Honors Government
Student Responsibilities and Class Procedures
Mrs. Stewart
School Phone:582-5901 Ext. 3149 Plan Hour: 1A and 3B
My Outlook e-mail:
My Google e-mail:
Welcome to a new semester and a fresh start! My priority as your teacher is to present the subject matter of the course, while simultaneously teaching some practical life skills. I have attempted to design a set of class guidelines that mirror those most of us will be expected to follow in society. Please speak to me if you have any questions or concerns regarding my classroom management system. Good luck and I hope that you have a great year!
Course Description
Honors Government is a year-long, required course of study covering subject matter that begins with the American founding period, and then goes on to cover the U.S. Constitution and Federalism; public opinion, media and interest groups; political parties, campaigns and elections;
The three branches of government and their responsibilities, civic responsibility, and Missouri Constitution.
***Passing both the U.S. Constitution test and the Missouri Constitution test are a requirement for graduation.
Bring the following to class each day:
- Pencil or pen -- (Please, no red ink!—I grade in this color.)
- Notebook paper-- (Ruled) or loose-leaf notebook paper
- Other required materials for class-- on an as needed basis.
- Additional material to work on-- (This is a must, in case you finish early.)
- A 3 ring binder-- to hold the class syllabus, notes, current assignments, and returned papers. Everything should be saved and three-hole punched and organized to help you in studying for assessments. Be prepared for a periodic binder check for a possible grade.
- Laptops—We use these every day in this course, so please have access.
- Ear buds or headphones-- Needed for independent work on laptops.
- Flash drive- File back up.
- You will receive information through assigned readings, lecture notes, general research and select videos or DVDs. It is an absolute must that you take detailed notes during lecture and on videos or DVDs. You will be tested over all information sources.
- You may also be assigned research projects and writing assignments that are designed to enhance your mastery of the subject matter.
- There will be many other small scale assignments throughout each semester, as well.
- To have your paper graded you should include: your name, block, and assignment description.
- This should be written/typed in the upper right hand corner of your paper.
- Please do not use red ink and make sure that your writing is legible.
- If these guidelines are not followed, points will be deducted on your assignment.
- There will be a beginning assignment on most days called a “Get Started”. This is a short focus or review assignment, designed to only take a few minutes. It will usually be collected at the door on your way out of class as your “Ticket Out”.
- Sometimes the Get Started or another assignment will be designated as your “Ticket Out” (exit ticket). In other words you must have the designated assignment completed by the end of the block, to be allowed to leave class. If the assignment is incomplete, the student will be asked to stay after class and complete the assignment, and will be given an unexcused tardy to their next class.
Late Work
- Students should be responsible and turn work in ON TIME.
- Assignments that are turned in ON TIME, will receive full credit (minus whatever is incorrect on the assignment).
- Assignments are designed to enhance and develop the skill(s) and information that are being studied during a particular unit. Therefore, assignments completed at the student’s own leisure, and turned inLATE,may only be accepted for up toHALF CREDIT. However, if the student schedules an appointment (for advisory or after school) and completes the assignment with the assistance and supervision of the instructor, they have the opportunity to receive FULL credit (minus whatever is incorrect on the assignment). This policy cuts down on students copying other student’s returned work, and also allows personal assistance to students having difficulties with the missing assignment.
- Grades will be calculated on a cumulative point system, earned throughout the entire semester. Participation, assignments and assessments are all weighted equally.
Scale: 100-90 % =A= 5 points
89-80=B= 4 points
79-70=C= 3 points
69-60=D= 1 point
59-0=F= 0 points
- Cheating and/or plagiarism on tests and/or assignments will not be tolerated.
- If caught cheating or plagiarizing, the student(s) will receive a zero for the assignment or test, will not be given participation points for the day, and may be required to write a letter of explanation to their parents/guardians. (Refer to student handbook.)
Participation Points
- Each student that is a good citizen and follows class guidelines and procedures as written and discussed will receive 10 participation points per day.
- These points are not bonus; they are an important part of your grade.
- It is your responsibility to decide whether or not to keep your daily points.
- You will receive all 10 points for the day, or zero points for the day, depending on your choices.
- If a student continues to not follow the rules after losing their daily points, the instructor may take other behavioral management actions as needed.
- Some actions could include having the student complete additional work; filling out a behavior reflection sheet and write up card; a notification to parents from the teacher; removal from the situation or incident; or a visit to the principal’s office.
