The Faculty of Arts Research Committee is organizingthe second conference on the theme “Diversity and Knowledge in Humanities and Social Sciences" at the University of Zululand, Arts Auditorium, on the 16th September 2008. The aim of the conference is to provide an interdisciplinary platform for sharing knowledge on research activities and related scholarly and academic work by staff and students in the humanities and social sciences.

The conference objectives are to:

·  Share scholarly knowledge among staff in the humanities and social

·  Popularize research and dissemination of research results

·  Provide a platform for networking among staff and students

·  Promote and encourage constructive scholarly debate

·  Enable free interaction and exchange of ideas

·  Provide a forum where staff and students can showcase their research output and academic work

·  Provide an interface and interactive environment for disseminating and filtering research outcome before publication in scholarly journals

·  Enable the creation of a faculty research open access repository for
interdisciplinary research output in humanities and social sciences

·  Promote knowledge sharing and transfer through open discussions


·  Knowledge Management and Indigenous Knowledge Systems

·  Information, Communication and Technology

·  Information and Knowledge Society

·  Community Psychology


·  Rural Development

·  Politics and Public Administration

·  Criminology

·  Inter-cultural Studies/Cultural Diversity

·  Sustainability as Model for Development

·  Diversity in Literature and Cultural studies

·  Information Seeking and Retrieval

·  Information Policy and Evaluation

·  Literary Theory, Oral Art and Folklore

·  Recreation, Tourism and Cultural Studies

·  Sociological Theories, Language and Society

·  Human Communication and Language

·  Translation; Performance Arts

·  Theology and Religious Studies


1. These need to be sent as soon as possible to:

Prof. DN Ocholla -

Prof. Catherine Addison -

Prof. Themba Moyo -

2. The length of Abstracts need to be between 150 and 300 words

3. Complete papers will have to be submitted by the 10th of September 2008 and

4. Papers that will be presented at the conference will be peer-reviewed after

presentation and qualifying papers may earn DoE(SAPSE) subsidy.

Conference and Programme Chair

Prof. DN Ocholla -

Dr. Thandi Nzama -

Prof. Temba Moyo -

Prof. Catherine Addison -

Programme Committee

Prof. C. Addison – English

Prof. TAP Gumbi - Social Work

Prof. LZK Khumalo - Isizulu Namagugu

Prof. J. Le Roux - Library and Information Science

Prof. Stephen Mutula - Library and Information Science

Prof. NV Makunga – Psychology

Prof. Themba Moyo - Linguistics

Prof. MV Mpepo - English

Prof. HSB Ngcobo - Psychology

Dr. Nsibande - Theology

Dr. Thandi Nzama - Recreation and Tourism

Prof. DN Ocholla - Library and Information Science

Prof. JM Ras - Criminal Justice

Dr. H Rugbeer - Communication Science

Prof. E. Wait - Philosophy


08h00 -- 0815 / Registration
08:15 – 08:25 / Opening and welcoming / Dr. Thandi Nzama
08:25 – 08:35 / Official Opening / Prof. Johann Ras
08:35 – 09h00 / Research Output in Humanities and Social Sciences / Prof. Myrtle Hooper
09h00 – 09:30 / Key Note Address:
Challenges of Conducting Research in African Universities: The Potential for Digital Scholarship
Abstract / Prof. Stephen Mutula
VENUES / Auditorium / AL13

Session 1


Chair: Prof. Musonda Mpepo

Theme: Knowledge Management and Indigenous Knowledge Systems

/ Chair: Prof. Catherine Addison
Theme:Socio-Economic Systems and Development
09h35 – 9h55 / D Jacobs and S Mutula
Challenges of Higher Education in South Africa: Knowledge Management Amelioration Strategies
Abstract / SS Nhlabathi
Theorising the spread of HIV/AIDS:The regime of flexible capital accumulation
9h55 – 10h15 / TAP Gumbi,
The Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) Centre of the University of Zululand: A pilot documentation project
Abstract / B Mbatha
Barriers that impede the effectiveness of precautionary measures of HIV and AIDS within the tertiary institutions in KwaZulu Natal
10h15 – 10h35 / D N. Ocholla and B Onyancha
Does Indigenous Knowledge Research at the University of Zululand has an Impact?
Abstract / C Ndlovu
Whither the arts in South Africa: Are the arts part of the African Renaissance?
10h35 – 10h55 / BT Mbata, L. Dube and D. Viljoen
The Trajectory of SAPSE Accredited publications at the University of Zululand: 2002 – 2007
Abstract / AT Nzama
The nexus between sustainable livelihoods and ecological management of the World Heritage Sites: Lessons from iSimangaliso World Heritage Park, South Africa
10h55– 11h05 / Discussions / Discussions
11h05 – 11h20 TEA BREAK
11h20 – 11h50 PLENARY SESSION
Key Note Speaker: Prof Jim Phelps
SESSION 2 / Chair: Prof. Jerry Le Roux
Theme: Knowledge Management and application of Information and Communication Technologies / Chair: Prof. Temba Moyo
Theme: Socio-Economic Systems and Development (Cont…)
11h50 – 12h10 / L Makgahlela
The Impact of ICTs on Socio-Economic Development in Atteridgeville Township with Specific Reference to Telecommunication Infrastructure
Abstract / J Ras
The Chinese Invasion of South Africa

