Research Preparation Master’s Scheme

For students who are intending to undertake full-time or part-time Master’s Programme at RHUL as the foundation for a doctoral programme. Eligible departments are: Classics, Drama & Theatre, History, and Music.

Closing Date: Please check with the relevant Department.

PART I: Applicant’s Details

1)Name of applicant

Middle name(s)
Previous Name(if any)
Date of Birth(dd/mm/yyyy)


(inc STD code)
Email Address

Please ensure that we can contact you at the above address up until the beginning of the academic year 2012-13. If contact details should change, please inform the relevant academic department as soon as possible.

3)Previous Funding

Have you applied previously for an award for postgraduate study from the AHRC?


Have you received previously any government-funded grant for postgraduate studies, e.g. from the Research Councils, or other such body?


If yes, please give details:

Source of funding / Year / Duration of grant

4)Residency status

Please indicate the country in which you are normally resident:

How long have you been resident there?

Please give below details of any non-holiday periods spent away from your country of residence:

Dates / Location / Reason

Please be aware that the information provided at this point will be used to assess whether you are eligible for AHRC funding, and also if you are eligible for a full award or a fees-only one. For more information on student eligibility, please consult the document on the AHRC web site:

5)Professional experience that is relevant to this application

(month and year) / Full or part-time? / Employer/Organisation
(including location) / Status and responsibilities
From / To

6)Your career in higher education to date

Foundation Study / Undergraduate Study / Postgraduate Study
Name of university and/or college
(and country if overseas)
Mode of attendance
(please tick the relevant box) / Full-time / Part-time / Full-time / Part-time / Full-time / Part-time
Month and year in which your programme started and finished
(or will finish) / Start date
(mm/yy) / End date
(mm/yy) / Start date
(mm/yy) / End date
(mm/yy) / Start date
(mm/yy) / End date
Who provided financial support for your maintenance while studying?
Who paid your fees?
(If a Local Education Authority, please state which)
Subject of study
Level of programme
(for example foundation, undergraduate)
(e.g. BA, MA, PhD)
For non-UK degrees, please give the title of the degree in the original language
Part II: Proposed studies
Programme title
Qualification to which your intended programme will lead
Programme Leader
Are you applying for a FULL-TIME or PART-TIME award?
(please tick the relevant box) / FULL-TIME / PART-TIME
If you are applying for a full-time award of more than 12 months or a part-time award of more than 24 months, please tick the box
Date on which your Master’s programme will end / DAY / MONTH / YEAR

Please give a brief title for your proposed programme

Please make your case for support in the space below

Word count = (max 500)

Part III: Referees’ contact details

First referee

Name (block capitals)
Contact telephone number
Contact e-mail address
Contact address

Second referee

Name (block capitals)
Contact telephone number
Contact e-mail address
Contact address

Part IV: Applicant’s declaration

I confirm that the information I have provided in this form is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge at this date. I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that this application, and references if relevant, reaches the appropriate academic Department at Royal Holloway, University of London, by their advertised deadline.

Signature / Date

The current terms and conditions for AHRC funding can be consulted at this link:

Please be aware that the AHRC reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of its awards.

Check list

After completing the application form you will need to:

  1. Submit the form to the relevant academic department at RHUL by the advertised deadline;
  2. Forward the referees’ report form to each of your chosen referees;
  3. Ensure that your referees submit their report by the set deadline.

Part V: First Referee’s Report

Deadline for submission: Please check with relevant Department

Please complete in no less than 10pt typescript and keep within the boxes below: Please ensure that your reference does not exceed a maximum of one page.

Previous performance: Please give a realistic assessment of the quality of the applicant’s professional / academic work and performance to date, providing evidence to support your comments. Please be as specific as possible. If you are assessing academic work, please provide the applicant’s undergraduate’s result below, and comment on that result here.
Preparedness for Research Preparation Master’s studies:Please give your assessment of the applicant’s preparedness to undertake the proposed programme and the likelihood of the applicant completing his/her studies successfully and on time.
Result of any Bachelor’s-level degree this candidate is currently undertaking or has recently undertaken
Relationship to applicant
1st referee’s signature: / Date:
The applicant might request to see a copy of this reference.
If you do not wish to disclose the information you have provided, please tick here

Part VI: Second Referee’s Report

Deadline for submission: Please check with relevant Department

Please complete in no less than 10pt typescript and keep within the boxes below: Please ensure that your reference does not exceed a maximum of one page.

Previous performance:Please give a realistic assessment of the quality of the applicant’s professional / academic work and performance to date, providing evidence to support your comments. Please be as specific as possible. If you are assessing academic work, please provide the applicant’s undergraduate’s result below, and comment on that result here.
Preparedness for Research Preparation Master’s studies:Please give your assessment of the applicant’s preparedness to undertake the proposed programme and the likelihood of the applicant completing his/her studies successfully and on time.
Result of any Bachelor’s-level degree this candidate is currently undertaking or has recently undertaken
Relationship to applicant
2nd referee’s signature: / Date:
The applicant might request to see a copy of this reference.
If you do not wish to disclose the information you have provided, please tick here