E.g. / Facts / Business Days / Private Days / Fringe Benefit? / Reason for Assessment
1. / An employee attended a conference in London. The itinerary was as follows:
Day 1TravelBusiness
Day 2TravelBusiness
Day 3Recovery DayBusiness
Day 4Conference Business
Day 5ConferenceBusiness
Day 6ConferenceBusiness
Day 7ConferenceBusiness
Day 8Private DayPrivate
Day 9Private DayPrivate
Day 10Private DayPrivate
Day 11Private DayPrivate
Day 12Private DayPrivate
Day 13Private DayPrivate
Day 14Private DayPrivate
Day 15Private DayPrivate
Day 16Private DayPrivate
Day 17BusinessBusiness
Day 18BusinessBusiness / 9 / 9 / YES / Private Days => Business Days
Travel Diary Required
Employee Contribution Required
2. / Employee spends the weekend in an overseas city between two 5 day business events. / 12 / 0 / NO / It would not be practicable to return home between the two business events; therefore the weekend would fall within the definition of Business Days.
No Private Days
No Travel Diary Required
No Employee Contribution Required
3. / Employee spends five days in Melbourne on a conference which starts at lunch time on Monday and finishes at lunch time on Friday. The employee chooses to stay in Melbourne for the weekend and return on the Sunday evening. / 5 / 2 / NO / The two days after the conference are considered private travel as the employee would be expected to return home on the Friday.
Private Days < Business Days
Travel Diary Required
No Employee Contribution Required
4. / An employee has two one week conferences in Venice. The traveller allows an additional 5 days for travel and recovery time in the international destination (i.e. 2 days travel each way, one day recovery in Venice). The conferences are a month apart, so the employee chooses to stay in Venice on recreation leave during this month. / 19 / 30 / YES / As it would have been practicable for the employee to return home between the two conferences, the leave time is considered private.
Private Days => Business Days
Travel Diary Required
Employee Contribution Required
5. / An employee has two meetings in Melbourne within the same week. The first meeting is on Monday and the second meeting on Thursday. The employee will use the two days in between the meetings for private purposes. NB. The delay between meetings was unavoidable and the meetings could not be rescheduled. / 4 / 0 / NO / As it would not have been practicable to return to Perth between the two meetings, the two free days will be considered Business days.
No Private Days
No Travel Diary Required
No Employee Contribution Required
6. / An employee has two meetings in Melbourne within the same week. The first meeting is on Monday and the second meeting on Thursday. The University expectation is that the employee would schedule the meetings as close as possible to one another. The employee had an option to schedule the second meeting on the Tuesday, however chose against it for personal reasons.
In instances where an employee structures meetings to create a delay (i.e. free days), the delay will be considered avoidable and therefore the days deemed Private Days. / 2 / 2 / YES / As the gap between the two meetings was avoidable, the two free days will be considered Private days.
Private Days => Business Days
No Travel Diary Required (travel < 5 nights)
Employee Contribution Required
7. / An employee arrived in Spain two days prior to the commencement of a five day conference. / 7 / 0 / NO / As the employee was travelling internationally, two days would be an acceptable amount of time to recover from jet lag and prepare to attend the conference. The days would fall within the policy definition of Business as they are recovery days.
No Private Days
No Travel Diary Required
No Employee Contribution Required
8. / An employee arrived in Spain four days prior to the commencement of a five day conference. / 7 / 2 / NO / The definition of Business Travel allows two recovery days for international long-haul travel. Four days would be considered excess to -requirements. Therefore only two days would be allowable as travel recovery time, and the remaining two days would be considered Private Days.
Private Days < Business Days
Travel Diary Required
No Employee Contribution Required
9. / An employee attended a five day conference in Spain which ended on the Friday evening. Due to the lateness of his booking, the travel provider was unable to book him onto a flight home until the Monday. / 8 / 0 / NO / The delay in return to Perth was unavoidable and therefore the days are considered Business.
No Private Days
No Travel Diary Required
10. / An employee travels to Canada for a five day conference, after which he travels to New York for a two day business meeting. The employee decides to take a four day private diversion to Boston before heading to New York. All private legs are paid for by the employee. / 7 / 4 / NO / Private Days < Business Days
Travel Diary Required
11. / An academic was asked to attend a conference by a conference provider; the conference and flight were paid for by a third party. The conference was in Melbourne and went from Monday to Friday (five days). The Employee travelled to Melbourne on the Saturday prior to the conference, and returned home on the following Friday after the conference.
SaturdayTravel DayBusiness
Sunday Private
Monday ConferenceBusiness
Saturday Private
Monday Private
Thursday Private
FridayTravel DayBusiness / 7 / 7 / Yes / Business days equal two travel days and five days at the conference (i.e. seven days)
Note that the first “Sunday” after travel is considered Private as a recovery day is not considered necessary for travel within Australia. Any days in addition the business days are considered private (i.e. seven days)
Private Days = Business Days
Travel Diary Required
Employee Contribution Required
Employer (UWA) was aware they were a party to the provision of a benefit