Мethodological–Coordination Workshop
FYRO Macedonia, Ohrid, hotel Riviera
May 2–5, 2011
Organized by
Seismological Observatory, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics,
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, FYRO Macedonia
May 2, 2011 (Monday)
Arrival of participants and registration in the hotel Riviera
May 3, 2011 (Tuesday)
- Presentation of the partner organizations and researchersin the project–S. Mavrodiev, coordinator of the project
- Welcome to Ohrid, Macedonia–L. Pekevski
- Introductory lecture: Climate as a problem of physics–V. Rusov
11:30Coffee break
12:00WORKSHOP SESSION 1 –L.Pekevski, Chairman
Oral presentations
- Hellenic Center for Marine Research (H.C.M.R.)– C. Tsabaris
- Radioactivity measurements in the marine environment using HCMR installations–
C. Tsabaris,D. Patiris, G. Eleftheriou, A. Prospathopoulos - Automated quantitative analysis of in-situ NaI measured spectra in the marine environment – A.Prospathopoulos
- Track Image Analysis Code TRIAC II– D. Patiris, C. Tsabaris, G. Eleftheriou, A. Prospathopoulos
16:00WORKSHOP SESSION 2 –S.Mavrodiev, Chairman
Oral presentations
- The possibility of the Earth state diagnostics and crust structure study by the analysis of electromagnetic radiation of the Earth –V. M. Pavlovych, Yu. A. Bogdanov, O. I.Kvasniuk
- Nonlinear signal analysis: application to geophysical data and earthquakes prediction–
V. M. Pavlovych, S.Shpyrko, O.I. Kvasniuk - Parameterization of active seismic source zones of the Caucasus –T. Godoladze, Z. Javakhishvili, M. Elashvili
- Predictors of earthquakes and complex assessment of current seismic hazard– H. Petrosyan
18:00 – 18:30Coffee break
Oral presentations
- Perspectives of strong earthquake prediction in Armenia – S.Nazaretyan
- Possible influence of forming an earthquake on the weather and synoptic process–
V. Martazinova - Dynamic triggering and synchronizationon laboratory and field scale: atool for EQ prediction? – T. Chelidze, T. Matcharashvili, O. Lursmanashvili, N. Varamashvili, N. Zhukova, E. Mepharidze
Posters exhibition
- Electromagnetic Field Monitoring on the Territory of Bulgaria – B. Srebrov
- Some Correlations Between Geromagnetic Field Disturbances and Earthquakes in Bulgaria - B. Srebrov, E. Botev
- Monitoring of the Seismicity in Bulgaria – E. Botev
- Geodynamic Status of Bulgaria (Central Balkans) on the Basis of Seismological and Gerodetic Data -E. Botev, I. Georgiev, D. Dimitrov
- Geodynamical impacts on The Water Level Variations in Boreholes - G. Melikadze, G. Kobzev, T. Jimsheladze
- Study of Geomagnetic variations in Georgia and establish the anomaly nature of earthquake’s precursors- S. Mavrodiev, L. Pekevski, T. Jimsheladze, G. Melikadze
- Induced seismicity due to the oil production in Tbilisi region, Georgia –
T. Chelidze, T. Jimsheladze, G. Melikadze - Глобалъное распределение поля магнитосферных возмущений и магнитные бури –
O. Maximenko, L. Jaremenko, O. Shenderovska, G. Melnik, V. Bakhmutov - The Connection between Geomagnetic Secular Variation and Climate Changes in Eastern Europe during Holocene - V. Bakhmutov
- Morphological Futures in the Structureof Geomagnetic Variations in Relation to the Earthquakes in Vrancea - V. Bakhmutov, P. Sedova, T. Mozgowa
21:00Gala dinner
May 4, 2011 (Wednesday)
10:00WORKSHOP SESSION 3– V. Rusov, Chairman
Oral presentations
- Geomagnetic field variations: monitoring and application to environmental changes–
V. Bakhmutov,G. Melnyk, T. Mozgova,O. Maksimenko - A new mechanism for galactic cosmic ray influence on climate variability–N. Kilifarska
