Hebo Stewardship Group Meeting Notes
October 8th, 2015
City Hall, Lincoln City
Name / Affiliation / Name / AffiliationJane Barth / Facilitator / Mike Kennedy / Siletz Trip
Sherry Vick / Tillamook SWCD, NNWC / Paul Katen / SDCWC
Alex Sifford / NNWC / Jon Porier / USFS Hebo RD
Guy Holzworth / NNWC / Lori Wisehart / USFS Hebo RD
Lisa Phipps / TEP / Jack Sleeper / USFS Central RD
Aaron Duzik / Lincoln SWCD
The meeting began a little after 3pm with introductions. August meeting notes were approved. They will be posted at http://www.cascadepacificstewardship.org/hebo. Jane gave a short recap of the recent field trip focused on Marbled Murrelet. She will circulate the press release that the SNF produced after the trip.
2015 Siuslaw Collaborative Watershed Restoration Fund- Wyden Projects
Jack Sleeper, lead for the Technical Review Team, explained that his team determined that all 11 Wyden projects were good to move forward from a technical standpoint. A handout summarizing the proposals was distributed SGs: HSG (3), ASG (5), SSG (2), MPSG (1). The total request for funds is about $180,000 more than available retained receipts so the Round Table will have to work to reduce budgets or cut some projects altogether.
HSG projects review
· The NNWC provided a written response to Tech Team questions about the Boulder Creek Project. Jack Sleeper said all responses satisfied the Team’s concerns. A discussion topic was the use of angular rock. Alex is working with Kami Ellingson and Walt Hislop. Jack recommends he take John Spangler from ODFW out to the site, too, to provide input.
· TEP provided a written response the Tech Team questions about NORP proposal. Jack Sleeper said all responses satisfied the Team’s concerns and that the team really likes this project and will recommend that other Wyden project applicants approach NORP for plant for their restoration projects.
· Aaron Duzik provided verbal responses to the Tech Team questions during this meeting and his answers satisfied the team’s concerns. Jack asked about ARBO-2 consultation on this project. He encouraged Aaron to talk with Marty Stein about this. Jack will work with Jeff Uebel to help clarify this issue since it these biological opinions from NMFS and USFWS have not been brought up in past Wyden project cycles.
HSG projects prioritization for Round Table
Meeting participants ended up ranking the 3 projects as follows:
· Boulder Creek Fish Passage Enhancement
· Northwest Oregon Restoration Partnership
· No Patience for Impatiens
Round Table representatives, Alex Sifford and Paul Katen, will bring the following scaling option to the Round Table:
· The Impatiens project is for work in 2017. Aaron has funds to treat in 2016 from the project funded last cycle. The HSG strongly supports getting the 2017 treated funded this cycle, but could hold off and resubmit the proposal next year if necessary.
SNF Retained Receipts projects
The list remains the same as what the group saw in June. Casey Hawes is working on getting the list prioritized in time for the Round Table. Jane will circulate the prioritized list when she receives it.
Outreach Funds
According to CPRCD records, there is $1667 available for the HSG to use for outreach. Meeting participants approved the following:
· NNWC: $200 for food at upcoming Science Pub
· NNWC: approximately $500 for display board (see August notes for more detail)
· SDCWC: $1000 to create and print a “how to” guide for landowners to identify, treat and follow up after treating invasive species. The HSG would like the guide to be available on-line, too. Below is excerpted from the written request:
o The "Oregon Coast non-native invasive species plant guide" will function as an education, outreach and action tool for the group and other interested area parties. The plant guide will outline non-native plants invasive qualities, how they propagate and environmental impacts. The guide will offer a DIY control for weeds or contact for a licensed herbicide applicator if the plant cannot be mechanically controlled. Additionally, the guide will offer native planting solutions for areas where the weeds have been removed.
o Funds requested from the Hebo Stewardship Group would go to design, print and distribute 200 guides to local area landowners in a public meeting called "Weeds to the Wise" to be held at the Eventuary in Lincoln City. The event will serve not only as an opportunity to engage landowners and understand the location of species of concern on private lands. Additionally 300 copies of the guides (depending on funds) will be provided to the Hebo Stewardship Group to share with other agencies.
Updates/Other Business/Announcements
· A field trip with Tillamook County Commissioners is being planned. Lori and Jon will let the group know when that will take place so members can participate.
· The beaver project funded with retained receipts last year was to be done this summer. However, those funds had to be borrowed to cover fire costs. Joe Acosta now plans to do the project next summer.
· The USFS is working on a forest-wide EA to be able to use herbicide to treat invasives. This EA will analyze the major restoration needs of the Oregon Silverspot butterfly. They want to develop and forest-wide strategy and then start a new NEPA process on a more site specific basis. Plan to hold a public meeting about restoration in the Salmon River Estuary. There will be opportunities to participate and perhaps the HSG can help the USFS engage the public.
· Huck Thin sold for double the advertised rate ($23=> $46). The District is still on track to sell Farmer Thin as a stewardship sale in the 4th quarter of 2016. They are considering selling South Lake as a stewardship sale in March 2016. Are asking specialists for associated projects within that sale. Jon will bring maps to the next HSG meeting to show more about these sales.
· Jon shared that the District is looking at ideas to put in a response to the Federal Forest Health Program RFP. They are considering seeking funds for red tree vole surveys. Jane added that CPRCD is looking into submitting a proposal for the pot of funds within this same program which are for forest collaboratives. She will circulate information about the program and links to the RFPs. The Round Table will discuss the collaboratives proposal.
Tillamook SWCD: Sherry shared that the knotweed spraying is ending for this year. Aaron, who was contracted to do the work, said this was a fun collaboration team and they learned from each other. Next year they will survey the Big Nestucca where there has been an “eye popping amount” of knotweed. Both Tillamook and Lincoln SWCD’s received Title II funds to treat invasives.
Future Meetings, Agenda Items, Other Events
· November 12th HSG meeting – Jane will request agenda items to help group determine if it needs to meet this month or wait until December.
· The annual joint stewardship group meeting will be scheduled for mid to late January. The Round Table will discuss potential topics, one of which is monitoring.
The meeting adjourned close to 5:00pm.
Draft 3