GWT Practice Topics
- Select a topic from the list below, read it a few times and note what the prompt requires you to do. Make sure you complete all the tasks of the assignment.
- You have one hour and 15 minutes to write on the essay topic. Take a few minutes to plan and organize your essay before you begin to write. Scratch outlines, brainstorming, or clustering are often quite helpful. In this short time, however, you will probably not have time to write a rough draft and then recopy it.
- Try to think of specific evidence and concrete examples to support or illustrate your general points.
- Allow yourself enough time after writing to go back over your essay, proofread for errors and omissions, and make the necessary corrections.
- The essay topic is designed to give you an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to write clearly and effectively. Perfection is not expected, but you should try to produce the best essay possible in the time allotted.
Note:After you have finished your practice essay, you may want to make an appointment with a Writing Center tutor to go over your paper. The best way to learn to improve your writing skills is to practice, get feedback, develop a revision plan, and re-write your essay.
GWTPractice Topic #1
Back to the Good Old Days
People often talk about how things were better backinthe“goodolddays."Grandparentssometimes thinkthatpeoplewere more politeinthepast,ormore respectful of elders.
Others might thinkthat houses werebuilt better, that cars hadmore style,orproductswerehigherquality.Some peoplethinkthat food tasted better, that life was simpler, andthatpeoplehadbettervalues.
In a well-organized essay, answer thefollowingquestion:
Werethingsreallybetterinthe“goodolddays”? Chooseoneor more aspectsofhuman life that some people think was betterinthepast. Discuss the advantagesand disadvantages of how things were done inthepast versus the present.
Supportyourideaswith examples fromyour own experience, frombooksyouhaveread,moviesyouhave seen,orothersources.
Youressaywillbe more focusedifyou chooseone specific area of everyday life.Forexample, if you chose “communications,” youcould compare letter writing with textmessaging onacellphone.Arockmusician might talkaboutthewaysinwhich“vintage” equipment is superior tocurrent models.Similarly, youcouldchoosefashion,transportation, education, etiquette, music,etc.
GWTPractice Topic #2
Do Men Listen with Half a Brain?
In a new study using a "functionalmagneticresonanceimaging" (fMRI)scanner,researchersstudiedbrainactivityin10men and10 women listeningto someone readamysterynoveloutloud.Theresearchersfoundthatthe men usedthelefthalfoftheirbrainswhilelisteningtothenovel, while thewomen used both halves of their brains."Ourresearchsuggestslanguageprocessingis different between men and women, but itdoesn't necessarily meanperformance is goingto be different," saidIndianaradiologistandco-authorDr.JosephT.Lurito. "We don't know if the difference is because of theway we're raised,orif it's hard-wiredinthe brain." Of course, when these results werepublished in the media,manywomen began to say, "So that's why mendon't listen verywell. They only use half their brains!"
In a well-organized essay, answer the following question:
Do you think that women are generally better listeners than men?If so, do youthink it is because of differences in brain function, differences intheway womenand men are raised, or other factors? If not, why not?Support your views withexamples fromyour
own experience.
GWTPractice Topic #3
English Only
Manystatesinthiscountryhavepassed "English Only" laws. In 1986 the State ofCalifornia amended the state constitution to declare that Englishistheofficial languageofCalifornia.The amendment says, "English is the common language of the people oftheUnited States of America andtheStateofCalifornia. Thissectionisintendedtopreserve,protectandstrengthentheEnglishlanguage,and not to supersede any of therights guaranteed tothepeopleofthis Constitution." It alsosays, "The LegislatureandofficialsoftheStateof California shall take all steps necessary toinsurethatthe roleofEnglishasthecommonlanguageoftheState ofCaliforniais preserved and enhanced.The Legislature shall make no law which diminishes orignorestheroleofEnglishasthecommon language of the State of California."
In some cases,such laws areusedtopreventor limit theuseofforeignlanguagesinsignson businesses or in governmentdocuments, such as ballots and voting materials. Theyarealsousedtooppose bilingual education,andthe use of languages other than Englishin public schools.
In a well-organized essay, answer the following question:
Doyouagreethat"EnglishOnly"lawsarea good idea for our society? If not,why not? If so, do you think that ballots, voting materials, governmentdocuments, educational materials, andsigns on businesses should all be inEnglishandonlyEnglish? Doyouthink that English proficiency should be requiredforcitizenship?