- A method of determination the source surface and mechanism for moderate earthquakes from far-field seismic data–V. Čejkovska, D. Černih-Anastasovska, L. Pekevski
11:00– 11:30Coffee break
Oral presentations (Exchange of knowledge)
- Complexity of earthquakes dynamics in temporal, spatial and energetic domains –
T. Matcharashvili, T. Chelidze - The geomagnetic quake and the 11.03.2011 earthquake in Japan: preliminary results–
G. Melnyk, T. Mozgova - The geophysical precursors of earthquakes – O. Liashchuk
- Space weather and geomagnetic hazard modeling– B. Srebrov
15:00WORKSHOP SESSION 4– L.Pekevski, Chairman
Oral presentation
- Reportforthe current execution of the project: visa and other problems, shorts and month visits realization, organization of next Workshops –B. Vachev
16:00Close session–S. Mavrodiev:About the current and future Project activities
- Proposal foraProject:Real-time network for continuous monitoring of geophysical/geochemical parameters along the volcanic arcs and seismic faults from the Mediterranean Sea to the Caspian Sea– Ch. Tsabaris
- Proposal for aProject: Creating regional natural hazard systems for earthquake prognosis and overcomingof the consequences of very strong earthquakes – S. Nazaretyan
- Submitted proposal to EPSS system with number 295086 for subsequent evaluation by the Commission;Call title: FP7-INCO-2011-6;Call closure: 15 Mar 2011 17:00:00 Brussels Local Time
Proposal title (as registered):
Study of possibilities for short term “when, where and how” forecasting of Earthquakes based on local network monitoring and regional centre analysis.
Number of annexes: 0; Number of A2 forms: 4; A1, A3 (and/or A4) forms and Part B file(s) also submitted.
17:30Sightseeing of Ohrid
May 5, 2011 (Thursday)
08:00Departure of participants from Ohrid
11:30Sightseeing of Skopje
14:00Departure of participants from Skopje
List of participants: partner organizations and researchers
- Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (INRNE BAS), Sofia, Bulgaria
Strachimir Cht. Mavrodiev
Boyko Vachev
Lachezar Georgiev
- National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (NIGPHGG BAS), Sofia, Bulgaria
Natalya Kilifarska
Bozhidar Srebrov
- Institute of Oceanography, Hellenic Center for Marine Researche (HCMR),Aristoteli, Greece
Christos Tsabaris
George Eleftheriou
Dionisis Patiris
Aristides Prospathopoulos
- Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Seismological Observatory of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (SORM UKIM), Skopje, Macedonia
Lazo Pekevski
Vera Čejkovska
Dragana Černih-Anastasovska
- Western Survey for Seismic Protection SNCO, Ministry of Emergency Situations (WSSP), Erevan, Armenia
Hrachya Petrosyan
Sergey Nazaretyan
Lilit Sargsyan
- M. Nodia Institute of Geophysics, Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia (GI MES), Tbilisi, Georgia
Tamaz Chelidze
- Seismic Monitoring Center of Ilia State University (SMC ISU), Tbilisi, Georgia
George Melikadze
Tamar Jimsheladze
Tea Godoladze
- Institute of Geophysics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IG NASU), Kiev, Ukraine
Vladimir Bakhmutov
Tamara Mozgova
Galyna Melnyk
Olga Maksimenko
- National Antarctic Scientific Centre of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (NASC), Kiev, Ukraine
Vazira Martazinova
Oleksandr Liashchuk
Olena Ivanova
- Odessa National Polytechnic University (ONPU), Odessa, Ukraine
Vitaliy Rusov
Tatiana Zelentsova
Volodymyr Smoliar
- Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (INR NASU), Kiev, Ukraine
Volodymyr Pavlovych
Serhiy Shpyrko
Total: 6 Counties, 11 Institutes, 32 participants