Tuesday, May 28th, 2013
5:30 p.m. – 6:45p.m.
Studio B, Hyatt Regency, Toronto
Present: Amanda Bruyns, Annette Lougheed, Audrey Burnett, Christine McInnes, Lisa Johnson, Sharon Stephin, Louanne Piper, Valya Roberts, Tina Hinsperger, Farhana Meghji, Christina McNay, Marion Hunter, Julie Chatten, Dave Paquin, Hazel Boel, Carolyn Binder, Ashley Waters, Jeremy Zurfluh, Sarah Posthuma, Angie Murphy, Sue Morley, Robert Louis, Cheryl Clarke, Judy Newman, Shelly St Amant, Lisa K & Joe Nullet
1.0 Welcome- Lisa welcomed everyone at 5:51 pm
2.0 Approval of Agenda/Additions – Audrey & Tina
3.0 Approval of Minutes- AGM Regional Meetings, October 2012- Dave mentioned there was no “c” in his last name. Timmons minutes: Dave & Lisa. Kingston: Christina & Marion. London : Amanda & Tina.
4.0 Treasurer’s Report – London won the fundraising at regional meetings. Louanne reviewed the financial statement attached. Approved by Audrey and Christina.
5.0 Ontario Chapter Updates and Nominations: 1) Executive. New Team Members welcome! Representatives; Elections. – Lisa welcomed Lisa J as the northern rep. She thanked Christine Stark and Pierre for their involvement with SVN. She asked for representatives to let us know if they would like to volunteer. 2) AGM meeting- lisa confirmed that the regional meetings will continue and asked for a formal motion to move the AGM to the spring meetings. Dave verbalized a motion, Jeremy seconded. Lisa confirmed Section 2.6 of the by-laws which do not state that the AGM needs to happen in spring. 3)Memberships/contact information up to date on SVN. – lisa asked everyone to update their contact info on the SVN website.
6.0 Chapter Future Directions:
· Hosting International Conference May 29-June 1, 2013!! “Connecting the Dots: Helping Families, Engaging Communities, Enriching All” Updates for schedule/presenters/workshops; volunteer roles. –Joe congratulated everyone on the leadership of this conference. He asked for hosts to introduce the presenters and provide them with their gifts.
· Welcome Wagon Committee status update-need team members - looking for committee members
· Access Press –need team volunteers/submissions – Valya and Jeremy agreed to help
· Orange Ribbon campaign/celebration - May: SV Awareness month
· Goals: Involving community partners; increasing membership and benefits of holding SVN membership; suggestions for future guest speakers/topics. – Lisa asked the membership where does the ON chapter want to go from here? Suggested; discussions, talking, ideas, survey monkey. Valya offered to meet in her room the next night to discuss this.
7.0 SVN International Update: 2014 Conference. Visit SVN website:
www.svnworldwide.org-update – Joe explained the Albuquerque conference for next year and a possible theme would be changing families.
8.0 Next SVN Ontario Membership Meeting: at Regional MAG Coordinator meeting sites, TBA, October 2013