GWTPractice Topic #4
Freedomof speech is one of America'smost cherished rights, guaranteedby the firstamendment to the U.S. Constitution, which says, “Congress shall make no law . . .abridgingthe freedomof speech, or of the press.” However, in recent yearsthere havebeen a number of attempts to limit speech, such as the Federal CommunicationCommission's effortstocensortalkradiohosts who use obscene or racist language,speechcodesbanningsexistorracistspeechoncollege campuses, and Congressionalactions to control accesstopornographyontheInternet. Some believe there should beabsolutely no limits on what people are permitted to say in public.Others argue thatpeople should not be allowed to say thingsthatcausea“clearand present danger”tosociety,suchasshouting“fire!”inacrowded theatre when there is no fire, or inciting acrowd to riot.
In a well-organized essay, answer the following question:
What limits, ifany,doyou believe thereshouldbeon freedom ofspeech?Inansweringthisquestionuseatleastonespecific example fromyourexperience,observation, or knowledge.
In developing your response, you may want to comparefreedomof speech in the UnitedStateswithfreespeechstandardsin anothercountry with which you are familiar.
GWTPractice Topic #5
Does the Law Protect the Weak?
"Lawisthe protector oftheweak."
It has been said that "justice is blind"—thatthelawtreatseveryoneasequal,whetherrich or poor, black or white, young or old.Ifthatistrue,theweakcancertainlyseethelawas theirprotector.However, some peoplearguethatthelaw,asitis practiced inthe UnitedStates,isactuallythe tool oftherichand mighty.They arguethatthepersonwhocanafford the most expensive lawyer wins the case.
In a well-organized essay, answer the following question:
Does the law in the United States protect the poor and weak or does it serve therich and powerful?Support your position with examples from your ownexperience, or fromthe media.
GWTPractice Topic #6
Video games area controversial part of our society. Many people think that fantasyviolenceinvideo games cancauseplayersto commit realviolenceintherealworld.Concernsaboutviolenceandsexualcontent have led to a ratings systemfor the games,similar to movie ratings. However, even withan“AdultsOnly”rating, some storeshaverefusedtosell some games.Anotherproblemis that some people play video games for24hoursormorewithouteatingorsleeping,andtherehasbeenatleastonecaseofa person dying after playing for 51 hours withouta break.This has caused physicians todebate whether video game addiction is a realmental illness similar to other addictionssuch as drugs, smoking and alcoholism. Evenforpeoplewhoarenotaddicted,videogamessometimes interfere withwork,study,andrelationships.
Otherssaythatvideo games reducestressandarejustanotherformof entertainment, likemovies or TV, except that they offer a more interactive way oftellingastory.Videogames can also contain historical, literary, orevenscientificcontent,andcanbeusedtoteach reading,math, and other subjects.
In a well-organized essay, answer the following question:
Do video games have a positive or a negative effectonyourlifeorthe lives ofpeopleyouknow?
In answering this question, you may want to discuss particular games, or particular thingsthat people who play video games do.You may alsowanttodiscuss policies, rules, orlaws that might be used to make the effectof video games on society more positive, suchas the ratingsystem.
GWTPractice Topic #7
With cell phones and laptop computers with wireless connections, we can be connectedtoourjobs,our families,andourfriends24 hoursa day, seven days a week. We areconnected wherever we are, whatever we are doing. We can conduct business whilewashingclothes,talktoaloverwhile shopping,discuss plans for surgery at the airportlounge.Doesthiselectroniclifestyle make us more efficient? Does it make us happier?Does it causemorestress?
In a well-organized essay answer the following question:
Are there times when we should just turn off our devices and beout of touch?Discusstheadvantagesanddisadvantagesof being connected to work, family andfriends24hoursaday,sevendaysa week.Supportyourideaswithspecificdetails fromyour own experience.
