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COM 19 – R 5 – E
STUDY PERIOD 2005-2008 / August 2006
English only
Original: English
Question(s): / ALL
Source: / Study Group 19 (Mobile Telecommunication Networks)
Title: / Report of the Geneva meeting (19-27 July 2006)
Structure of the report R 5 of the fifth meeting of the SG 19
(Geneva, 19-27 July 2006)
5 / Study Group 19 (Mobile Telecommunication Networks) / Contains list of liaisons
Annexes to the report R 5 / SG19 Questions 1, 3, 4 and joint 2, 5/19 and 6/13 / Annex 3 contains SG19 Work Programme
Table of contents
Table of contents 2
1. General 3
2. Documentation for the meeting 5
3. Approval of Draft Recommendations 5
4. Reports of Interim and Related Activities 7
5 Open Access to SG 19 Documentation 8
6 Meeting Timetable, Appointment of Rapporteurs, Coordinators and Editors 8
7. Approval of reports of individual Questions 9
8 Next Generation Networks and SG 19’s Role 11
9. Updating the NGN work plan on mobility management and fixed-mobile convergence 11
10. Future meetings 14
11. Approval of outgoing liaison statements 15
12. Work Programme for SG 19 16
13. Planning for Workshops and Seminars 16
14 Other Business 16
15. Closing of the Meeting 16
Annex 1 - Agenda 17
Annex 2 - Notes on Additional Documents Identified in the Opening Plenary 19
Annex 3 - SG 19 Work Programme 21
Annex 4 - Q.1/19 Report: Service and network capability requirements and network architecture 24
Annex 5 - Report of Joint Meetings of Q.2/19, Q.5/19 and Q.6/13 27
Annex 6 - Q.3/19 Report: Identification of existing and evolving IMT-2000 systems 34
Annex 7 - Q.4/19 Report: Preparation of a handbook on IMT-2000 38
1. General
1.1 The fifth meeting of ITU-T Study Group 19 “Mobile Telecommunication Networks” in the 2005-2008 study period took place in Geneva, Switzerland, in the ITU Facilities from 19-27 July 2006. The meeting was convened by TSB Collective Letter 5/19 dated 2 May 2006 and was chaired by Mr John Visser (Nortel Networks, Canada), assisted by the following SG 19 Vice-Chairmen:
· Mr Kiritkumar Lathia (Siemens Spa, Italy);
· Mr Bruno Ramos (ANATEL, Brazil);
· Mr Motoshi Tamura (NTT DoCoMo, Japan); and
· Mr Konstantin Trofimov (NIIR, Russia).
1.2 One Vice-Chairman was not able to participate in this meeting, extended apologies for his absence, and designated a representative to take his place:
· Mr Young Kyun Kim (Samsung Electronics, Korea) represented by Mr Kees den Hollander.
1.3 Two Vice-Chairman were not able to participate in this meeting and extended apologies for their absence:
· Mr Maurice Ghazal (MPT, Lebanon), due to the current situation in his country; and
· Mr Patrick Masambu (Communications Commission, Uganda).
The participants expressed the hope that Mr Ghazal and his family are safe and secure.
1.4 The meeting began on 19 July with joint sessions of Q.5/19 and Q.6/13. The Chairman formally opened the meeting at 0930h on 24 July 2006 and welcomed the participants. The Chairman invited Dr Houlin Zhao, ITU TSB Director, to provide some opening remarks. DrZhao gave a warm welcome to the delegates, and then noted a number of points:
· He noted the 50th Anniversary Celebration of CCITT / ITU-T that had taken place on 20July where a number of very senior people from government and industry had come to Geneva to help mark the occasion, together with a substantial number of CTO level executives from the membership.
· Looking forward to the Plenipotentiary Conference in November 2006, he noted that his second term as TSB Director was coming to an end and that he would be stepping down. He expressed his desire to see administrations and companies continue to provide, and expand, their support for ITU-T. In support of this, he had provided to TSAG a document with his thoughts on areas that might be explored to this end[1].
· He noted that, consistent with decisions taken at WTSA-2004, TSAG had considered the need for adjusting the organization of the three key study groups involved in NGN, and had reached a consensus view that the working arrangements that had been developed were functioning well, and that therefore there was no need to make any changes to the structure for the remainder of the study period.
