Training Workshop
Supporting evidence-based pesticide regulation and risk reduction in Georgia, with a focus on vulnerable groups
- To meet DNAs and Government representatives and explain purpose of the work and opportunities under the Rotterdam Convention
- To provide training and technical support to the survey team for the initiation of the survey on pesticide exposure of vulnerable groups
- Training re. reporting of human health incidents related to an SHPF
Dates: / 29th March – 1st April
Location: / Tbilisi and KvemoKartli, Georgia
Outputs: / Brief report from high level meeting
8 field staff trained in survey protocols
Survey tested and refined
Implemented by: / PAN-UK/Rotterdam Convention and Eco-LifeEco-Life
Background information for participants
The current work responds to a request for technical assistance from the Ministry of Agriculture in Georgia and will build on the results of a baseline study which was conducted by PAN-UK, Agroservice and the Rotterdam Convention in Georgia during 2014-15[1] with the support of FAO and the European Union. The study revealed an alarming situation with regard to risky practices and potential levels of exposure to highly hazardous pesticides. The current study is designed to reveal new information regarding the exposure of farmers and seasonal workers, particularly women, to hazardous pesticides. It will also be important to obtain better information regarding which pesticides are in common use and which ones are associated with any signs and symptoms of acute pesticide poisoning.
Workshop modules:
1.High level meeting with key government representatives2.Training, testing and refining survey
Tuesday 29th March 2016
Venue: Conference Room, National Food Agency, Marshal Gelovani Ave.
Time / Title / Speaker and organisation08.30 / Set up the room, check cables, projector etc.
- Projector + screen
- Water
- Notepads and pens
- Register
- Name badges
- Camera
- See below for resources for pm
Khatuna and Maiko
09.15 / Team introductions / PAN-UK, Eco-Life including field team, Rotterdam Convention
09.45 / Registration / High level guests arrive
10.00 / Welcome address / George Martsvaladze - Eco-Life
10.10 / Introductions / Maiko AleqsidzeEco-Life
10.20 / A brief outline of the potential health impacts of pesticides / Dr RinaGuadagnini, PAN-UK
10.40 / What we already know about pesticide exposure in Georgia – initial results from the baseline study / KhatunaAkhalaiaand Maiko Aleqsidze
11.00 / What we still need to know – sharing plans for the current study / Dr Sheila Willis, PAN-UK
11.20 / Opportunities offered by the Rotterdam Convention / Dr. Christine Fuell, Rotterdam Convention Secretariat, FAO
11.40-12.10 / Round table discussion and open questions
12.10 – 12.30 / Light refreshments
High level meeting ends
12.30 / Break for lunch
- Copies of the questionnaire available in appropriate language for each participant Eco-Life
- Score sheet for practical session – PAN-UK
1.30 / How we work and this week’s itinerary / RinaGuadagnini , PAN-UK
1.45 / Practical arrangements / Maiko Aleqsidze
2.00 / Brief Q&A
2.15 / Introduction to the project – aims, outputs / Sheila Willis , PAN-UK
2.35 / Work plan / KhatunaAkhalaiaand Maiko Aleqsidze
2.55 / Coffee break
3.20 / Identifying and approaching participants in the survey / Sheila Willis, PAN-UK
3.40 / Answering Section 1 of the survey and deciding which section follows. / RinaGuadagnini, PAN-UK
4.00 / Practical session
Try section 1 on a partner.
4.30 / Feedback and Q&A
5.00 / Ask team to read the rest of the questionnaire before tomorrow
Thanks and close / Eco-Life
Wednesday 30th March 2016
Venue: Conference Room, National Food Agency, Marshal Gelovani Ave.
