FALLSession–Monday, December 12, 2016 – Thursday,March 16, 2017

Hours: 3:15pm to 6pm on full school days and 12:20pm to 6pm on mosthalfdays.

  • Registration forms due on/before Thurs.,12/8/16.

(There is room in general THINK TANK at any time during the school year)

Formsmust be submitted with full or partial payment.

Cash and checks are accepted at the front desk.

Cash payments must be made in person to receive a receipt.

--You may make credit/debit payments at

  • Studentpick-up from THINK TANK is now atKensington Ave.from 3:45 - 6:00pm.

Students will be called by the staff. Anyone picking up may wait in the foyer or outside.

  • From3:15pm – 3:45pmpick-up will be from the main office FOR ALL GRADES.

***PREKpersons picking up should pick up the PreK student at themain entrance on JFK.

If they are also picking up siblings, they should then proceed outside to the Kensington entrance.

I acknowledge that I have read this entire one page document:

Parent/Guardian signature:______date:______

1st Child’sname:______grade:______

2ndChild’s name:______grade:______

3rd Child’sname:______grade:______

Learning Community THINK TANK

  • A separate form must be submitted for each child

Winter Session: 12WEEKS: Dec. 12, 2016 – March 16, 2017

Student Name___Grade _Teacher______

Address email______

Parent/ Contact best phone______

Emergency contact:______phone______

Students whose reg. forms are received after Thursday, 12/8will not be guaranteed space in any clubs for the Wintersession. We can only guarantee a child will be able to attend one club weekly, although they may be able to attend more.(Clubs are not assigned on first come, first served basis.)

  • Many clubs have a $10, $15, or $25 materials fee per session. (findon the registration form).

Families will be billed for MAT fees 2 or 3 weeks into the Winter session.

  • HOT MEALS are provided free of charge after school. Vegetarian option always available.
  • iNOiregistrations accepted w/o full or partial payment or if there is an outstanding bill.

(a session may be 12 or 13 weeks) / FULL PRICE
First or only child / Sibling(s) discount / Free Lunch
First or only child / Free Lunch Sibling(s) discount / Reduced
First or only child / Reduced
Sibling(s) Discount
12week session 4/5 days/wk / $790 / $711 / $316 / $254 / $474 / 380
12 week session 3 days/wk / $650 / $585 / $260 / $208 / $390 / $312
12 week session 2 days/wk / $500 / $450 / $200 / $160 / $300 / \
12 week session 1 days/wk / $370 / $333 / $148 / $120 / $222 / $178
Daily Drop-In Rate / $18 / $18 / $18 / $18 / $18 / $18

Please fill in correct amount using the chart above.

$_____ (1 day 12wks)5:45 Bus: Please check!

$_____ (2 days 12 wks) □I need bus service #___ days a week.

$ _____ (3 days 12wks) □My family receives URBAN LEAGUE funds

$ _____ (4 or 5 days 12wks) □I have a working Urban League card!

  • ____ FULL Payment for 12 weeks $______(amount).
  • ____1/4 or 1/2payment for 12 weeks $______(amount).
  • For CC or debit card, I will pay this CC/debit amount $______at
  • CASH payments must be paid in person. Payer must receive a receipt.

Include payment with registration form – amount, cash, check or money order (to: LCCS).

Questions? Please email Charlotte Kreutz at.

Pre-K – 5th grade

Winter: Dec. 12, 2016 - March 16, 2017

Student name______grade_____teacher______

Please check all clubs of interest. A spot in at least one clubis guaranteed

if form is returned with full or partial payment by 12/8.

MONDAY □ No clubs, Homework Helpers only

□● K + 1 ● TECH FOR KIDS►□ 3:30 – 4:30------Samantha MercadoThink Tank staff

Students will learn about typing and develop other tech skills with online games.

□●K - 2●ARTY FUN 3:30 – 4:30 - Cut, paste, draw, paint------Michelle Smith,LCCS asst. teacher

New BOOK TALK & Brainstorm - ($15Mat. fee )------Rachel SchwartzLCCS teacher

►□2+3:3:30–4:30OR►□4+5: 4:30 – 5:30A chapter book is read by the teacher and/or students.

Final Project: A diorama by each student illustrating a scene from the book. Displayed in library at final class.

□ ● 3 - 5 ● SPORTsSURPRISE 3:30 – 4:30------Scott Silva,LCCS Phys. Ed. Teacher

New □● 5- 8 ●GIRL CODE:3:30 – 5:00(girls only)------LaToya YoungLCCS asst. teacher

Girl Code, is a safe space where girls can be girls!Through sisterhood we will be using our

emotions asa source of powerto develop self-esteem, good character and community.

