4th Primary – 2nd Term Final Revision

Cairo governorate

Nasr city educational zone

Alsun modern school


Primary Four

Name: ……………………..

Class: ……………………...

1)Complete the following:

(1)The probability of appearing an even number as throwing a fair die once = ……………

(2)The two polygons are congruent if their corresponding sides are ……in length and their corresponding angles are ……. in measure.

(3)The square has ………… lines of symmetry.

(4)4.7 = 0.7 + ……………

(5)The diagonal of the rectangle divides it into two ……….. triangles but it is not ………….

(6)The equilateral triangle has ….. lines of symmetry.

(7)……….. + 0.3 = 1

(8) (as a mixed number)

(9)2 liters = ……….. milliliters .

(10) tons = ……….. kg.

(11)The place value of the digit 4 in 3.426 is …………

(12)The rhombus has …. Lines of symmetry.

(13)The value of the digit 9 in 2.798 is ……..

(14)Six and forty-nine hundredths = ………….

(15) = …………… (as a decimal number)

(16) day = …………… hours

(17)Ɐ A Ɐ A Ɐ A …………… (in the same sequence)

(18) = …………… (in the simplest form)

(19)The probability of occurrence of a possible event lies between ……. and ………….

(20) = 3

(21)……….. is one of units of measuring capacity.

(22)The equilateral triangle has ……… lines of symmetry.

2)Choose the correct answer:

1)The isosceles trapezium has ( 3 or 2 or 1 or 4 )

2)54.56 _ ….. (to the nearest whole number) ( 54 or 55 or 53)

3)The isosceles triangle has.... line of symmetry (0 or 1 or 2 or 3)

4)21.3 + 3.5 _ ……………….. (approximated to the nearest ten) (21 or 25 or 24.8 or 30)

5)19.9 _ …… (to the nearest unit) (19 or 110 or 29 or 20)

6)15 liters = ………. milliliters (150 or 1500 or 15000 or 0.015)

7)= ……………. ( or or or )

8)The value of the digit 2 in the number 4.72 is ……………… (0.2 or 0.002 or 0.02 or 2)

9)The place value of the digit 5 in the number 9.5 is ……………. (unit or tens or tenths)

10)liter = …………….cm3 (500 or 5000 or 50 or 5)

11)3256 ÷ 100 = ……… (to the nearest tenth) (32.6 or 30 or 0.3)

12)The probability of the sure event = ………. ( or 0 or 1 )

13)( 7 or 3 or 14)

14) …………………..( or or )

15)The number of lines of symmetry of the rhombus is = …………… ( four or three or two or one)

16)3000 milliliters = ……… liters (0.3 or 300 or 3 or 30)

17)Four and three tenths = …… (3.4 or 4.3 or 0.43 or 0.34)

18)9079 _ 9000 ( to the nearest …….) (100 or 1000 or 10000)

3)Put the suitable ralation (<), (=) or (>):

(1) / / 6 500 kg / (2) / 9.08 / 9.1
(7) / / / (8) / 1 day / 6hours
(9) / hours / 75minutes / (10) / 1 kg / 2000 grams
(11) / mL / L / (12) / 48 hours / two days
(3) / The number of lines of symmetry in the isosceles trapezium / The number
of lines of symmetry of the square.
(4) / The number of lines of symmetry of the square / The number
of lines of symmetry of the circle.
(5) / The probability of he certain event / The probability of impossible event


Arrange the following numbers in an ascending order:

5.09, 5.9, 5.1 and 5.009

The order is: …………………………………………………..

34.12,34.2, 34.102 and 31.24

The order is: …………………………………………………..


Find the result, then approximate as shown between brackets:

a)15.908 + 9.457 = ……….. _……….. (to the nearest 10)

b)95.7 - 62.31 = ……….. _……….. (to the nearest )

c)27819 ÷ 100 = ……….. _……….. (to the nearest 100)

d)42.59 + 22.537 = ……….. _……….. (to the nearest unit)

e)98963 - 36875 = ……….. _……….. (to the nearest 1000)

f) = ………………………

g) = ………………………

The following table shows the number of hours of study the lessons by Waleed and Hesham if five days:

Name/Day / Sat. / Sun. / Mon. / Tues. / Wed.
Waleed / 4 / 4 / 3 / 4 / 5
Hesham / 3 / 2 / 1 / 2 / 3

represent these data by double bars graph.

The table below shows the number of pupils in primary 4 participating in the school activities in a primary school:

Activity / Sports / Social / Art / Cultural
Number of Pupils / 45 / 25 / 30 / 15

represent these data by bars graph.

A box contains 6 red balls, 5 white balls and 4 green balls. If a ball is drawn randomly, complete:

1) = …………………….

2) = …………………….


If Amr has 322 pounds and his brother Mohamed has 85.75 pounds. Find the difference between what they have.



Mazen has 35 pounds. He bought a ball for 9.75 pounds and a book for 5.25 pounds. What is the remained with Mazen?




1) AB = …..

2) AC =…..

3) BC = ……


Alsun Modern School