12h10 – 12h30

/ NJ Baloyi,
The Role of Records Management in Enhancing Information Security in South African Public Organizations: Preliminary Findings
Abstract / C.Z Zondi
Community Participation in Community Correction Operations and Offender Reintegration
12h30 – 12h50 / N Evans
Predicting the Acceptance and Intention to Use Moodle in a Blended E-learning Domain
Abstract / N.H Ntombela
Cultural Diversity in Social Work Practice
12h50 – 13h10 / H.Rugbeer and Y.Rugbeer
Mobile Communication: The Revolution
Abstract / AT Mthembu
Coastal Tourism Development: A Comparative Analysis of Mabibi and Ponta do Ouro Tourist Destinations
13h10 -13h20 / Discussions / Discussions

13h20 – 13h50 LUNCH



Chair:Prof. Dennis N. Ocholla

Theme: Information Seeking, Informetrics and Cultural Studies

/ Chair: Prof. Nicholas Meihuizen
Theme: Literary Theory, Oral Art and Folklore
13h50 –14h10 / Maluleka, J. R and OB Onyancha,
Referencing Patterns in the South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science, 1996 – 2007
Abstract / T Moyo
The mother tongue language question and the culture of learning in schools
14h10 – 14h30 / O B Onyancha
“It is now feasible”: a citation analysis of Sub-Saharan African LIS journals
Abstract / Louw
The vexed ‘colour problems” Doris Lessing and the African Renaissance
14h30 – 14h50 / S Mutula and J Mostert
Impact of E-government on Service Delivery in South Africa
Abstract / L Zulu
Symbolism of the Zulu Bow, uMakhweyana in Empaphala, on the Outskirts of Eshowe, KwaZulu-Natal
14h50 – 15h10 / V Jiyane & OB Onyancha
Towards an Information Literate Society in South Africa: The role of Academic Libraries and LIS Schools: Preliminary findings
Abstract / V Ngema,
Reflections on Polarity: Gender and Sexuality in Puberty and Agrarian cults’ rituals among Africans
15h10 – 15h20 / Discussions / Discussions
15h20 – 15h25 / Refreshment / Refreshment
Session 4 / Chair: Dr. Nzama
Theme: Socio-Economic Systems and Development (Cont…) / Chair:Prof. Mrytle Hooper
Theme: Literary Theory, Oral Art and Folklore ( Cont..)
15h25 – 15h40 / SP Tshabalala
The Nature and Extent of Meaningful Entrepreneurial Involvement of Women in Tourism Develpment in KwaZuluy-natal, Since the Democratic Change
Abstract / K Gqibithole
Language, Identity and Belonging: Multilingual Environments for Survival in South Africa.
15h40 – 15h55 / GS Nkosi
The planning and management of uMkhosi Womhlanga (Reed Dance) as a tourism enterprise in KZN: policies, practices and perceptions
Abstract / C Addison
Margaret of Anjou: An “Amazonian Trull”
15h55 – 16h05 / NV Makunga
Drawings as a Method of Evaluation and Communication with Bereaved Children
Abstract / E. Mkhatswa
Revisiting the teaching of specific language structures in the
Verbal Group and the Nominal Group in English
16h05 – 16h25 / NR Ngcobo
The Provision of Recreation Services for the Aged in the Durban Metropolitan Area (dma).
Abstract / N Meihuizen
Elizabeth Pursued and Pursuing: The Valois Marriage Stakes
16h25 – 16h40 / MA Ntetha
The Impact of Information and Communication Technologies Among Civil Servants in the uMhlatuze Area. A preliminary Report
Abstract / M.Mpepo
Some of the Problems in First Year Students’ Academic Writing in Some SADC Universities
16h40 – 17h00 / Discussions / Discussions
17h00– 17h10 / Closing Remarks / Prof. DN Ocholla