Detroit Public Schools
This Progress Report provides a picture of your child’s growth and development. It serves as a guide for planning activities and experiences so that your child will have success in learning.
Early childhood is the most important time for learning. Young children learn best when they have a variety of interesting learning experiences and hands on activities that will spark their excitement for learning.
You are your child’s first and most important teacher. We are partners in the education of your child, and we welcome your involvement in the educational process.
Detroit Public Schools
Division of Learning and Educational Accountability
Department of Curriculum Development and Related Programs
Office of Early Childhood Education
Qib Pib Kawm ntawv Daim Ntawv qhia txog kev vam meej
Daim Ntawv Qhia txog kev Vam Meej no qhia tias yus tus me nyuam txoj kev paub tab thiab nws kawm ntaub kawm ntawv zoo li cas. Kuj yuav pab nej ntaus tswv yim npaj ntau yam rau yus tus me nyuam ua yav tom ntej kom nws muaj peev xwm kawm tau ntawv zoo.
Thaum me nyuam tseem yaus yog lub sij hawm tseem ceeb tshaj rau lawv kawm ntau yam. Cov me nyuam yaus kawm tau zoo tshaj thaum lawv muaj ntau hom dej num ua los yog thaum lawv siv tes ua num. Tej yam no yuav ua rau lawv zoo siab heev thiab muaj siab xav kawm ntau yam.
Koj yog koj tus me nyuam tus thawj xib hwb. Peb nrog nej ua khub pab koj tus me nyuam kawm ntawv, yog li ntawd zoo siab txais koj txoj kev koom tes pab koj tus me nyuam kawm ntaub kawm ntawv.
Detroit tej Tsev Kawm Ntawv rau Laj Mej Pej xeem
Feem ntawm kev Kawm thiab kev Qhia li Muaj Ntiag Tug
Koom Haum Npaj yam Qhia thiab Lwm Yam zoo li ntawd
Hoob ua num rau Cov Me nyuam Yaus Kawm Ntawv
Kindergarden Progress Report
Qib Pib Kawm Ntawv Daim Ntawv Qhia txog kev Vam Meej
School:______Student’s Last Name:______
(Lub Tsev Kawm Ntawv) (Tub/Ntxhais Kawm Ntawv lub Xeem)
Teacher:______Student’s First Name:______
(Xib hwb) (Tub/Ntxhais Kawm Ntawv lub Npe)
(Tej lus Cim txhais li cas)
NY = Not Yet (Tseem tsis tau)
ST = Sometimes (Tej thaum)
RG = Regularly (Ib txwm ua tau)
I.U. = Introduced (Qhia rau xwb)
Not graded (Tsis tau xeem)
English / HMOOBSocial/Emotional Development Kev Paub Tab / Loj hlob
1. Accepts responsibility for self and materials. / 1. Lees txais yus ntiag tug rau tus kheej thiab rau tej uas yus siv.2. Follows directions, rules and routines. / 2. Mloog lus, kev cai thiab tej yus niaj hnub ua.
3. Completes tasks. / 3. Ua hauj lwm kom tiav.
4. Makes appropiate choices. / 4. Xaiv tau ua tej uas tsim nyog.
5. Expresses emotions in an acceptable manner. / 5. Piav tau tsim nyog li tej uas lub siab xav li cas.
Health and Physical Development Kev Noj Qab Nyob Zoo
6. Performs/sustains large muscle activities: runs, jumps, hops, skips. / 6. Coj tau/Siv tau thooj nqaij los: khiav, dhia, daum, hla (ua tau kom ntev).7. Uses crayons, pencils and scissors correctly. / 7. Siv tau cwj mem zas, xaum qhuav thiab rab txiab.
8. Demonstrates good health practices. / 8. Paub tu cev kom noj qab nyob zoo.
Language Arts Yam Lus
(Listening/Speaking) (Mloog/Hais lus)
9. Displays attentive listening behaviors. / 9. Tib zoo mloog luag hais.10. Expresses self clearly and moves toward being grammatically correct. / 10. Hais tau meej meej thiab pib siv qauv (uas luag siv) los hais lus .
Language Arts (Reading) Yam Lus (Nyeem ntawv)
11. Uses illustrations, pictures and dramatization to tell or retell stories or poems. / 11. Siv lus, duab thiab kev tsab los qhia los yog rov qab qhia ib zag dab neeg los ib zag paj huam.12. Demonstrates basic concepts about print: print carries the message, left to right directionality. Top to bottom, left page before right page, and one to one match of spoken to written words. / 12. Paub yus sau tej tsiaj ntawv los ua dab tsi: tej tsiaj ntawv piav ib zag xov xwm, nyeem ntawv yog nyeem sab laug mus rau sab xis. Sab saum mus rau sab hauv thiab nyeem ntawv yog nyeem phab sab laug ua ntej phab sab xis. Tsis tas li tus xib hwb hais ib lo lus ces tus me nyuam txawj pom tau lo lus ntawd nyob ntawm ib daig ntawv.
13. Identifies main idea, character, setting and sequence of a story. / 13. Paub tau ib zaj dab neeg lub hauv paus, cov neeg, nyob qhov twg thiab yus qhia li cas kom zuj zus los.
14. Recognizes rhyming. / 14. Pom tau lus uas sib dhos.
15. Names upper and lower case alphabet letters in random order. / 15. Qhia tau tej tsiaj ntawv hom loj thiab tej hom me thaum lam muab rau lawv saib .
