An Overview of the 20-hour Full Program of Secondary Two Curriculum

Construct / Unit / Unit Aims / Learning Targets
1. Bonding / What Can I Do for My Family?
(30 minutes) / To encourage students to make more contributions at home so as to strengthen their relationship with the family / 1.To recall the occasions on which they received care from their parents
2.To explore the roles students may play at home and to enhance their motivation to contribute to their families
Parent’s Messages
(30 minutes) / To learn the skills leading to better communication with the parents and to strengthen parent-child relationships /
  1. To analyze parents’ messages from person-oriented and task-oriented points of view
  2. To demonstrate proper response to parents’ messages and establish a good relationship with the parents

2. Social Competence / Who Are Hong Kong Residents?
(30 minutes) /
  1. To know why discrimination against people of different races is not desirable
  2. To know more about ethnic minorities in Hong Kong
  3. To learn to accept, value, and respect different ethnic groups
  1. To be aware about the different ethnic groups in Hong Kong
  2. To describe some of the positive traits of some ethnic groups in Hong Kong and to appreciate as well as value their qualities

A Career Rhapsody
(30 minutes) /
  1. To build a vision among students that we can contribute to Hong Kong by fulfilling one’s duty
  2. To build up the value that people of different occupations should be accorded the same respect
  1. To understand that different occupations contribute to Hong Kong and should be respected
  2. To build up the principle that we should respect people from all walks of life, and we can make contribution to Hong Kong by fulfilling our duty

3. Emotional Competence / To Know and Be Known
(30 minutes) / To increase students’ abilities in understanding others’ emotions and feelings /
  1. To be empathetic towards others’ feelings
  2. To understand the importance of respecting others’ emotions

Reasonable Response
(30 minutes) / To help students understand how negative emotions affect their relationships /
  1. To understand how improper negative emotional expressions affect interpersonal relationships
  2. To recognize the importance of properly expressing negative emotions

Two are Better than One
(30 minutes) / To encourage students to share distress with parents and family members /
  1. To identify the characteristics of parent-child communication
  2. To list out appropriate skills for sharing with parents

A Perfect Match
(30 minutes) / To encourage students to share distress with friends /
  1. To identify characteristics of friends for secure sharing and factors to consider in sharing
  2. To develop basic active-listening and response skills

4. Cognitive Competence / Thinking Styles Unveiled
(30 minutes) / To cultivate creative thinking skills through exposure to different types of thinking styles /
  1. To identify the characteristics of different types of thinking styles
  2. To identify different thinking styles pertaining to various occupations

Creator of the New Century
(30 minutes) / To cultivate creative thinking skills / To apply different thinking styles in creative problem solving
5. Behavioral Competence / Friendly Criticism?
(30 minutes) / To understand that criticism may be given with good and/or bad intentions, and to learn how to criticize out of goodwill / 1.To understand that criticism may be given with good and/or bad intentions
2.To understand that the method of giving criticism may affect the receptivity of the criticized
3.To learn how to criticize out of goodwill and avoid misunderstanding
I Want an Apology!
(30 minutes) / To understand that appropriately handling mistakes (both ours and others’) may avoid harming interpersonal relationships / 1.To learn to face and handle improper behavior against us
2.To learn to apologize to others sincerely
6. Moral Competence / In the Restaurant
(30 minutes) / To understand that under all circumstances, with or without laws, maintaining fairness requires us to consider the whole situation and the needs of all the parties involved /
  1. To learn to respect others and be considerate about their needs and feelings when seeking fairness
  2. To understand that seeking fairness does not mean everyone gets whats/he wants
  3. To understand that seeking fairness when no laws apply does not mean fighting for what we want

Seat Fighter
(30 minutes) / To increase students’ awareness of helping others, and help them understand that goodwill is what matters when offering help /
  1. To learn to consider the needs of others and take the initiative to help others by examining selfish behaviors
  2. To learn how to help others bravely, wisely and skillfully

7. Self-efficacy / Learning Tactics
(30 minutes) / To enhance students’ academic self-efficacy /
  1. To explore different learning tactics
  2. To discover suitable learning tactics

The Warped Monster House
(30 minutes) / To help students reduce the negative impact of distorted thoughts on their self-efficacy, in order to prevent the development of depressive mood /
  1. To identify distorted thoughts
  2. To learn to penetrate and deal with distorted thoughts

8. Prosocial Norms / Different Identities, Different Duties
(30 minutes) / To understand that everyone has his or her own social responsibility /
  1. To understand that social norms may or may not apply to people with different identities when faced with the same social issue or situation
  2. To understand that people of different age groups and /or backgrounds have different social responsibilities

You Better Do What People Tell You?
(30 minutes) / To identify different societal expectations toward conforming behaviors /
  1. To realize that the society may have different expectations of prosocial behavior for people of different age groups and/or backgrounds
  2. To realize that conforming behavior can be good or bad
  3. To understand that individuals should make decisions rationally rather than conforming without thought

Is It Trendy to Be Slim?
(30 minutes) / To identify the incentives for complying with social norms and the disincentives of violating those norms /
  1. To develop the ability to identify incentives and disincentives of following social norms in controversial situations.