TUESDAY □ No clubs, Homework Helpers only

□●PreK● LET’S MOVE! 3:30–4:30------LCCS & TT staff

Acting out stories, dancing, playing games. Kids want to express themselves!!!!

□●K & 1●KIDBILT 3:30 – 5:00 ($10 Mat. Fee)------Kidbilt instructors

Students use real tools working with wood while exploring Fundamental concepts of math geometry. SAFETY always observed! Instructorsalways present when working w. drills or saws.

□●1- 4●Sports Sampler3:30 – 4:30 ------Denzel Clinton & Samantha Mercado,TT staff

Team oriented games that promote group cooperation and fair play!

□ ● 5 - 8● OH SNAP!3:30 – 5:30($15 Mat. fee)---Doresha Jackson/LaToya Young, LCCS asst.teachers

Media plays a pivotal role in society. In this club students will see how social and general media outlets influence everything in our lives. Students will learn how to produce and get to express themselves through various media (photography, graphicsand video).

WEDNESDAY □ No clubs, Homework Helpers only

□●PreK● LEGOS3:30–4:30------LCCS staff

Working in teams, students create creatures, buildings, cars, etc.

New□●K - 4● LEGO CITIES 3:30 – 4:30($10 Mat. Fee)------Aedan McCarty, TT staff

Design and build a LEGO model city. Final project will be displayed.

□●K +1● Storybook Art 3:30 – 4:30($10 Mat. Fee)-------Michelle SmithLCCS asst.teacher

(or Thus.)New stories:The Day The Crayons Quit, Knuffle Bunny, and Olivia. And projects!

New□ ●1+ 2● Acting UP! 3:30 – 4:30($10 Mat. Fee)------Marie Van Der Horn LCCS teacher

Students will work on acting and singing exercises, as well as prepare skits and short performances.

At the end of the session a short play/skit will be presented for other students and parents.

□●3 - 5● SNEAKY SCIENCE 4:45 – 5:45($10 Mat. Fee)------Michelle SmithLCCS asst.teacher

(or Thus.)Make slime, playdough, and do experiments: create crystal geodes and make your own snow!

□● 3-8● PING PONG!3:30–5:30(3 blocks of time) ------Scott Silva, LCCS Phys. Ed. teacher

New □●4 - 6● STUDIO ARTS 3:30 – 4:30($15Mat. Fee)--------Jill SchifterLCCS Art teacher

Explore many ways to create art hrough drawing, painting, sculpture. Students will find and

develop their own style how to express it individually and through collaboration.


Pre-K – 5th gradecontinued

THURSDAY □ No clubs, Homework Helpers only

□● PreK ●TECH FOR KIDS 3:30 – 4:15 ------LCCS & TT staff

Students will learn about typing and develop other tech skills with online games.

□SEWING ►□1st – 3rd :3:30 – 4:30OR►□4th+5th:4:45 – 5:45($15 fee when confirmed) Lily Freitas

5 Children only(per class)- Sew a bag? Make a book? Create with fabric, thread, buttons, and bells.

□●K+ 1● Storybook Art 3:30 – 4:30($10 Mat. Fee)------Michelle SmithLCCS asst.teacher

(or Wed.)New stories:The Day The Crayons Quit, Knuffle Bunny, and Olivia. And projects!

□●2 & 3●KIDBILT 3:30 – 5:00 ($10 Mat. Fee)------Kidbilt instructors

Students use real tools working with wood while exploring the Fundamental concepts of math, geometry & physics. SAFETY is always observed! One on one with instructor with tools.

New □●3 + 4● Ancient Adornment 3:30 – 4:30($15Mat. Fee)--------Jill SchifterLCCSArt teacher

Create jewelry inspired by ancient times: neck and head pieces, bracelets, rings, etc.

Materials: air-dry clay, wire, paint, and more.

□●3 - 5●SNEAKY SCIENCE 4:45 – 5:45($10 Mat. Fee)------Michelle SmithLCCS asst. teacher

(or Wed.)Make slime, playdough, do experiments. Create crystal geodes make your own snow!

Returns!●YOGA FUN►□ 2 - 4: 3:30 – 4:15►□ 5 + 6:4:15 –5:00------Michelle Goitia, parent/Yoga instructor.

Yoga strengthens & relaxes your body & mind with gentle games and physical movement.