- It is impossible to make an all-inclusive list, but the following list is an example of some items that will result in a loss of points, possible assignment of additional work, and/or disciplinary action:
- tardiness or absence
- leaving the room for any reason other than a request from the teacher or the office….this includes bathroom or water breaks. (It is best to place your things in the room, and ask if you may use the restroom or get a drink to avoid loss of points. If an emergency develops and you must leave the room after class has started, you will be able to recoup the points lost through a couple of different bonus activities throughout the year.)
- sleeping in class (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)
- cheating or copying off of others
- not handing in or submitting, your “ticket out”, when required
- causing behavioral altercations
- being disruptive or disrespectful toward anyone, or anything
- visiting/texting during lecture, videos, or individual work time
- not bringing supplies to class
- having unnecessary items out in class such as: games, magazines, music/gaming devices, or cell phones
- using class time for personal business (talking on phone, texting, restroom breaks, etc.)
- leaving trash or garbage around your desk.
- being off-task on your laptops
- Be a model student each day, as expected.
- Ask yourself, “Is what I am about to do, going to be distracting or interrupt the learning environment of the classroom, for me or others?” If so, then you need to refrain from the activity, and keep your points for the day.
- Please exercise the use of common courtesy and respect!
- Texting or messing around on your cell phone or laptop during class discussions is DISRESPECTFUL. Your classmates value your input and need your attention!
- In order to avoid further interruptions in class, I will not always verbally state when you have lost your points for the day. I will simply journal the deduction at the time of the occurrence and conference with you at a later time, and remind you that your grade is being negatively impacted by YOUR choices.
- Assume that if you did anything on the example list of violations, that you have lost your points for the day, this way there will be no surprises on your grade.
Cell Phones, Electronic Devices, and Laptops
- Cell phones should only be used to take snapshots of assignments on the board, or for teacher-approved academic endeavors. Otherwise, cell phones should not be out in this class, because they are not connected to the school’s filtering system.
- Laptops are to be used for academic purposes. Students that are off task may be asked to put the laptop away and may lose privileges.
- If a cell phone or electronic device becomes visible during class, the item(s) may be confiscated, for the remainder of the day, and a loss of daily points will occur.
- If confiscation of the cell phone or electronic device occurs on more than one occasion, the device will be sent to the office, where a parent/guardian may be called to come and pick up the item at their convenience. In addition, daily points will be deducted.
- Laptops are permitted as needed to complete in-class tasks. There will be some days, where there will be no need to use a laptop, and others, where the laptop will be needed for most of the block. Here are some other tips for laptop use:
- Use headphones for activities that require sound.
- Honor the instructor’s wishes for you to exit electronic devices & listen.
- Laptops are to be utilized for coursework and activities. DO NOT use computers for entertainment during class.
- “Negative participation” (surfing, gaming, chatting, emailing, watching movies/videos) in class will result in a loss of participation points.
- Acceptable uses of your laptop include: research, note-taking, whole class activities, creating masterpieces, working on assigned in-class activities, projects and discussions.
- School policy will also be followed in this matter.
- The instructor and the district are not liable for damage, loss or theft of the device, while it is being held.
- If a student is absent from class, 10 points per absence will be deducted.
- The student is responsible for checking with the instructor before/after class or during advisory, to find out what was missed.
- The student may choose one article from the Internet, newspaper, magazine or journal, which deals with the subject matter being studied, and then write a summary. The article URL should be included in the summary and other sources should be properly cited.
- A student is only allowed to complete 10 make-ups per semester.
- Any absence beyond the 10th, remains penalized and may not be made up.
- Students with lengthy absences should contact the office and be placed on home-bound, in order to avoid being penalized.
- A student may not do make-up points for tardies. (If you are at school, you should manage your schedule to be on time for all classes.)
- Per the student handbook, on a fourth tardy, you will serve a before or after school detention with the instructor.
- Per the student handbook, on a fifth tardy, you will be referred to the office.
Missed Assessments
- If a student misses a quiz or exam, it is the student’s responsibility to promptly schedule an advisory or after school appointment with the instructor to take the assessment.
Advisory Appointments
- I will be available during advisory for additional help, or to address other questions or concerns that students may have.
- Please be sure to get a pass from me, before you need the conference.
- I would prefer that class time not be taken up for these matters, so please use advisory time.
After School Tutoring
- I am available for after school tutoring most days of the week. Please make an appointment if you plan to stay after to work on projects, make up tests, or for additional help. (Please see late work policy).
If you or your parents need further clarification regarding the classroom procedures and guidelines, please feel free to contact me.
Please have your parent/guardian fill out the syllabus slip receipt form at the following link by the end of the day on August 26th to receive your 10 points:
Good luck this year!
Mrs. Stewart