Time / Title / Speaker and organisationResources
- Participants should bring their mobile phones or cameras
- Questionnaires
- Pesticide labels and test sheets
- Guidance questions for meetings with retailers
- Leaflets
- Examples of other communications materials available
09.00 / Welcome back / Maiko Aleqsidze
09.05 / Recap key points from yesterday / KhatunaAkhalaia
09.20 / Go through questions in sections 2 and 3 of the questionnaire (leave out signs and symptoms section Q. 2.16 or 3.15) / RG and SW
About PPE / PAN-UK
10.10 / Testing the questionnaire
10.30 / Coffee during questionnaire session
PPE available
10.45 / Feedback and questions on the questionnaire and data entry / PAN-UK
11.30 / Signs and symptoms of pesticide poisoning / RinaGuadagnini, PAN-UK
11.50 / Try the severity score calculator – practical session
12.10 / Q&A on severity score calculator / PAN-UK
12.30 / Leaflet for end users / KhatunaAkhalaiaAleqsidze
12.50 / Communications materials / KhatunaAkhalaiaEco-LifeEco-Life
1.00 / Lunch break
Communications materials available to browse
2.00 / Identifying the pesticide / PAN-UK
Sheila Willis
2.35 / Pesticide formulations / KhatunaAkhalaiaEco-Life with PAN-UK
2.55 / Practical session – getting key information from pesticide labels / KhatunaAkhalaiaEco-Life with PAN-UK
3.15 / Coffee
3.35 / Practical session – photographing the label / KhatunaAkhalaiaEco-Life with PAN-UK
4.15 / Recap key points from the day / Field team
4.45 / Reminder of arrangements for field day tomorrow / KhatunaAkhalaiaand Maiko Aleqsidze
5.00 / Close
Thursday 31st March 2016
Dmanisi in KvemoKartli Region
Time / Title / Speaker and organisationResources
- Questionnaires to complete
- Questions for retailers sheets
- Pens
- Clip boards
- Telephones/cameras
10.30 / Travel to KvemoKartli- practical field training sessions
Arrive Dmanisi in KvemoKartli Region
Meet farmers at Dmanisi Agricultural Consultation Centre
KhatunaAkhalaia will lead a group discussion with half (8-12) the farmers’ group on issues concerning pesticides while the remaining half (8) are engaged in the survey. Light refreshments provided.
Communications materials will be distributed.
1.00 / Lunch in restaurant in KvemoKartli
2.15 / Visit pesticide retailer(s)
3.30 / Back to Tbilisi
Friday 1st April 2016
Venue: Conference Room, National Food Agency, Marshal Gelovani Ave.
Time / Title / Speaker and organisationResources
- Completed questionnaires
- Notes from field day
- Feedback forms
09.00 / Debrief organizational issues re. survey / Maiko Aleqsidze
09.30 / Go through questionnaire and refine questions / PAN-UK with KhatunaAkhalaia
10.30 / Coffee
10.45 / Go through questionnaire and refine questions …continued / PAN-UK
And Khatuna
11.30 / Review learning points from pesticide retailers / PAN-UK with KhatunaAkhalaia
12.15 / Reporting SHPF health incidents
Q&A / Dr. Christine Fuell, Rotterdam Convention Secretariat, FAO
12.45 / Wrap up
Complete feedback forms / KhatunaAkhalaiaEco-Life
1.15 / Lunch
2.15 / Field team depart
2.15 / Final discussion
Review the training and agree any actions needed / PAN-UK, RC, Eco-Life
2.45 / Meeting closes
PAN-UK is available for any final courtesy visits or discussions needed.
Contact information:
Eco-Life, Alazaniave #6, Telavi Georgia
Maiko Aleqsidze Mobile + 995 595 07 52 50
Pesticide Action Network UK, Brighthelm Centre, North Road, Brighton, BN1 1YD,
UK Switchboard: Tel +44(0)1273 964230
RinaGuadagnini Direct Tel : +44(0)7443 660848
Sheila Willis Direct Tel : +44(0)7534 301157 Company No. 2036915 Charity No: 327215
Secretariat of the Rotterdam Convention – FAO
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153, Rome, Italy
Correale, Nadia (AGPM) <
Hotel Nata, DutuMegreli Street 2, Avlabari, 0103 Tbilisi City, Georgia
Phone:+995 322 77 23 36
[1]FAO/EC project titled ‘Improving capacities to eliminate and prevent recurrence of obsolete pesticides as a model for tackling unused hazardous chemicals in the former Soviet Union’ (GCP/RER/040/EC).