16. Recognizes some letter sounds in words. / 16. Paub ob peb tsiaj ntawv cov suab thaum sim nyeem lus.
17. Reads high frequency words. / 17. Nyeem tau cov lus uas luag pheej siv.
Language Arts (Writing) Yam lus (Sau ntawv)
18. Draws to convey meaning. / 18. Kos duab kom qhia lub ntsiab.19. Copies numerals and letters correctly. / 19. Ntsia sau tau tej zauv thiab tej tsiaj ntawv kom zoo.
20. Uses the writing process to communicate. / 20. Sau ntawv kom sib txuas lus.
Mathematics Kev ua lej
21. Counts objects 0 to 20. / 21. Suav tau tej yam 0 mus txog 20.22. Identifies numerals 0 to 20. / 22. Nyeem tau tej zauv 0 mus txog 20.
23. Creates a set with more/less/the same items as another set. / 23. Tsim tau ib co zauv uas muaj qauv loj/me tshaj lwm co zauv.
24. Compares/describes objects as taller, shorter, longer, larger, smaller, heavier, lighter. / 24. Muab tej yam los piv/piav xws li yam twg siab tshaj, luv tshaj, ntev tshaj, loj tshaj, me tshaj, hnyav tshaj, sib tshaj.
25. Identifies 2 dimensional shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle) and relates them to real world objects. / 25. Paub cov duab uas muaj ob sab (voj, xwm fab, duab peb sab, duab ob sab ntev ob sab luv) thiab muab lawv piv rau tej uas nyob hauv lub ntiaj teb.
26. Identifies 3 dimensional shapes (cylinder, sphere, cube, cone) and relates them to real world objects. / 26. Paub cov duab uas muaj peb sab (lub kheej kheej ntev ntev, lub kheej, thawv muaj rau sab, lub khob) thiab muab lawv piv rau tej uas nyob hauv lub ntiaj teb.
27. Uses and responds to positional language: off, on, in, out, inside, outside, top, bottom, middle, in front of, behind, up, down, over, under, above, below, between. / 27. Siv thiab paub cov lus uas qhia nyob qhov twg: tshem tawm, saum toj, hauv, nraud, sab hauv, sab nraud, nyob saum, qab, hauv plawv, tom ntej, tom qab, ped, nrad, hla saum mus, hauv qab, sab saum, theem hauv, nruab nrab .
28. Identifies the order of objects: first, second, third. / 28. Paub suav tej yam: thawj qhov, thib ob, thib peb.
29. Organizes and describes data using real objects/pictures. / 29. Tsim thiab piav ntau yam thaum siv tej yam/duab.
30. Sorts objects by: color, size, shape, function. / 30. Muab tej yam faib ua pawg raws li: xim, loj li cas me li cas, duab, ua num dab tsi.
31. Describes, extends and creates a pattern. / 31.Saib qauv los piav tau thiab rau tau ntxiv.
Science Xwm txheej txog lub ntiaj teb
32.Identifies the five senses and the way each is used. / 32. Paub tsib yam uas neeg siv los hnov tej yam (kev pom, kev kov, kev saj, tej ntawd).33. Distinguishes between living and non-living things. / 33. Paub tau tej yam uas muaj txoj sia nyob thiab tej uas tsis muaj.
34. Describes common needs of living things: air, food, water. / 34. Piav tau tej uas neeg yuav tsum tau kom muaj sia nyob xws li: cua, mov, dej.
35. Describes weather and how it affects human activities. / 35. Piav tau huab cua zoo li cas thiab ua li cas rau neeg tej dej num.
Social Studies Kev Kawm txog tej Haiv neeg
36. Tells about some personal changes that have taken place since infancy. / 36. Qhia tau lawv lub neej hloov li cas txij thaum lawv yog ib tug me nyuam mos liab los ntawm no.37. Identifies rules and/or responsibilities as a member of a class and family. / 37. Paub cai thiab/los sis tej ntiag tug xws li ib tug ntawm ib tsev neeg los haiv neeg.
38. Explains that people throughout the world have similarities and differences. / 38. Piav tau cov neeg thoob plaws ntiaj teb muaj yam zoo ib yam thiab muaj yam txawv.
Music Suab Paj Nruag
39. Participates in music activities: listens, sings, plays instruments. / 39. Nrog luag ua suab paj nruag: mloog, hu nkauj, ntaus raj tshuab qeej.40. Moves appropriately to music. / 40. Ua los voo tsim nyog li.
Visual Arts Kos Duab
41. Uses crayons, paints, clay, chalk. / 41. Siv tau cwj mem zas, kob, av nplaum, kob qhuav(chalk).42. Identifies and names eight basic colors. / 42. Paub yim lub xim hu li cas.
43. Discusses art created by self and others. / 43. Nrog luag sib tham txog tej duab uas lawv kos thiab tej uas luag kos.
44. Identifies art in the environment. / 44. Pom tau tej uas luag tsim uas nyob lub ntiaj teb ib puag ncig.
Comments Hais txog tus me nyuam
45. Participates and gives best effort. / 45. Mob siab rau txhua yam lawv ua thiab yeej sib koom siab.
46. Shows respect for others and their property. / 46. Hwm luag thiab hwm lawv cov khoom.
47. Takes turns and shares with others. / 47. Faib lawv tej khoom nrog luag thiab ua zeeg ua txhua yam.
48. Displays friendly behaviors. / 48. Nyiam nrog luag tham.
49. Shows compassion. / 49. Nrog luag sib nyiam sib hlub.
50. Please schedule a conference with the teacher. / 50. Thov teem caij nrog xib hwb koom sab laj.