Office of Information Technology (OIT)

Exit Interview Process

Exit interviews are interviews conducted with departing employees, just before they leave. From the employer's perspective, the primary aim of the exit interview is to learn reasons for the employee’s departure, on the basis that criticism is a helpful driver for organizational improvement. Good exit interviews yield useful information about the organization that may improve the working environment, culture, processes and systems, management and development, etc. and also provides a unique chance to survey and analyze the opinions of departing employees, who generally are more forthcoming, constructive and objective than staff still in their jobs.

Participation in exit interviews by the employee leaving is voluntary. Do not compel departing employees to attend exit interviews. Offer the questionnaire form as an alternative, which again must be voluntary. You cannot compel a departing employee to give you knowledge that is in their head, although the return of files and university owned equipment is required (see Checklist for Terminating Employees).

Exit interviews are best conducted face-to-face because this enables better communication, understanding, interpretation etc., and it provides far better opportunity to probe and get to the root of sensitive or reluctant feelings. However, postal or electronic questionnaires are better than nothing, if face-to-face exit interviews are not possible.

The OIT exit interview process consists of two parts, including the completion of the Exit Interview Questionnaire (Part 1) and the Terminated Employee Checklist (Part 2). If the employee does not wish to complete the Exit Interview Questionnaire, proceed to the Terminated Employee Checklist. Additionally:

§  Remind the employee to provide a forwarding address on the attached questionnaire to ensure timely delivery of final paycheck and W-2 form.

§  Remind the employee to submit any leave prior to departure.

§  Supervisors need to make arrangements for the deactivation of computer and security accesses and accounts.

§  Supervisor conducts the Exit Interview and the Final Performance Review, and collects University-owned assets using the Checklist for Terminating Employees.

§  Supervisor submits the above forms as well as the employee resignation letter to the OIT Business Office HR Representative.

§  If the termination is involuntary, the department should notify the University Police, the department of Human Resources, and any other appropriate departments depending on circumstances of the termination.

Office of Information Technology (OIT)

Exit Interview Questionnaire

Employee Name: / Employee Number:
Job Title: / Department:
Supervisor: / Date:
Type of Employee (circle): / GA Temp NBE BE / Last Physical Date of Employment:

1.  What is your principal reason for leaving OIT?

EDS List:

£ Reassigned £ Grant expired

£ Resigned £ Laid Off

£ Better Offer £ Medical Separation

£ Deceased £ Quit Without Notice

£ End of Assignment £ Rejected Appointment

£ Retired-Age £ Retired-Medical

£ Temp (at end of maximum hours)

If you selected “Better Offer” – please indicate your main reason:

£ Promotion/Career Advancement

£ Distance To/From Work

£ Work Schedule

£ Better Benefits

£ Better Pay

£ Career Change

If you selected “Resigned” – please indicate your main reason:

£ Health Concerns

£ To Continue Education

£ Family Needs/Responsibilities

£ Moving

£ Other (please explain)______

2.  Why did you come to work for OIT?

3.  What did you find most satisfying about your job?

4.  What did you find most frustrating about your job?

5.  Were there any University or OIT policies or procedures that made your work more difficult?

6.  Would you consider returning to OIT to work in the future?

7.  Is there anything we could have done to prevent you from leaving?

8.  Did you feel sufficiently trained and oriented for your job?

9.  Did you feel that you were treated with respect and responsibility by co-employees and management?

10.  Do you feel that you could have done your job better if you were provided different or better resources? What resources would you have needed?

11.  Did you feel free to discuss suggestions or problems with your supervisor?

12.  Did your supervisor provide you with clear instructions and expectations?

13.  Do you have any suggestions for improving OIT management?

14.  Do you have any suggestions for improving the quality of OIT services?

15.  Do you have any suggestions for improving customer relations within OIT?

16.  Do you have any suggestions for improving employee motivation within OIT?

Please provide forwarding address:


Street Address City State Zip

Please select Leave Options (circle selection):

Transfer or Convert Sick Leave to Health Insurance Premium (if eligible) Yes No

Transfer Annual Leave to Approved WV State Agency (name agency) Yes No

Lump Sum Annual Leave Settlement Yes No

Exhaust Annual Leave Yes No

Extend Health Insurance Premiums (If eligible) Yes No

Please refer to the attached Terminated Employee Checklist and return any University or OIT items as indicated.

Employee’s Signature: Date:

Immediate Supervisor’s Signature: Date:

HR Liaison Received and Recorded: Date: