Coach Hicks
- Examine the cultures and history of each area of the world in this class
- Discuss current events of these areas and how these events affect us today
- Make the content of World History relevant to the student
- Create a sufficient knowledge base to pass the GHSGT
Each student’s class grade will be averaged from the following areas:
A. Tests: includes chapter tests
B. Projects: either group or individual
C. Benchmarks: comprehensive 6 week, 12 week, and 18 weeks tests
D. Daily: includes quizzes, class assignments, homework assignments, terms etc.
E. Final Exam – atest covering the World History content designated by the G.P.S.
(Your score on the final benchmark in WorldHistory is 20% of your final class grade!)
Grading Policy 18 weeks semester
1st Offense- Verbal Warning
2nd Offense- Removal to Hall Conference
3rd Offense- Parent Contact
4th Offense- Office Referral
** The teacher will use discretion when dealing with severe behavior and students may be written up or sent to the office without warning based on the severity of behavior.
- Notebook, pen or pencil, and paper
- 3 ring binder
- Book replacement cost: World History - $51.48
Credit Recovery opportunities will be offered for tests, quizzes, projects and/or other assignments at the discretion of the teacher. Within 10 days of notification of a failing grade on a test, quiz or project, students may choose to make up the said test, quiz or project to improve the grade to a maximum of 70 on the second attempt. Students may schedule a time with the teacher before or after school for credit recovery. Credit recovery will not take place during class time.
Any absence that is unexcused will result in a grade of a 0 on any assignment, project, quiz, or test that is due the day of the absence. This is per Gordon County Board Policy.
There is a limit of 3 days to make-up work with an excused absence; work with anunexcused absence receives a zero. Assignments given prior to absence and due on date absent are due the first daystudent returns to school.To receive full credit for work all assignments given for In-School-Suspensionmust be completed; student will receive a zero for all missed assignments dueto and Out-of-School Suspension.It is the STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY to contact teacher for informationregarding make-up work. Remediation may be necessary to ensuremastery of objectives.Extra credit is not available for any reason.Pleaserefer to School Policy for absences and make-up work.
I am available most mornings for help. I will also be available on Tuesday mornings for social studies department tutorials. Please feel free to contact me by email at or by phone at (706) 602-0320.
*Syllabus is subject to change. In this event, the student will be promptly notified.
Video Permission Slip
During the course of World History it is necessary for students to obtain a visual reference to various events. One of the ways that this is completed is through various video clips from DVDs and YouTube. If you have a problem with your child viewing videos, please notify me and an alternative assignment will be coordinated with the student during the viewing of the particular video or video clip. While I do not condone cursing, some clips we view have foul language in them. There are also scenes of war images that the students will view. ONLY clips of these movies are shown in class as they pertain to the standard we are currently covering.
By signing below I agree that I give my permission for my son/daughter to view clips pertaining to World History that Coach Hicks chooses to show. I understand that some clips may contain material that is rated PG-13 or worse. Video clips may contain images of war or brief language. I also understand that all efforts will be made by the teacher to limit exposure to language. Video clips will align with the standards and will be used to enhance the understanding of a topic covered in World History.
______Date:______Parent Name Parent Signature
______Date:______Student Name Student Signature
Parent Email:______Parent Phone:______