is appropriately disposed of and report this to a supervisor.
  • I know I must sneeze or cough away from product or into the inside of my shirt. If I use my hands I must wash them before continuing work.
  • I understand that I must report contamination by chemicals, petroleum, pesticides, glass, a major spill or leak of field sanitation units or toilet facilities, bodily fluids or other contaminating factors. I realize there are standard operating procedures for cleanup of each of these situations.
  • I have been shown how to properly wash my hands and signs are posted to remind me of this procedure.
  • I have been instructed on the location of toilet facilities and proper use of them
  • I know that potable water is made available to all employees.
  • If gloves/aprons are worn that come into contact with product, they must be pre-approved by the food safety manager. All wearers will be instructed on what types of gloves may be used, how and when they can be used, how and when they need to be cleaned, replaced or stored so as not to contaminate the produce.
  • I realize there is/is not a policy about wearing hair or beard nets.
  • I realize there is/is not a policy about wearing jewelry, watches, rings.

Visitors, contractors, buyers, inspectors, auditors and other personnel are required to follow the same health and hygiene polices when entering produce areas or handling produce in a GAP certified field.Records are kept in this Food Safety Book to verify that training has occurred and that employees understood it. Signage is posted for all visiting personnel making them aware that they too must wash their hands before handling any produce.

For the Crop Year 2014

Employee Verification of Food Safety and Security Plan Principles

Employee ______


Home Phone______Cell Phone______

Each employee needs to read and sign one of these. Signed forms must be kept in the owner’s Safe Food Handling Book.

My signature indicates that the Farm Food Safety / Security Plan Program Coordinator was willing and able to answer my questions about the Farm’s Food Safety and Security Plan and that I understand the information.

  • I have received training on proper hand washing and I understand the information. I am required to wash my hands before beginning or returning to handling produce.
  • I know when and how to correctly wash my hands and that if I do not follow acceptable sanitary practices, I will be verbally corrected and retrained if needed. A second lapse in good sanitary and hygienic practices will result in dismissal.
  • I recognize that I am required to wear reasonably clean clothes that protect the food product from blood, sweat, oil, grease, or other contamination...
  • I recognize that smoking and eating are confined to designated areas, separate from produce areas.
  • I know that water will be provided to me to be consumed in the non-produce areas of the field. No gum or tobacco.
  • I know that I am prohibited from handling produce if symptoms of an infectious disease exist. Symptoms include fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and jaundice and that this must be logged for traceability.
  • I understand that I will be made aware of application post-harvest application materials, as well as non-regulated materials for my safety and the safety of the crop.
  • I realize I must seek prompt treatment with clean first aid supplies for cuts, abrasions, and other injuries and report them. I may not work if I have exposed open sores or wounds.
  • I have had training on and know where there are written directions for the proper use of cleaners and sanitizers and the proper concentrations for each product and use. I know where there is personal protective equipment for me to use to do this work.
  • I understand that I must report and make sure that any produce that has come into contact with blood or other body fluids is appropriately cleaned up and disposed of and report this to a supervisor immediately so that clean up may be checked.
  • I understand that I must report product contamination by chemicals, petroleum, pesticides, glass, a major spill or leak of field sanitation units or toilet facilities, or other contaminating factors. I realize there are standard operating procedures for cleanup of these situations.
  • I realize that if I do not follow acceptable sanitary practices, I will be verbally corrected and retrained if needed. A repeated lapse in good sanitary and hygienic practices will result in dismissal. Such incidents will be recorded immediately by the supervisor.
  • I realize there is/is not a policy about wearing hair coverings or beard nets.
  • I realize there is/is not a policy about wearing jewelry, including body piercings and loose objects like fake nails.


Copies of this training are posted and available for employees to review at their convenience.

Food Safety Plan Facts

At this farm, we (circle appropriate lines) do:

  • Both crop and animal production
  • Crop production only
  • Have living facilities
  • Pack produce only

List of Equipment, Vehicles, Tools & Utensils Used in This Operation

# / Items:

Schedule of maintenance and cleaning for above included in Log section.

  • Machinery is clean and in good repair. There should not be any leaking or broken parts. Light bulbs and glass are protected to avoid contamination of fields.
  • Bulk handling vehicles carrying unwashed produce will be swept out on a regular basis

Crop(s) for Harmonize GAP Certification / Acreage of that crop

Adjacent and Previous Land Use—Best practices

There is/is not a risk of flooding on any of these fields. Should flooding occur, we would take a microbiological test of the soil to test for e coli.

Facility Structures:

Facility and Equipment structures are constructed in a manner that enables cleaning and sanitation and does not serve to harbor pests and contaminants. A map of this facility is enclosed.

Cold/cool storage Units:

Chill and cold storage are sealed, drained and graded. Fixtures, ducts, pipes and overhead structures are installed and maintained so that drips and condensation do not contaminate produce, raw materials or food contact surfaces.

Water from refrigeration drip pans is drained and disposed of away from products and surfaces used for those items so as not to become a source of contamination.

Air intakes are not located near potential sources of contamination.

Water and Water Quality Policies:

Potable drinking water is available to all employees. Water used for cleaning, and washing of produce, washing of hands or washing containers used to hold harvested produce, frost control, and cooling meets the potable water standard set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or has been made safe by the addition of chlorine or other acceptable agents or methods before application .