Balance of Power
(30 minutes) / To evaluate the social incentives and disincentives of controversial norms and to give an appropriate response to these social issues /
  1. To develop the ability to evaluate the incentives and disincentives of following social norms when faced with a controversial issue or situation
  2. To learn to consider the interests of different parties when faced with a controversial issue or situation

9. Resilience / Survivor
(30 minutes) / To rebuild the understanding of failures and learn from them /
  1. To demonstrate an understanding of failures may be precursors to success
  2. To find out what one may learn from past failures

The Humorous Moment
(30 minutes) / To learn to face adversity with a sense of humor so that students can confront difficulties in life optimistically /
  1. To learn to face adversity with a sense of humor
  2. To learn the basic principles and skills of humor

The Modern Robinson
(30 minutes) / To learn not to fall into avoidance traps when facing adversity, as avoidance will only lead to bigger difficulties /
  1. To demonstrate an understanding of why temptations are so tempting and learn skills to resist them
  2. To stay away from short-term happiness due to avoidance

Life Is an Endless Challenge
(30 minutes) / To learn to take every moment as a learning opportunity and face difficulties and challenges in life courageously /
  1. To identify the difficulties and challenges that may help students become mature
  2. To judge the value behind significant life events as a learning opportunity

10. Self-determination / Choice: The Panorama
(30 minutes) / To enhance students’ competence in self-determination by sharpening their decision-making skills /
  1. To sharpen decision-making skills
  2. To handle peers’ opinions and peer pressure by making use of decision-making skills
  3. To understand that one should be responsible for his/her decisions and accept the consequences

Choice: The Pre-requisites
(30 minutes) / To examine each option from different perspectives in order to make a more thorough analysis before deciding /
  1. To understand that people may have different perceptions and opinions regarding the same issue
  2. To listen to and analyze the advice of significant others before making decisions

11. Spirituality / Living Elsewhere
(30 minutes) / To encourage students to live a meaningful life by understanding the living conditions of the deprived /
  1. To understand the plight of the deprived
  2. To treasure what we have and live a meaningful life

The World of Money
(30 minutes) / To encourage students to reflect on the meaning of money in their lives /
  1. To reflect on the meaning of money
  2. To understand that material possessions may not necessarily lead to happiness

To Live a Day
(30 minutes) / To enable students to reflect on the meaning of life through the experiences of a cancer patient /
  1. To become aware that we may encounter challenges in life
  2. To search for the meaning of life through self-reflection

The Beginning and the End
(30 minutes) / To help students explore the meaning of death through the experiences of a cancer patient /
  1. To realize that death is a natural process in life
  2. To reflect on the meaning of death while learning to treasure life

12. Clear and Positive Identity / Life with Values
(30 minutes) / To build a positive self-image through discovering the most ideal aspect of oneself /
  1. To reveal the ideal “me”
  2. To self-encourage and affirm oneself for the values that one is pursuing

My Companions
(30 minutes) / To create an atmosphere of mutual support in order to strengthen students’ positive self-image / To identify classmates who have similar life values to oneself
13. Beliefs in the Future / Go Ahead!
(30 minutes) / To understand that we have to face our academic results whether they are good or poor, and to learn to evaluate ourselves and set short-term learning goals / 1.To learn how to face academic results, as well as how to evaluate ourselves and improve
2.To set short-term learning goals
Go Forward with Fun
(30 minutes) / To encourage students to draw up a plan of reward for themselves in order to achieve their learning goals /
  1. To understand that rewards are important for achieving goals
  2. To learn how to design an effective plan of reward

Never Give Up!
(30 minutes) / To understand that perseverance is needed for achieving a goal / 1.To understand that perseverance and persistence are needed for achieving a goal
2.To understand that overcoming temptation brings positive feelings
Makea Wise Change!
(30 minutes) / To experience and learn how to face and handle obstacles in the process of attaining a goal / 1.To understand a) that there may be obstacles in the journey of attaining a goal and b) how to face them with a positive attitude
2.To learn how to change strategies properly when encountering obstacles and to persist in one’s goals
14. Prosocial Involvement / The Life Puzzle
(30 minutes) / To understand the reasons for advocating participation in community activities in society /
  1. To familiarize students with programs and services offered by the government and the community for people in need
  2. To understand that people in society have many different needs

Help Our Community, Widen Our Horizons
(30 minutes) / To differentiate between the different motives for and different factors in participating in community activities /
  1. To think about the motives for participating in community activities, and the factors affecting such motives

The Community for Me, Me for the Community
(30 minutes) / To learn about the procedures for organizing an activity /
  1. To learn about the procedures for organizing an activity, including identifying aims, setting objectives, and action planning
  2. To express expectations about participating in community activities

Charity Bake Sale
(30 minutes) / To assess the success of the activities /
  1. To evaluate whether an activity achieves its aim and objectives
  2. To review the shortcomings of an activity, and to seek ways to improve it in the future

Note. The 10-hour Core Program consists of the units from Constructs 1-8.