· Mr Zhao reported that Council had decided to conduct a trial of free public access to ITUT Recommendations beginning 1 January 2007 and continuing to the subsequent Council meeting in September 2007. The details of how this will be done continue to be worked. He noted that a number of adjustments had been made to the working procedures of the ITU-T, and that revised Recommendation A.1[2], which includes a number of procedural adjustments that participants should be aware of, was now in force. He noted one in particular, namely that the deadline for submissions of contributions had been adjusted from seven working days to ten calendar days.
· He observed that SG 19 was of unique importance to ITU-T because it represented the main point of contact with wireless access and mobility, key dimensions of telecommunications today and going forward. He noted the relationships with ITU-R WP 8F and the 3GPPs, and noted that a relationship with organizations such as IEEE should be developed, especially in regards to networking in support of rapidly emerging wireless broadband access technologies.
Mr Zhao concluded by wishing the participants a successful meeting and said “good-bye” since his term of office would end prior to the next meeting of SG 19. The participants expressed their appreciation for his work as the TSB Director with a round of applause.
1.5 The SG 19 Chairman provided his opening remarks and stated his overall objectives for the meeting. These are summarized here:
· Continue to play an essential role in and actively contribute to the progress of the Next Generation Network - Global Standards Initiative (NGN-GSI) by progressing our work on Mobility Management, and on Fixed Mobile Convergence, as essential aspects of the NGN-GSI initiative; in particular:
o progress the work on Mobility Management in Q.2/19 towards completing the deliverable Q.MMR (“Mobility Management Requirements for NGN”) at this meeting;
o progress the work on Fixed Mobile Convergence, building on the significant momentum established in the last SG 19 meeting and in the Rapporteur activities leading up to this meeting; and
o advance the work on “Functional Network Architecture for Systems Beyond IMT-2000” while also providing a better description of its positioning with respect to NGN;
· Progress the work on the next iterations of Recommendations Q.1741 and Q.1742 and, in particular:
o progress the work in Q.3/19 towards completing the draft new Recommendation Q.1742.5 “IMT-2000 References [approved as of 31 December 2005] to ANSI-41 evolved Core Network with cdma2000 Access Network” at this meeting;
· Progress the next version of the Handbook for IMT-2000 and systems beyond, and consider where else we could usefully develop guidance documents for the benefit of developing countries and countries with economies in transition, and how we should go about doing so successfully;
· Continue to assert and promote SG 19’s mandate and role in the NGN-GSI context, including our position that SG 19 should handle the approval of NGN-GSI deliverables that fall within its mandate, while ensuring that progress on defining the NGN is maintained in order to meet the needs of end users and operators; and
· Consider future directions for the effective handling of the topics and work areas allocated to SG 19 in this study period, and noting the issues encountered and the level of coordination required, begin consideration of how the work should be organized in the next study period in order to optimally utilize the time and energy of the participants while minimizing the effort needed for coordination.
2. Documentation for the meeting
2.1 The agenda, as provided in TSB Collective Letter 5/19, is available as TD 320 (GEN/19) and has been attached to this report as Annex 1. It was accepted as proposed.
2.2 The meeting considered two contributions (COM 19-C 3 and C 4) and twenty-four delayed contributions (COM 19-D 42 through D 66 with one contribution withdrawn.) The meeting considered twenty-six liaison statements, listed in TD 368 (GEN/19). One series of Temporary Documents was assigned. A proposed document allocation was made available as TD 386 (GEN/19). TDs generated during the meeting are not included in this allocation.
2.3 The list of participants was distributed as TD 406 (GEN/19).
2.4 All documents for the meeting may be downloaded from the SG 19 web page: www.itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com19 with TIES access. Documents designated for public access may be downloaded from www.itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com19/docs.
3. Approval of Draft Recommendations
3.1 AAP Consent of Draft New Recommendations
3.1.1 A draft new Recommendation entitled “Mobility Management Requirements for NGN” was proposed for AAP Consent at the closing plenary.
3.1.2 During the discussion, an additional paragraph was proposed to be added to the end of §1 Scope, and was agreed:
“Administrations may require operators and service providers to take into account national regulatory and national policy requirements in implementing this Recommendation.”
3.1.3 During the discussion, two instances of “shall” were noted in §8.3.5. The Rapporteur indicated these could be changed to “should” without affecting the intent of this section. This was agreed.
