And is that a HERE

Do you ask what? Why next round favourite sale of Olympsport ! Very thing began ! Auction-sale catalogue find on Internet cafe, but in written form him find also in buletin of Olympsport that the was send away perhaps a week ago how about you should him already have at home. The pictures of all items you will find only on Internet cafe summary it all together. The address our web pages surely do you know. Just to be sure she replay

To selection this time you will find exactly 600 items, so that is certainly whereof pick out. A this time find in selection not only mailings, but also separate individual stamps. The rules are here :

OS organizes sporadically for his members written sale of philatelist materials with sports how about Olympic themes. List offered item with their description is to all members OS send mostly like supplement of buletin, eventually separately. Persons concerned about purchase send its offers on you entries, about which care at the latest so, to finish off till midnight 7.12.2012!

1. Numeral threeplaces codas is featured at the end description single items only near consignments, really overdues by post. First digit means appearance how about quality of unit, second quality of postmark how about third quality paste - up stamps. Best is 5, worst 1. At stationeries, that are not supplementary postage how about near consignments posts lump sum, or with metter cancellations is then place third numbers dash. Mentioned price is lowest that the can offer.

2. Offers interested person are received up to the intended data, which is December 7th 2012

3. Yours bids we shall accept in Kč or in euros by momental exchange course.

The organizer: ing J.Petrasek, Zborovska 1025, 282 01 ČeskýBrod, e - mail : olympsport@

Description used abbreviations

O– obálka, envelope D– dopisnice, postal card

P– pohled, view cardAE - aerogram

CM - cartes maximaPL - pamětnílist, souvenir sheet

COB - celinováobálka, stationery coverCDV - celinovádopisnice, stationery card

BP - barevnýpohled, coloured viewcardL - lístek, cut

FDC - obálka l.dne vydáníp– přítisk, overprint

OVS - otisk výplatního stroje, meter postmarkME - mistrovstvíEvropy, Europeanchampionship

*** - svěží, mintE- expres

ZOH - zimníolymp.hry, winter olympic gamesKŠ- kašet, cachet

Mi-Michel Yv.- YvertPR - příležitostnérazítko, commemorative cancel

SR - strojovérazítko, slogan postmarkDR - dennírazítko, daily postmark

AIR– leteckyMS - mistrovstvísvěta, worldchampionship

OH - olympijskéhry, olympic games R - doporučenázásilka, registered mailing

5. Gained entries are sent in R letters, to prices is liken postage how about cover 3.- Kc. no next charges!


Find him on address or on . To selection here find more than 500 sums, from which you can take out, on it's receipt and philatelists with no sport sight.


Set currency (Kc or €)and how about language (in Czech or English).

1. Iconographers you will find near upper margins in the middle of.

2. Enter (is that a free)Ikon is in right upper corner.

3. At first make the registration..

4. In right table in the middle of screens enter your e - mail how about below him elect password with minimum 5 signs, from that at least one numeric).

5. Open account (again free) by, that the here order again your e - mail. Opening of account you can let also after as much as select.

6. Below categories on left margin screens are informations that the advise introduction read through.

7. Now already you can start buy. On left margin are mentioned categories. After clicks at choice caregory and short while waiting discovers subcategories and in them already individual entries. This you can compare for lucidity in little window „ sort after".

8. Reproductions that you interest you can clicks let enlarge on double or quadruple size.

9. If do you want buy sum, put in it to the handbasket, there the will jump in marking, price and general sum, perhaps even postage.

10. To general price except postal charge you must rate the cover 3.- as far as 5.- Kc behind consignment. Displeasing if the already choice item, click on picture dust bin, item will take off.

11. After general taking click on button „ handbasket" and you can see through, what are buy in. Here too can do adjustment.

12. When the the content handbasket will suit, advise whole page print out and the press send to our address. Goods send in 2- 3 days.



Commemorative postmark will be used Post-Office Prague 1 from Monday to Friday this week. This is non acceptabelled design!


Commemorative postmark will be used Post-Office Brno 1 from Monday to Friday this week.