The Glasgow CoDA group will be holding a guide to Steps 5-8 event on the 16th September from 10am -2pm. This will take place @ The Quaker Meeting House, 38 Elmbank Street Glasgow G2 4PS
This is a follow on from the steps 1-4 event undertaken in June however this is open for those who are new to CoDA or who were unable attend previously. We plan to undertake a guide to steps 9-12 later this year and thereafter a rolling program of dates for next year.
All literature used is CoDA approved and the 7th tradition applies. If you would like to share your experience, strength and hope we look forward to seeing you.
Tea and coffee will be available but please bring along a packed lunch or food to share. Also there are several shops and food outlets in the surrounding area
For further information please contact Kenny on 07912482994 or Mary on 07944662941 or we look forward to seeing you on the day.
CoDA UK Approved:CoDATraditions are observed and only CoDA approved literature is available for sale
- for full details of CoDA Approval please refer to the CoDA UK section of the CoDA UK Website - WWW.CODA-UK.ORG