Community Care Access Centre (CCAC)
Get CCAC Depot Request Response Format Specification
Organization: / Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centres (OACCAC)Division: / Business Solutions
Version: / 1.0
Schema Version: / 1.0
Version Date: / January 28, 2014
Prepared By: / Ted Jin
Updated By:
Date: April 8, 20141
Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) / Version: 1.0Provider Report Format Specification / Version Date: August 26, 2010
Revision Log
Version No. / Version Date / Summary of Change / Changed by/Input from0.1 / January 7, 2014 / Initial draft / Ted Jin
1.0 / January 28, 2014 / Published as v1.0 / Ted Jin
TFS# 153670
Table of Contents
1High Level Message Flow
1.2High Level Message Flow
2Get CCAC Depots Request Elements (version 1.0)
2.1Get CCAC Depots Request
2.2Sender and Destination
2.2.1Owner Organization
3Get CCAC Depots Response Elements (version 1.0)
3.1Get CCAC Depots Response
1High Level Message Flow
This document defines the types of messages that will be exchanged between the Providers and CCACs to facilitate the provider systemsgetting the CCAC Depots.
An authorized service provider can submit a Get CCAC Depot Request message to obtain all the active CCAC depots that are stored in the CCAC system. After receiving the depots, the provider can specify a particular one as the line item pick-up location in the subsequent Equipment and Supplies (E&S) requistion request.
1.2High Level Message Flow
The message exchange between the provider and the CCAC system is initiatied by the provider system submitting a Get CCAC Depot Request message.
Upon receiving the message, the CCAC systemconducts the following mandatory validations:
- The provider is authorized to submit the request
- All the required fields are provided
- All the supplied fields comply with the schema definition
The system returns an error message in the response should the request fails any of the validation rules.
If the request validation succeeds, the CCAC system processes the request, queries the internal database, and returns all the active CCAC depots in the response message.
All the steps above are executed synchronously by the CCAC system.
2Get CCAC Depots RequestElements(version 1.0)
The following is a top level (root) view of the Get CCAC Depots Request and its main components.
Name / Field Length (bytes) / Type / Mandatory? / DescriptionMessageTrackingId / 36 / Alpha / Num (GUID) / Yes / The unique identifier of the message that can be used for message tracking.
Note: although resubmitting failed messages with the same tracking ID is possible, it is recommended that each submission contains a unique tracking ID.
Sender / - / Complex / Yes / See Sender and Destination section.
Destination / - / Complex / Yes / See Sender and Destinationsection
Version (Attribute of GetCCACDepotsRequest element) / - / Decimal / Yes / The version of the schema that this message adheres to. E.g. "1.0". This is required to correctly interpret the information being provided by the Provider or CCAC
2.2Sender and Destination
Name / Field Length (bytes) / Type / Mandatory? / DescriptionOrganization (child element of Sender or Destination) / - / Complex / Yes / Identifies the organization sending or receiving the document
Code (attribute of Organization) / 50 / Alpha / Num / Yes / Specifies the unique code of the sender or the recipient organization
Type (attribute of Organization) / 150 / Alpha / Num / No / Specifies the type of the sender or the recipient organization. Valid content is:
“CCAC” “Provider” “Vendor”. Defaults to CCAC if not specified.
Name (child of Organization) / 250 / Alpha / No / The name of the sender or the recipient organization
2.2.1Owner Organization
Name / Field Length (bytes) / Type / Mandatory? / DescriptionOwnerOrganization (child of Organization) / - / Complex / Yes / Specifies the owner organization of the sender or the recipient
Code (attribute of OwnerOrganization) / 50 / Alpha / Num / Yes / Specifies the unique code of the sender or the recipient owner organization
Type (attribute of OwnerOrganization) / 150 / Alpha / Num / No / Specifies the type of the sender or the recipient owner organization. Valid content is “CCAC”, “Provider” or “Vendor”. If not provided the “CCAC” type is assumed.
Name (child element of OwnerOrganization) / 250 / Alpha / No / The name of the sender or the recipient owner organization
3Get CCAC Depots Response Elements(version 1.0)
3.1GetCCACDepots Response
The following is a top level (root) view of the Get CCAC Depots Response and its main components.
Name / Field Length (bytes) / Type / Mandatory? / DescriptionMessageTrackingId / 36 / Alpha/Num(GUID) / Yes / The same unique identifier of the corresponding request message
CCACDepot / - / - / No / Cardinality: zero to many
CCACDepotGuid / 36 / Alpha/Num (GUID) / Yes / A unique identifier representing the CCAC depot in the CCAC system
CCACDepotName / 250 / Alpha/Num / Yes / Name of the CCAC depot
LastUpdateDate / - / DateTime / Yes / Date and time the CCAC depot was last updated
CCACDepotAddress / - / Complex / Yes / See AddressType section
Version (Attribute of GetCCACDepotsResponseelement) / - / Decimal / Yes / The version of the schema that this message adheres to. E.g. "1.0". This is required to correctly interpret the information being provided by the Provider or CCAC
The AddressType defines all of the fields available for specifying a physical address.
Name / Field Length (chars) / Type / Mandatory? / DescriptionAddressSummary / 250 / Alpha/Num / No / A summary field that contains the entire address
Type / 50 / Alpha / Yes / The type of address that is being specified. For CCAC depot, the type is "Other"
BuildingName / 50 / Alpha / No / Used for organizational addresses:
Name of LTC home / Retirement home / hospital in which the client resides
Name of active Correspondent of Personal Contacts and the Building name (separated by a comma). Mailing address is the Correspondent Address.
RoomNumber / 6 / Alpha/Num / No / The room number if applicable
SuiteNumber / 6 / Alpha/Num / No / The suite number if applicable
StreetNumber / 6 / Alpha/Num / Yes / The associated street number
StreetName / 100 / Alpha/Num / Yes / The associated street name
PostalCode / 10 / Alpha/Num / Yes / The associated postal code
City / 50 / Alpha/Num / Yes / The associated city
Province / 25 / Alpha/Num / No / Value of "Ontario" is implied if not present
Country / 20 / Alpha / No / The associated country
Directions / 250 / Alpha/Num / No / The intent is to provide any necessary information to assist the service provider to drive to the client address. This could include closest major intersection to the address being recorded or other driving instructions
AdditionalInfo / 250 / Alpha/Num / No / Additional information that has been entered with regard to this address
Date: April 8, 20141