St Raphael’s Catholic Primary Half Term Overview
Year Group: Year 2 / Spring 2Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4 / Week 5
Literacy / World Book Day / The day the crayons quit! / The Great Fire of London - investigating / The Great Fire of London –
researching / Retreat and Assessment week
Numeracy / Multiplication and Division / Capacity and Data / Addition and subtraction / Subtraction and Money
(Plants) / What makes up a salad and why should we be eating salad regularly? / What do we need to remember if our plants are to grow? / Why are earthworms really helpful creatures? / Who is Arcimboldo and what can we learn from him?
The Mass / When was the first Mass? / What happens at the consecration? / What do we use at Mass? / Why is Holy Week special?
(Hot and Cold places) / What are the main differences in the climate of Africa and England? / Which animals would you find living in the wild in Africa? / How can you recreate African art? / Do Africans live a healthier life than we do?
Printing / Can you control the position of the stencil? / Can you predict which shape will be printed? / Can you compare your own work to a famous artist? / Which pattern will you create?
P.E. / Fundamental Movement Skills through games
Tameside coaches- Dance
I.C.T / Let’s Research! / Can you organise your findings? / Let’s type it up! / Word-processing and adding clip art
Music / Tameside Music Services
P.S.H.E. / How can we show care and kindness? / How can we care for the chicks? / Sharing and respecting opinions / Recognising our similarities and differences
Big Write / My favourite book review / My family poems / The great fire of London / The great fire of London