GWTPractice Topic #8
InEuropeitisnotuncommontofindbuildings in use that are 200-300 years old. There are bridges over rivers thatstill rest on pilingsbuilt by the ancientRomans.In SouthernCalifornia,however,itisraretofindabuildingmuchover100yearsold,sowe sometimes have arguments aboutwhethera building isahistorictreasureorjustabrokendown maintenanceproblem. For example, recently there wasa controversy in LosAngeles about the fate ofSt. Vibiana's, a historicCatholicchurchin Little Tokyo whichwas severely damaged in the Northridge earthquake. Church leaders wanted to destroy thedamaged building, which was unsafe, and builda more modern structure, while othersthoughtthattheoldchurchshouldberepaired and preserved. Such controversies oftenarisewhenoldbuildingsstandongroundthat modern plannersfeelcouldbebetterusedfor other purposes.
In a well-organized essay, answer the following question:
In your opinion, which ismoreimportant—preservinghistoric buildings orencouraging moderndevelopment?Explain yourposition,usingreasonsandexamples basedonyourownexperiences, observations, or reading.
GWTPractice Topic #9
Violent acts by teenagers and even younger individuals seemto be increasing in America.While some people blame parents, schools, and the young people themselves for thisbehavior,othersidentifymovies, television, video games, the internet, the availability ofguns, and/or other factors in America life as primary causes.
In a well-organized essay, answer the following question:
What is the major cause or causes of violence among young people? What youthink might be done to help reduce it?
GWTPractice Topic #10
The PrivateLives ofPublic Figures
In the past, the news media tended not toreportabouttheprivatepersonalbehaviorofpublic figures. For example, it is now saidthatPresidentJohnF.Kennedyhad manydifferentgirlfriends, but at the time it was consideredimpolite,and irrelevant, to reportabout it. People admired himfor his political accomplishments andforhisabilitytoinspirepeopletoworkforchangeinthe country,andforgavehimforhisprivatefaults.Today it is very different. The news mediareport every fault and human failing as soonasitisdiscovered,sothatonlythosewholive the mostblameless and perfect lives (orwhoareverygoodathidingtheirfaults)can run for public office. Movie stars, athletes,andothercelebritiesfind their personal relationships, drug problems,traffictickets,andfinancialdealingsonthefront page of the newspaper.
In a well-organized essay, answer the following question:
Do public figures such as elected leaders and other celebrities have a right to privacy? Under what conditions does the public have a right to know about theirprivate lives?
Youmaywanttodevelopyourargumentsinthisessaybyreferringtoparticularcases.Forexample,thedetailsoftheprivatelifeofonepublicofficialmightnotberelevanttohis or her performance in office, while the private life of another might be very relevant.
GWTPractice Topic #11
Sexand Violence intheMovies
Sexandviolenceinthemediahasbeenanimportantissueinanumberofpresidentialcampaigns,andtheissueremainsimportant.ConcernaboutsexandviolenceonTVandinthemoviesisnotnew.In1930,facedwiththreatsofcensorshipbythefederalgovernment,theMotionPictureProducersandDistributorsofAmericacreatedtheMovieProductionCode,alsocalledthe "HayesCode,"afterWillH.Hayes,theorganization'sfirstdirector.HerearesomequotesfromtheHayesCode:
- Thesympathyoftheaudienceshallneverbethrowntothesideofcrime,wrong-doing,evilorsin.
- Thetechniqueofmurdermustbepresentedinawaythatwillnotinspireimitation.Brutalkillingsarenottobepresentedindetail.
- Adulteryandillicitsex...mustnotbeexplicitlytreatedorjustified,orpresentedattractively.
- Excessiveandlustfulkissing,lustfulembraces,suggestiveposturesandgesturesarenottobeshown.
- Completenudityisneverpermitted.
- Theremustbenoscenes,atanytime,showinglaw-enforcingofficersdyingatthehandsofcriminals.
GWTPractice Topic #12
The Purpose of College
AtanotherCSU campus, American scholarJosephEpsteinlecturedonthequestion,"What isthepointofacollegeeducation?"Manystudentsthinkthatthe purpose ofcollegeistoprepareforacareer.However,Epstein argued that students should go tocollege to achieve intellectual growth, and todiscover universal values through a study ofthe past.
In a well-organized essay, answer the following question:
What doyouthinkthepurposeofcollegeshouldbe?
Write anessayinwhichyouexplainyourviews,anddiscusswhetheryouthinkCal PolyPomona (or anotherinstitutionyouare familiar with)fulfillsthatideal. Support yourviewswith specificillustrations fromyour knowledge or experience.