Our microbiological testing is done by:______

They are a Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) or participate in a Proficiency Testing program and use testing methods that have been validated for detecting or quantifying target organisms.We follow the lab’s written sampling protocol when collecting samples for testing. We keep results and suggestions from the lab. The water tests are taken by ______, according to laboratory instructions, at the following sites:

  1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

*The lab directions followed to take these samples are enclosed in this plan.

We keep these results in this FSP for at least 2 years.

We sample well water for potability yearly, and follow the advice of the laboratory should the results not meet our potable standard. Then we would re-test until we met this level. If fecal coli form is present, the well is treated with a sanitizer and retested. Well casings are secure and well-maintained. Livestock and manure storage areas are not located near wells and pumping areas.

We ask for copies of municipal water tests annually.

Water System:

Water Use and Source: Only potable water is used for drinking, washing of hands and food contact surfaces and the making of ice.

Those that apply in our situation are checked below:

Use/Source / Municipal / Well / Surface Water
Hand Washing
Cleaning Food Contact surfaces/harvested crop
Making Ice
Pesticide/Fungicide Application

If water tanks are used, they will be cleaned and /or sanitized at regular intervals so as not to contaminate produce.

Water tanks used to hold potable water for employees are cleaned and /or sanitized on a regular basis.

Ice is only made from potable water. Implements used to handle or move it are sanitized on a regular basis.

We do a risk assessment of the suitability of the spray or irrigation water method to the particular crop.

We do a risk assessment seasonally or whenever there is a change to our water system that might introduce opportunity for contamination. Water quality needs to be greater for water used for the final rinse of a product or for overhead irrigation shortly before packaging. If water is reused, its quality and content of antimicrobial agents will be monitored.

Attached is an illustration(map, photograph, or picture) of our water source system showing the location of permanent fixtures (wells, gates, reservoirs; valves, returns and other above ground features) and flow of the water system. (including holding systems; reservoirs; or water captured for re-use). Our water is sourced from a location and in a manner that is compliant with prevailing regulations. It is separated from conveyances that might convey untreated human or animal waste.

It is constructed and maintained to prevent back siphonage backflow and cross connections between product contact water and waste water.

We conduct routine checks that verify that back siphonage and backflow prevention units function properly at least annually and document our results.

Water System Risk Assessment

Person in charge: ______

Personnel with oversight are trained or retrained as needed. (Note dates) ______

Planting Time / Growing Season / Harvest Period
Physical Hazards
Chemical Hazards
Biological Hazards
Hazard Control Procedures

Water Management Plan

Preventive controls
Monitoring/Verification Procedures
Corrective Actions

Sewage Treatment

Circle all that apply: Municipal Septic System Portable Containment System

Our human waste and gray water sewage system has the needed capacity to handle our operations peaks and flows and not cause direct or indirect product contamination. We do not have cross connections with product contact water.

Toilet Facilities

There is one toilet facility (within ¼ mile) of each laborer’s place of work. If this cannot occur, there must be vehicular access for workers to go to the facility and they must be allowed to do so. When terrain is an issue, facilities will be located at the point of closest vehicular access. Facilities must be operational and supplied with toilet paper. Facilities should not be located close to where the crop is harvested or stored or where spillage might run down hill to a production area or product storage area. The facility must be adequately vented or screened, have doors that can be latched from the inside and constructed to insure privacy. If it is not a regular indoor toilet, it must be able to be emptied on a regular basis. Facilities are cleaned and maintained on a regular basis.

Check all that apply:

  • Indoor
  • Portable Units
  • None

Maximum Number of Employees at one Time: ____ Number of Toilet Facilities: ____

We realize we need one toilet facility for every 20 employees.

Signs are posted instructing all employees and visitors on how to wash their hands and that they must wash their hands before returning to work.

In post-harvest applications, restrooms are located away from produce handling areas and are directly accessible for servicing.

Gray water is either plumbed or captured for disposal.

Hand Washing Facility

A basin, container, or outlet with an adequate supply of microbially safe water, soap dispenser, and single use towels are provided for each toilet facility. There needs to be a covered receptacle to contain the trash. There also needs to be a tank that captures used hand wash water for disposal.

Employee Storage

When appropriate, racks and/or storage containers or designated storage is provided for protective clothing and tools used by employees. Protective clothing may not be left on product, work surfaces, equipment or packaging material.
Standard Operating Procedures/Policies:

Animal Monitoring Procedure:

Crop production areas are regularly monitored and logged for the presence or signs of wild or domestic animals during the growing season. If there are signs that they are entering growing areas, all reasonable measures are taken to prevent reentry. A log is kept of this vigilance and the measures (trap locations and activity.) undertaken to deter/eliminate animals are noted.

Blood & Body Fluids Procedure

Workers are instructed to dispose of any product that has been exposed to bodily fluids (blood, saliva, sweat, mucus, vomit) and to report incidents to their supervisor. If a food surface becomes contaminated with bodily fluids, it must be cleaned and sanitized before it is used again. If it is on the product, the product will be destroyed. Affected clothing will be removed or replaced.