1. General Information
JOB TITLE:BRC Senior Genomics Technician
(Single Cell Technologies)
GRADE:Band 6(tbc)
HOURS: Full Time
DEPARTMENT: Biomedical Research Centre (BRC):
Genomics Research Platform
REPORTING TO: Head of BRC Genomics Research Platform
ACCOUNTABLE TO: Head of BRC Genomics Research Platform
Guy’s & St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust
Guy’s and St Thomas’ is one of the largest hospital trusts in the country, with a staff of almost 15,000, a turnover of over £1.3 billion and 2.3 million patient contacts a year.
The Trust comprises two of London’s oldest and best known teaching hospitals. The hospitals have a long history, dating back almost 900 years, and have been at the forefront of medical progress and innovation since they were founded. Both hospitals have built on these traditions and continue to have a reputation for excellence and innovation.
We are part of King’s Health Partners Academic Health Sciences Centre (AHSC), a pioneering collaboration between one of the world’s leading research-led universities and three of London’s most successful NHS Foundation Trusts. Our AHSC is one of only five in the UK. It consists of King’s College London, and Guy’s and St Thomas’, King’s College Hospital and South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trusts. King’s Health Partners includes seven hospitals and over 150 community based services, is responsible for seeing 4.2 million patients each year, has 36,000 employees and 25,000 students, and a £3.1 billion annual turnover. Itbrings togetherthe best of basic and translational research, clinical excellence and world-class teaching to deliver groundbreaking advances in physical and mental healthcare. See
From 1 April 2011, the management of community health services in Lambeth and Southwark transferred from the local Primary Care Trusts to Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, marking a new era for community services locally.
The integration of community services into GSTT provides an opportunity for staff to help shape services so they better suit patient needs, balance demands across the whole system and create a seamless care pathway for patients.
Research & Development Department Information
The R&D Department at Guy’s & St Thomas’NHS Foundation Trust (GSTFT) is one of the focal points for innovative research in London through its nationally recognised research portfolio and research infrastructure. The broad ranging portfolio includes one of only five National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) comprehensive Biomedical Research Centres awarded in 2007-2012 in partnership with our academic partner King’s College London, one of only eleven NIHR Biomedical Research Centres receiving funding from 2012-2017 and one of twenty NIHR Biomedical Research Centres recently awarded funding from 2017-2022 (£64.4m). The portfolio also includes numerousNIHR Programme Grants for Applied Health, Research for Patient Benefit Project Grants, and a wide range of externally funded Research Grants. In addition, the Trust is a stakeholder in theaccredited Academic Health Sciences Centre, King’s Health Partners and the King’s Health Partners’ Clinical Trials Office. The R&D Department also supports the Clinical Research Facilities (CRF) at St Thomas’ Hospital, Evelina London Children’s Hospital and Guy’s Hospital based within the recently opened Experimental Medicine Hub. The NIHR CRF award from 2012-2017 has also recently been renewed for 2017-2022 (£7.25m). As well as hosting the South London Local Clinical Research Network (LCRN), the Trust is a major player in the South London network both in relation to the NIHR research study portfolio and accruals into studies, being the highest recruiting Trust in England for both 2014/15 and 2015/16. The Trust, in partnership with the University of Leeds, has also recently been awarded the contract from the Department of Health to provide the NIHR Clinical Research Network Coordinating Centre (NIHR CRNCC), totalling £90m over 5 years from April 2015. This Consortium of the Trust and University of Leeds also draws in expertise from the University of Liverpool, Newcastle, Imperial and King’s College London in an alliance to deliver the NIHR CRNCC. This contract allows the Trust to influence research activity at a national level.
The NIHR Biomedical Research Centre at GSTFT and KCL
The NIHR Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) at GSTFT and KCL has recently been awarded a further £64.4m over the period 2017-2022 as part of the Department of Health’s strategy for Research & Development to deliver world class translational research to benefit the health and wealth of the nation. The first BRC award from April 2007-2012 allowed us to establish state of the art research infrastructure including the development of an Experimental Medicine Hub at Guy’s Hospital. The BRC’s research is strategically integrated and managed by five Research Clusters: Advanced Therapeutics and Experimental Medicine; Precision Medicine; Data Analytics; the School of Translational and Experimental Medicine (STEM) and the Infrastructure Cluster. Research within these Clusters from 2017 will be based around nine outstanding research themes encompassing Cardiovascular Disease; Cutaneous Medicine; Genomic Medicine; Imaging Sciences; Infection & Immunity; Transplantation; Oral Health; Regenerative Medicine and Cellular Therapy; and Women’s & Children’s Health.
The Experimental Medicine Hub houses state of the art facilities for the delivery of translational research and includes the BRC/R&D Department Management offices, Clinical Research Network for South London, and King’s Health Partners’ Clinical Trials Office, and the Translational Bioinformatics Research Platform creating a one stop shop for researchers, as well as the CRF at Guy’s, the Immune Monitoring Research Platform, Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Cell Therapy Suite and Genomics Research Platform, as well as the GMP Pharmacy, the Assisted Conception Unit with a GMP stem cell suite, and BRC Imaging Core.