GWTPractice Topic #13
Virtual Lives, Virtual Places
Today you can create a virtual version of yourself called an “avatar” and interact withotherpeople’savatarsinvirtual worlds where you can buy land and objects, create businesses, make dates,anddo almost anythingyoucandointhereal world.Youcanchooseyourgenderandappearance.Youcanbea human, an orc, an elf, a wizard, or amonster. You can be as beautiful or handsome as you want to be. You can go on a quest,slaydragons,conqueracountry,joinan army, steal cars, murder bystanders, do anythingyouwant.Youcanevenputonaheadsetandgogglesandwalk through the streets ofRome as the Emperor Constantine saw them.
However, even if you stay away from fantasy worlds and multi-user dungeons, indiscussion boards and chatrooms, people can pretendtobe whoever theywanttobe.Even in everyday life, a lot ofrealityisnotquitereal.
In a well-organized essay, answer the following question:
Doyouthinkthatlivinginonlinefantasyworldsand making upnewidentitiesisharmlessentertainment, a foolish waste of time, adangerousobsession,orsomething else? Ifitis harmless now, what will it become in the future?
Indevelopingyourresponsetothis questionyoumaywanttodescribeonlinefantasyworldsand games youhaveexperienced.Another way to develop this would be todiscuss behavioral changes in individuals you know who participate in these fantasyworlds.
GWTPractice Topic #14
A recent scientificstudysays:
The fat on your belly may be there becauseofstressinyoureverydaylife,andresearchers think they may know how toget rid of it.Studies of mice andmonkeysshowthatrepeatedstress—andahigh-fat,high-sugardiet—releasea hormone, neuropeptideY,thatcausesabuildupof abdominal fat,researchersfromGeorgetown University reported Sunday.*
University students often havealotofstressandbaddiets,soitwouldseemthatthey would be particularly susceptibletothis hormonal effect.
In a well-organized essay, answer the following question:
What are the best strategies for being agoodstudentwhile minimizing stressandlivingahealthylife?
You may want to consider answering this ina negative way.In other words, you mighttryarguing,“Don’tdowhatIdobecauseIamalways stressed and eating bad food.”With thisapproachtothepaperyoucoulddescribeallthe things you do wrong and whynot to do them.
*Thomas H. Maugh.“Stress canbe fattening,studyfinds.”LosAngelesTimes2 July2007
GWTPractice Topic #15
Will California Have a Common Culture?
KevinStarr,writingintheLosAngeles Times, says that according tothe projections ofCensus2000,thefuturepopulation of California will be predominantlyLatino and Asian.He also arguesthatforthe"MillennialGeneration," ethnic identity will be much morecomplex, with many individuals definingthemselves as havingmixed or multiple ethnicidentifications. He predicts that"sincethere will be a less powerful whiteculture toassimilateto, as was the case when whitenessdominated the mainstream,MillennialGenerationCalifornia will not feelthe pressureto assimilate that second-generation Irish,German, Slavic,Italian,GreekandJewishyoung Americans experiencedinanearlierera....Nearlyeveryone–andthisincludesa growingnumber of whites–will be bi- oreven tri-lingual."Starrasks,"WillCaliforniahave a commonculture?"
This is not a trivialquestionbecause throughouttheworld, countries withmulti-ethnicpopulationssuchasLebanon,Iraq,Indonesia,India,andothershaveexperiencedethnic conflict, violence, and even warfare.
In a well-organized essay, answer the following question:
Do you think that different ethnic and cultural groups in Southern California aregrowing closer together orfarther apart? Whatever directionyouseethetrendgoing,whatfactorsleadtoincreasing social harmony, whatfactorsleadtoconflict,andhowcanwebalance them?
In answering this question you may want to discuss your own experiences at school, inyourneighborhood,andatwork,aswellas what you have seen in the media.
GWT Practice Topic # 16
Getting Your Money’s Worth
Wehaveallhadtheexperienceofbuying something andbeingdisappointed.Perhapsaproductdidn’tturnouttoworkasadvertised,oramoviethatwassupposedtobeexciting and interesting turned out to be boring and dull. Sometimes we pay hundreds of dollarsforconcertseatsthatturnouttobebehind a pole, or with bad acoustics, or the band doesn’t play well. Others have paidbigfeesfortraining seminars thatdidn’tleadtoabigjob or any increase in income. We feelcheatedbecausewedidn’t get our money’sworth.