3.1.4 A question to the plenary on patent information related to the candidate draft Recommendation elicited no response. It was noted that there is a cross-dependency on SG 13’s draft new Recommendation Y.FRA, “Functional requirements and architecture of the NGN”, which is anticipated to be AAP Consented or TAP Determined at the SG 13 closing plenary and to enter the AAP or TAP process in parallel with this draft new Recommendation. The meeting felt it appropriate to proceed on the basis that any issues identified in the AAP for this draft new Recommendation, or the AAP or TAP review period for the SG 13 Recommendation, would need to be satisfactorily addressed from the point of view of both study groups in order for approval to be declared. With this understanding, the following Recommendation has therefore been consented for AAP. The Q-series number allocated to this Recommendation is Q.1706.
ITU-T Document / Title / Editor(s) / TD No.Recommendation Q.1706 / Mobility Management Requirements for NGN / Mr Hee Young Jung, ETRI, Korea
Mr Seong Gon Choi, CBNU, Korea
Mr Seok J. Koh, KNU, Korea / TD 397R1 (GEN/19)
Also available as TD 190 (PLEN/13)
3.1.5 A draft new Recommendation entitled “IMT-2000 References (approved as of 31December 2005) to ANSI-41 evolved Core Network with cdma2000 Access Network” was proposed for AAP Consent at the closing plenary. TD 383 (GEN/19) provides links to Recommendation A.5 information for the referencing of CCSA, TIA, TTA, TTC and ARIB documents in draft new Recommendation Q.1742.5. This document was approved by the meeting and the decision was taken to include the references to these SDOs’ technical documents into draft new Recommendation Q.1742.5. A question to the plenary on patent information related to the candidate draft Recommendation elicited no response. The meeting noted that “square brackets” ([ and ]) were used in a number of places in TD 379R1 (GEN/19), “Draft new Recommendation Q.1742.5: IMT-2000 References [approved as of 31 December 2005] to ANSI-41 evolved Core Network with cdma2000 Access Network (For consent)”. This is normally a method used to indicate text that is not yet fully agreed. It was confirmed this is not the case in this draft new Recommendation. An editorial exercise will replace these with parentheses except where they enclose a number identifying a reference. The following Recommendation has therefore been consented for AAP. The Q-series number allocated to this Recommendation is Q.1742.5.
ITU-T Document / Title / Editor / TD No.Recommendation Q.1742.5 / IMT-2000 References (approved as of 31 December 2005) to ANSI-41 evolved Core Network with cdma2000 Access Network / Mr Charles Teising Jr., Lucent Technologies, United States of America[3] / TD 379R1 (GEN/19)
3.2 Translation of Text of New Recommendations
3.2.1 The meeting considered the matter of how best to translate the text of newly AAP Consented Recommendation Q.1742.5 to ensure that the results would be useful and meaningful to those using other language versions while minimizing the amount of translation effort required. SG19 recommends that the entire contents of Recommendations in the Q.174x.y series should be translated with the following exceptions:
• Translation of the titles of references of other SDOs that exist in English only should not be done.
• Translation of the tables listing references should not be done.
• Translation of the list of acronyms and abbreviations should be handled in a special way. Since acronyms and abbreviations often do not translate well, all language versions should include both the English as well as the translated list of acronyms and abbreviations in order to provide a common reference point for all readers.
3.2.2 It is estimated that the above approach may save some of the translation effort that would otherwise be required with no loss of value to the users of these Recommendations. It is suggested to the TSB that it considers proceeding accordingly.
3.2.3 It is recommended that normal translation be carried out on draft new Recommendation Q.1706.
4. Reports of Interim and Related Activities
4.1 An interim e-meeting of Q.1/19 was scheduled to take place 23 May to 6 June 2006. This meeting was cancelled due to lack of sufficient participants although there were a number of contributions available for discussion. The membership is kindly requested to note the need to allocate time for participation in e-meetings, and to recall the practical considerations of no time away from home and no travel cost made possible through use of the facilities provided by the ITU.
4.2 The report of the Q.2/19, Q.5/19 and Q.6/13 Rapporteurs meetings that took place in Kobe, Japan, 22-27 April 2006 are provided in TD 349 (GEN/19). These meetings progressed the work on mobility management and on fixed-mobile convergence. This was presented and approved. TDs362 through 367 provided the outputs of the Kobe meeting in the form of updated draft deliverables per the SG19 work plan. These were proposed as baseline documents for progressing the work at this meeting and this was approved.