2015-2016 Programming Board Executive Application
Bored? Tired of the same old, same old events on campus? You are exactly the type of person who should be on Programming Board! Apply for one of the Executive Committee positions. Never been to a Programming Board meeting? That’s okay! As long as you are motivated, enthusiastic, and reliable you will fit right in!
Benefits to being on Programming Board:
- Plan programs and events for the entire campus
- Meet great people both on and off campus
- Provides great leadership experience to include on a resume
- Great way to get involved on campus in a very active organization
Position Descriptions:
President: The President of Programming Board is in charge of leading meetings and creating the agenda. The President meets one on one with the Director of Student Activities and/or Graduate Assistant of Student Activities. The President is also the face of Programming Board and strives to be at every meeting and event.
Vice President: The Vice President leads Programming Board meetings and creates the agenda in case of the President’sabsence. The Vice President also assists the President in representing Programming Board at any and all campus functions Programming Board attends (Student Activities Fair, St. Nicklaus Brunch, etc).
Treasurer: The Treasurer is in charge of overseeing the Programming Board budget. The Treasurer meets regularly with the Director of Student Activities and/or Graduate Assistant of Student Activities to maintain financial records and stay updated with all Programming Board expenditures.
Secretary: The Secretary is in charge of taking minutes and records attendance during Programming Board meetings. The Secretary also keeps track of attendees at Programming Board events and programs. Additionally, the Secretary will e-mail minutes, reminders about upcoming events, activities,
Public Relations Chair: The Public Relations Chair is in charge of creating and distributing publicity around campus. This publicity comes in the form of flyers, table tents, and maintaining the Facebook page.
If you are interested in applying for any of the Programming Board Executive positions, please return this application (typed) to the Student Affairs Center byMarch 23rd. Interviews will begin in April.
You will be contacted for a formal interview with the Director of Student Activities, Graduate Assistant of Student Activities, and current Programming Board President.
Questions can be directed to Tiffany Wallace, Director of Student Activities at or 440-646-8325
Circle One:ResidentCommuter
Address (please list on campus address if Resident):
Phone Number:E-mail:
Circle Best Means of Contact:MailboxPhone NumberE-mail
Circle One: Which position(s) are you applying for?
PresidentVice PresidentTreasurerSecretaryPublic Relations
Please answer the following questions. You may use the spaces below, the reverse side, or attach a separate document.
Why are you applying for this position?
Please tell us about your leadership experience both on and off campus?
What are some ideas you have for programs Programming Board could implement for the 2014-2015 academic year?
Are there any other Programming Board positions that interest you? Please rank them.
What experiences are you hoping to gain from being an executive member of Programming Board?
How will you encourage others to attend Programming Board meetings and encourage them to attend Programming Board events?
Have you ever held an executive board position on Programming Board? If so, which position?
How do you work through frustration?
Tell us about a time in which you had to work on a team and the outcome of the team dynamics
How would you develop a program from start to finish?