In a well-organized essay, describe a product or a service that you feel was not worth themoneyyoupaidforit.Describewhat you expected, what led you to have those expectations, and what the realityturned out to be.
You may also want to give the reader some advice about how to avoid having a similarexperience.
GWTPractice Topic #17
Too often, people have had the misfortunateexperience of working for a demanding,cruel, or sometimes ignorant and obliviousboss. We feel underappreciated, overworkedand overstressed.Sometimes, though, the problem is not a “terrible” boss, but amiscommunication oraconflict of different work ethics.
On the other hand, a great boss is frequently someone whocareswhathisorheremployees think and sees themas human beings. This personmakes the workplaceenjoyable, productive—andoccasionally—fun.Thiscould be becauseanemployee andthe boss havesimilar opinions on how to accomplish certain tasks.
In a well-organized essay, answer the following question:
Whatisthebestkindofbosstoworkfor,andwhy? Explainwhetheritisthe abilitytoseeeye-to-eye withaboss,the way that the boss treats his or heremployees, ora combination ofthe two that creates a positive experience.
You may want to focus on personal experience or an ideal, utopian situation which wouldlike to have.Also, you may want to giveadviceorsuggestionson how to interactappropriately with a boss to bring abouta positive experience.
GWTPractice Topic #18
Sometimes thepeople we workwithcan make ourjobsenjoyableoreasier.They mayhavefunpersonalitiesorberesponsible and helpful to their co-workers.Unfortunately,otherco-workerscan make ushatetogoto work.They may belazy,irresponsible,andneglecttheirwork,forcingothertodoitfor them.
Chooseoneofyourpastco-workersand,inawell-organizedessay,explainwhyhe/shewas either the best or worst co-worker youhaveeverworkedwith.
In your essay you may want to discuss thequalitiesofgoodand/orbadco-workers.Volunteer work andcommunity service are acceptable forms ofworkforthepurposesofthis essay.
GWTPractice Topic #19
Choosinga Major orCareer
College students often havetroublechoosingamajorandacareer.Some people choosesomething thatthey love todo.Some people choose a fieldbecause they have a greatinterestorpassion for it.Others choose amajor because they believe itwillhaveahighsalaryandalotof opportunities for advancement.Stillotherschoosea major becausethey want tomake the world a better place, or because of the prestige attached to peopleinthatfield.
In this essay you are asked to discuss yourmajor andyourcareergoals.Explain whyyouchose this major and why itisthebestforyou.
GWTPractice Topic #20
A student on a large university campus has todeal with many different offices: financialaid, registration, the cashier's office, various academicdepartments, the bookstore andmany others. Campus presidents usually consider customer servicetobean importantconcernandmost campuses offertheir employeescustomer service workshops andseminars inan attempt toensurethatstudentsaretreatedfairly,efficiently, and politely.However, students often still complain about thewaytheyaretreatedin offices oncampus, and sometimes anger and hostility develops onbothsidesoftheservicecounter.
Is there a particular office at Cal PolyPomona (or another campus you arefamiliar with) that needsto improve its customerservice? Describe this officeand the services it provides. Explain theproblemsyouhavehadand makearecommendation for improvement.
GWTPractice Topic #21
TelevisionproducerEllen Lewis wrote in a recent article:
Thereisastriking dichotomy betweenthebehavior of manywomen in their livesatworkandintheirlivesas mothers. Many of the same women who are battlingstereotypesonthejob,whoareup against unspoken assumptions about the rolesof men and women, seem to accept—and intheir acceptance seemto reinforce—theserolesat home withboth their sonsandtheirdaughters.*
Weoftenhearabout “women’s liberation”or“feminism.”We now have women servingin the military, on police forces, as firefighters,and as corporateexecutives. However,have things really changed? Are men and women trulyequal in our society?
Inthisessay,youareaskedtodiscussthe roles of men and women in today’s society.Are men and women truly equal, with the same opportunitiesand responsibilities, andarethey comfortable or confused about this situation? Why or why not?
*EllenLewis..“Making a Difference,” New York Times Magazine (December 1993).