November 9, 2010
Eldred Town Hall Eldred New York
Supervisor Boyar calls meeting to order
Flag Salute
Motion by Councilman Bosch to approve the Town Clerks minutes dated October 12, 2010 seconded by Councilman Hallock discussion motion carried all ayes
Motion by Councilman Bosch to approve the September Financial Report seconded by Councilman Bosch discussion motion carried all ayes.
Received and read monthly report from HLFD.
Received and read monthly report from YFD.
Received and read monthly report from American Legion Ambulance Corp.
Received and read monthly report from DCO Fawn Schneider.
Received and read monthly report from Chief of Patrol Michael Walton.
Received and read letter from Robert M. Dufour Interim Superintendent of Eldred Central School requesting the donation of the three lever voting machines.
Norman Sutherland states we opened the bids for the loader and Pine Bush was the lowest bid and I have given the Board a resolution to close the seasonal roads.
Supervisor Boyar states the election last Tuesday went smoothly and the people are getting used to the system of voting.
Supervisor Boyar state he is shopping for competitive Insurance quotes.
Michael Walton states he and Judge LaRuffa are going over the Policy and Procedures. and should have a copy to the Board next month.
Keith Blaut Chief of Yulan Fire Department states I have brought copies of Tusten Town Law for the Board to look at they had the same problems we had in which false alarms keep happening at the same residence and its continually happening. The Town of Tusten enacted a Town Law where the third false alarm they get a fine and I think that would good for our town , it could cut back on the false alarms.
Supervisor Boyar ask if there were three false alarms in what period of time.
Chief Blaut answers in one year.
Supervisor Boyar asks this idea to address these problems is because their has been problems, and would I be correct that there have been alarms that have gone out without an emergency a half dozen or more times this year alone on one property?
Chief Kieth Blaut states yes there has been one structure with over twenty in one year, in the month of October there have been four or five.
Chief Blaut state each time is manpower, gas, we put Highland Lake Fire Department on standby, the American Legion responds with the Ambulance.
Supervisor Boyar ask can the property owner do something to correct it, replace it or repair it so it doesn’t keep doing this.
Chief Keith Blaut states the alarm company has been out and did a full service on their alarm system and after that we also had two or three call so we know it not the alarms fault it is the customers fault.
Supervisor Boyar states we will look at this at the recessed meeting and is there anything we can do to communicate with the property owner that is repeatedly issuing false alarms
Chief Keith Blaut states we had a direct conversation with the employees and since we have not had a false alarm.
Donald Rupp speaks in reference to false alarms.
Sally Rowe speaks in reference to Gas Drilling
Carol Roig speaks in reference to Gas Drilling.
Councilman Zimmermann states the building has been used several times and someone sat on the tables and popped the screws we may need to replace some tables. There has been some contention about the Bocce Court.The procedures was that any kind of improvement through the Seniors with an okay from the Town Board and this spring we would get some oyster flour to spread on the Bocce Court and it is similar to crusher run and it maintains a solid level surface .There was a lot of work put into the draining system and if we put anything on top of the oyster shell it will not drain well and there will be a lot more maintenance on it so I hope the people who got the materials delivered to the Senior Parking Lot will consider holding off and not putting it down until they talk to some people and get this issue squared away.
Supervisor Boyar states I am having a meeting scheduled with the officer of the Seniors to go over the right protocol. If you remember we talked about the Grant from Rennainance and we thought it was for the Town for the Bocce Court and it was applied for by the Seniors and they feel the same way the money should go to the Bocce Court.
Councilman Fred Bosch states we have make progress on the Local Laws and will go over them next and will work on the Local Law that was brought here tonight in reference to the false alarms
Councilman Bosch states the MMTF has been delayed by Delta Engineers getting finalized information and hopefully next month we will receive information from Delta that we would pass as a resolution moving forward as a process.
Councilman Bosch states the Generator is on order the gas company and the bidder will get together to make sure the gas tank is the right distance away from the tank and pad has been built by the Highway Department.
John Sundholm reads report, on file at Town Clerks Office.
Arnold Gruel states they moved the Park and appreciate the help with the lighting.
Supervisor Boyar states we are working on the handy man applications.
MOTION BY Councilman Bosch to approve the 2011 Budget seconded by Councilman Hallock discussion roll call motion call motion carried all ayes.
MOTION BY Councilman Bosch to approve the Yulan Fire Department Contract for 2011 seconded by Councilwoman Scully discussion motion carried all ayes.
MOTION BY Councilman Hallock to approve the Highland Lake Fire Department Contract for 2011 seconded by Councilwoman Scully discussion Councilman Bosch abstains motion carried all ayes.
MOTION BY Councilman Zimmermann to approve the American Legion Contract seconded by Councilwoman Scully discussion motion carried all ayes.
MOTION BY Councilman Hallock to approve the Sunshine Library Contract for 2011 seconded by Councilwoman Scully discussion motion carried all ayes.
MOTION BY Councilman Zimmermann to approve Local Law # 01-2010 Dog Licensing seconded by Councilwoman Scully discussion motion carried all ayes.
MOTIN BY Councilman Hallock to approve the fee schedule for dog licensing and to take effect January 1, 2011 seconded by Councilman Bosch discussion motion carried all ayes.
MOTION BY Councilman Zimmermann to adjust Dave Kuebler hours from ten to twelve hours per week seconded by Councilman Hallock discussion motion carried all ayes.
MOTION BY Councilman Hallock to declare Seasonal use of roads, as per the recommendation of the Highway Superintendent seconded by Councilman Zimmermann discussion motion carried all ayes.
MOTION BY Councilman Zimmerman to surplus the three old lever voting machines
Seconded by Councilman Bosch discussion motion carried all ayes.
MOTION BY Councilman Hallock to donate the old lever voting machines to the Eldred Central School seconded by Councilman Zimmermann discussion motion carried all ayes.
MOTION BY Councilman Bosch to approve the purchase loader from the Highway Fund Balance from Pine Bush Equipment in the amount of $ 125,900.00 seconded by Councilman Hallock discussion motion carried all ayes.
MOTION BY Councilman Hallock to direct the administrator for LOSAP Phil Johnson to invest the funds conservatively seconded by Councilman Zimmerman discussion motion carried all ayes.
MOTION BY Councilman Hallock to send the VFIS report to the Comptroller seconded by Councilman Bosch discussion motion carried all ayes.
MOTION BY Councilman Zimmermann to approve a public hearing on the Flood Maps @ 6:45 December 14, 2010 seconded by Councilman Hallock discussion motion carried all ayes.
MOTION BY Councilman Zimmermann to accept reimbursement grant for $1000.00 and put it on the agenda for the December meeting discussion motion carried all ayes.
MOTION BY Councilman Hallock to approve the audited Street Light Abstract in the amount of $ 153.70 seconded by Councilwoman Scully discussion carried all ayes.
MOTION BY Councilman Zimmermann to approve the audited Highway Abstract in the amount of $ $45,795.80 seconded by Councilman Hallock discussion motion carried all ayes.
MOTION BY Councilman Bosch to approve the audited General Abstract in the amount of $$34,743.11 seconded by Councilman Zimmermann discussion motion carried all ayes.
MOTION BY Councilman Hallock to recess the meeting until 11-16-2010 @ 7:PM
Seconded by Councilwoman Scully discussion motion carried all ayes
Respectively submitted,
Doreen Hanson Town Clerk