New □●4- 6●WHO DUNNIT? 3:30 – 4:30($15 Mat. Fee)------Doresha Jackson,LCCS asst. teacher

Students will become Forensic Crime Scene Investigators. They will learn to record information

andcatalog evidence using the skills of observation,analysis, and deduction to solve a crime!

FRIDAY □ No clubs, Homework Helpers only

□●K & 1●Let’s Sing! 3:30–4:30 ------------Mona Zaki, TT staff

Playing fun games: Kids willLearn how to breath, warm-up, and express themselves through

music. Sing kids songs, pop songs, folk songs AND make up songs on the spot!

□KOMIC KLUB►□2-4:3:30 – 4:30OR►□5-8:4:30 – 5:30($10 Mat.Fee)-----Aedan McCarty, TT staff

Learn how to make your own comicwith remarkable characters and rich stories.

Develop your inner cartoonist and have a fun time doing it!

□●K - 2●ART PLUS3:30–5:00Glue, draw, build: You name it!---Doresha Jackson,LCCS asst. teacher

□CREATIVE COOKING: ►□K - 2: 3:30–4:30OR►□3 - 5:4:45–5:45 ($25Mat. Fee). LCCS teachers

Kids help with the cooking. Healthy and fun!------Michelle Smith and Aisha De Los Santos

Middle School – 6th – 8th grade

Winter: Dec. 12, 2016 - March 16, 2017

Student name______grade_____teacher______

Please check all clubs of interest. A spot in at least one club is guaranteed

if form is returned with full or partial payment by 12/8.

MONDAY □ No clubs, Study Hallonly

New □● 5- 8 ●GIRL CODE:3:30 – 5:00(girls only)------LaToya YoungLCCS asst. teacher

Girl Code, is a safe space where girls can be girls!Through sisterhood we will be using our

emotions as a source of powerto develop self-esteem, good character and community.

□ ● 6 - 8● SPORTsSURPRISE 4:45 – 5:45------Scott Silva, LCCS Phys. Ed. teacher

With the students, Mr. Silva will improve on and invent new ways to do sports and have fun!!

TUESDAY□ No clubs, Study Hallonly

□ ● 5 - 8● OH SNAP!3:30 – 5:30($15 Mat. fee)---Doresha Jackson/LaToya Young, LCCS asst.teachers

Media plays a pivotal role in society. In this club students will see how social and general media outlets influenceeverything in our lives. Students will learn how to produce and get to express themselves through various media (photography, graphicsand video).

WEDNESDAY□ No clubs, Study Hallonly

New □●4 - 6● STUDIO ARTS 3:30 – 4:30($15Mat. Fee)--------Jill SchifterLCCSArt teacher

Explore many ways to create art hrough drawing, painting, sculpture. Students will find and

develop their own style how to express it individually and through collaboration.

New□●6th grade●Virtual Reality, Code, Storytelling: Bringing your digital stories characters to life.

4:30–5:30($25 Materials fee)-------KaterineBoehm Parsons Instructor

  • CLASS is a two-parter. YOUMUST COMMITto both Winter and Spring sessions.
  • Part One: You will learn to code and become familiar with various digital toolsets.
  • Part Two: Graduate students from Parsons Design Technology will help you use your new skills to createcharacters, worlds, stories to make fantastic virtual realityexperiences.
  • Project Exhibits:At both LCCS and Parsons there will be severalshowcase opportunities.

□ ● 5-8 ● PING PONG!Time estimate4:45–5:30------Scott Silva,LCCS Phys. Ed. Teacher

Learn to play and compete at this challenging and fun game. It’s all in the wrist!!

THURSDAY □ No clubs, Study Hallonly

Returns!●YOGA FUN►□ 5 + 6:4:15 –5:00------Michelle Goitia, parent/Yoga instructor

Yoga strengthens & relaxes your body & mind with gentle games and physical movement..

New □●4- 6●WHO DUNNIT? 3:30 – 4:30($15 Mat. Fee)------Doresha Jackson,LCCS asst. teacher

Students will become Forensic Crime Scene Investigators. They will learn to record information

and catalog evidence using the skills of observation,analysis, and deduction to solve a crime!

FRIDAY □ No clubs, Study Hallonly

□●5- 8●KOMIC KLUB►□5 - 8:4:30 – 5:30($10 Mat. Fee)------Aedan McCarty, TT staff

Work on yourown comicswith remarkable characters and rich stories.

Develop your inner cartoonist and have a fun time doing it!