/ Total fund allocated:
£8, 805
PE and Sport Premium Key Outcome Indicator / School Focus/ planned / Actions to Achieve / Planned Funding / Actual Funding / Evidence / Actual Impact (following Review) on pupils / Sustainability/
Next Steps
4. broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
3. increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport / Buy into CLF support of SSCo for one day per term / Nigel Cooley is to come in for 1h every week to team teach with Year 6 teacher – delivering Games curriculum.
Nigel Cooley is to run a football lunchtime club for Year 6 (30min a week). / £1000 / Year 6 pupils are introduced to competitive sports such as football, netball, rounders, cricket, hockey, basketball etc.
Year 6 teacher will develop her confidence and skill in her teaching of Games.
FVA football team is established.
FVA football team is a part of football league. / Year 6 pupils introduced to and attended the following Level 2 festivals: CLF Basketball, Sportshall Athletics, Basketball, Hockey, Netball, Tag Rugby and Cricket.
FVA Football team attended all League games.
Lunchtime club attendance – 80%
5. increased participation in competitive sport / Pooling funding with other schools to provide CLF SSCo Transport
Fund / Academy to select which competitions they are interested.
Frome Vale to compete in CLF Football League. / £150 / FVA pupils are able to attend at least 4 intra-school games competitions and 3 inter-schools games competitions.
FVA pupils are able to attend Football League matches.
Pupils begin to develop team skills, resilience and perseverance. / See above
2. the profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement
1. the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick-starting healthy active lifestyles / Whole school healthy/active lifestyle week / Implement a whole school healthy/active lifestyle week for students and staff. Activities to be planned for by teachers for children and outside specialists to come in and take classes. / £400 / Children are more aware of physical education and the priority of it within the school.
New skills are being developed.
Pupils show interest and willingness in being outdoors and engaging in physical activity. / All children (Rec-Year 6) engaged in a variety of Sports Activities including Sports Day activities, Tennis, Cricket,Multisports and invasion games – developing team building and resilience. All teachers carried out healthy eating learning projects in their classes, providing an opportunity to cook, learn about food hygiene and locality.
All year groups participated in international food tasting workshops. KS1 pupils had a healthy sandwich making experience.
5. increased participation in competitive sport / Attending Sainsbury’s School Games competitions to sustain Silver Award
Increasing pupil participation in competitive games / MC to apply for Sainsbury’s school games silver award when the application is released.
To attend at least 4 intra-school games competitions and 3 inter-schools games competitions. See calendar of competitions MC has.
Children are to go to Football League games.
Additional staff release hours to take children to Sainsbury’s School Games competitions and football league matches. / £500 / Pupils take part in competitive sports and activities.
Pupils have an opportunity to develop their confidence and interest to get involved in exercise and sports and activities.
Pupils show interest and willingness in being outdoors and engaging in physical activity.
Pupils begin to develop team skills, resilience and perseverance. / FVA has been awarded a Silver Mark in 2016/2017 School Games.
See above for participation record.
5. increased participation in competitive sport / Children to attend Bristol Together Championships (Year 5). / Additional staff release hours to take children to Bristol Together Championships. / £50 / Pupils take part in competitive sports and activities.
Pupils have an opportunity to develop their confidence and interest to get involved in exercise and sports and activities.
Pupils show interest and willingness in being outdoors and engaging in physical activity.
Pupils begin to develop team skills, resilience and perseverance
3. increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport / PE lead to introduce and implement an effective and clear assessment tool to track summative progress of pupils. / On the shared T Drive teachers are to be made aware of the new assessment tool to track summative progress of pupils at the end of a unit. This will be used in conjunction with a clear skills progression map for Years 1-6.
Additional TA hours to cover PE Leadership time. / £300 / The assessment tool allows for MC to see how PE is being taught and if it is being taught effectively.
Teachers will have a clear understanding of what is expected from each year group and which skills should be taught. / The assessment tool is being used by Years 1-6. Teachers use progression maps to identify relevant objectives.
PE teaching is more consistent and progressive.
3. increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport / PE lesson observations / To provide release time for PE lead to support teachers’ subject knowledge and confidence when teaching PE.
MC will drop into PE lessons to look at how PE is being taught. Speak to individuals 1:1 for feedback. / £120 / Teachers have greater subject knowledge.
Teachers gain more confidence when teaching PE. / Teachers have completed confidence audits.
CPD sessions in various relevant PE areas have been put into place (Gymastics, Games, Dance).
PE lead has received feedback from coaches and teachers.
3. increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport / To work in collaboration with many other local schools / PE lead to attend cluster meetings and training with other PE leads / £300 / Increased confidence in leading PE and recognising the needs of the school / FVA PE lead attended 100% of the cluster meeting to aid better understanding of Sports Premium Funding, Sports Game application process, Level 2 competitions and PE curriculum.
4. broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
3. increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport / To make a link with a local Cricket Club / Year 3, 4 and 5 will take part in cricket every afternoon in term4/ 5 – 6 weeks along with a Cricket after school club. / £250 / Staff will be more confident in their delivery of competitive sports teaching.
Children develop their batting and throwing skills.
Children find enjoyment in competitive and team sports. / Children have a better understanding of games coaching and strategies.
Children have participated in competitive sports within peer groups and across classes.
Year 6 Open and Girls teams competed in Level 2 Cricket Games.
4. broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
3. increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport / Professional Development Opportunities / Year 4 & 5 teachers will observe and team-teach with a dance teacher in Term 4 – 7 weeks.
Year 6 teacher will observe and team-teach with a dance teacher in term 6
-6 weeks / £420
£360 / Staff will be more confident in their delivery of Dance part of the curriculum.
Children will develop their agility, balance and coordination. / Year 4-6 children have received dance coaching with teachers building up to leading warm up sessions.
Teachers have a better understanding of progression in Dance and movement.
3. increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport / Professional Development Opportunities / Nigel Cooley Staff Meeting in Term 3 – following staff surveys and observations.
Teachers will team-teachGames with Premier Sport coaching staff in Term 3 – 1 session per week. Premier Sport will provide teaching, planning and assessment support.
Teachers will team-teach with Downend Tennis Club staff (2 sessions per year group Yr 1-3)
Teachers will team-teach Gymnastics with Premier Sport coach in Term 6 / £0
£900 / Teachers have greater subject knowledge.
Teachers gain more confidence when teaching PE.
Staff will be more confident in their delivery of Games, planning and assessment of PE.
Staff will be more confident in their delivery of ball skills and Games. School will make a link with a local club. KS1 and Year 3 children will have experienced a greater range of competitive sports and activities.
Staff will be more confident in their delivery of Gymnastics and the use of equipment, along with planning and assessment of PE. / Teachers taught and assessed Games and Gymnastics curriculum, supported by a coach. Planning is available for future use.
Teachers and teaching partners have a greater understanding of progression and application in Games and Gymnastics.
4. broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils / After school clubs that offer a wider range of activities / Children will have an opportunity to attend a range of Sports after-school clubs including Street Dance, KTroo and Netball. / T1,2: KTroo£1200
T2: Dance £132
T1,2,3: Netball £1500
T4: Basketball (5weeks) - £250
T5: Dance (4 weeks)- £200
T6: Athletics (Premier Sport) £500
Forest school £2008 / New skills are being developed.
Greater capacity for team work within the classroom.
Increase in self-confidence of pupils.
An interest and willingness in being outdoors engaging in physical activity. / -Greater participation in after – school clubs.
-Children able to transfer skills to PE curriculum sessions.
-FVA children aware of Health and Safety during outdoor and adventure sessions.
Total: £8870 / £
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