BRC Genomics Platform
The BRC Genomics Research Platform at Guy’s Hospital facilitates the identification of differences between disease and normal samples at the DNA, RNA and Epigenome level through the use of cutting edge platforms and technologies. Our agenda is to support translational research and early clinical trials through biomarker discovery. The facility offers services to clinical and academic researchers to accelerate discovery of novel approaches to the prevention, diagnosis and therapy of major diseases relevant to the NHS and aims to contribute to the improvement of patient outcomes. Services at the Genomics Research Platform include microarrays on the IlluminaiScan platform and automated and manual library preparation and next generation sequencing on Illumina HiSeq2500, HiSeq3000 and MiSeq. We offer SNP Genotyping and EPIC methylation assays for microarrays and Exome Capture, Custom Capture, whole transcriptome sequencing, small RNA sequencing, whole genome sequencing and whole genome Methylseq for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS).
The BRC Genomics Research Platform also encompasses a newly established BRC-MRC funded Single Cell Facility for the provision of single cell genomics and transcriptomics services. Currently, the Single Cell Facility provides single cell DNA and mRNA library preparation services on Fluidigm C1, Labcyte Echo 525 and Bravo Liquid Handling System. Our plan is to expand our services into the provision of bespoke single cell RNA library preparation methods such as CAGE and STRT, targeted capture and sequencing of single cell transcripts for eg TCR sequencing and to expand into epigenome investigations at the single cell level eg ATAC seq, Methylseq and establish simultaneous DNAseq and mRNAseq of single cells. Evaluating single cell data are an essential component of these single cell protocols and the Genomics Research Platform aims to establish dry lab workflows together with wet lab protocols for single cell genomics services.
Organisational Values:
The post holder will:
- Put patients first - consider the patient’s needs and wishes in all that they do
- Take pride in what they do – strive for highest standards on own work and challenge colleagues to do the same
- Strive to be the best – in terms of patient care & teamwork
- Act with integrity - maintain the privacy & dignity of patients, work with integrity and be trustworthy, be accountable for own work
- Respect others – patients, visitors and colleagues. Actively give and receive feedback.
2. Job Summary
The BRC Genomics Research Platform is offering a new position for a Senior Technician (Single Cell Technologies) to help with the implementation of new single cell services. As a service provider, before we introduce newly published library preparation techniques into service, we prepare and sequence libraries and evaluate them through data analyses using published methods via publicly available or commercial software solutions. You will be required to optimize single cell library preparation methods for new protocols on existing liquid handling systems in the laboratory, conduct sequencing and data analyses to assess their feasibility into service implementation. You will be responsible for establishing SOPs and transferring wet protocols into service mode. You may be required to write and operate scripts obtained via commercial providers or through collaborations. The post holder will be required to compare existing single cell services within the core and to help make an informed decision on the discontinuation of old protocols. For new single cell protocols, the post holder will contribute to experimental design, library preparation, sequencing, post sequencing QC, and basic data analyses and establishment of an SOP and transfer of technology to other team members.
3. Key Relationships
Head of the BRC Genomics Research Platform, BRC Research Platforms Manager, BRC Genomics Research Platform team members; BRC Immune Monitoring Research Platform team, BRC Precision Medicine Cluster Lead, BRC Training Manager, BRC Cluster Managers.
Strong working relationship with academics, principalinvestigators, researchers, students and healthcare scientists, consultants and junior medical staff, administrative and clerical support staff as well as outside key academic stakeholders, staff within the Medical School and other relevant hospitals and Trusts, non commercial bodies, software and pharmaceutical companies and/or sponsors.
4. Key Responsibilities and Duties
Wet Laboratory
- To develop new single cell protocols with the aim of implementing them into service within timelines and budget as directed by the Head of the Genomics Research Platform.
- To develop procedures and SOPs within timelines for implementation of new single cell technologies into the service.
- To train wet lab team members in new single cell library preparation protocols developed.
- Responsible for keeping up with cutting edge single cell technical developments to implement improved protocols seamlessly.
- To provide equipment training to researchers and participate in service provision when needed, as directed by the Head of BRC Genomics Research Platform.
- To report outcomes of scientific development to the Head of BRC Genomics Research Platform.
- To participate in provision of services for single cell and bulk cell library preparations as requested by the Head of BRC Genomics Research Platform.
- Closely collaborate with the BRC Senior Genomics Technicians for wet lab work flows.
Dry Laboratory
- To set up dry laboratory pipelines for new single cell technologies developed within agreed timelines and implementation into the service.
- To analyze data from newly established single cell technologies using state-of-the-art approaches and models.
- To transfer single cell data analyses tools for new single cell library preparation protocols developed to the BRC Senior Genomics Bioinformatician for service provision.
- Responsible for keeping up with developments in single cell bioinformatics analyses procedures and standards, to implement improved tools seamlessly.
- To report outcomes of pipeline development to the Head of BRC Genomics Research Platform.
- Closely collaborate with the BRC Genomics Senior Bioinformatician for dry lab workflows.
Record keeping
- To accurately record laboratory procedures, workflows and QC interpretation.
- To accurately record data analyses workflows and data interpretation.
- Maintain accurate records on the progress of R&D projects and their transfer into service mode.
Financial and Human Resources Management
- Support other staff within the team to improve the efficiency of the workforce
- To generate costing information for newly developed single cell protocols before implementation into service as directed by the Head of the BRC Genomics Research Platform.
- Participate/lead on procurement of relevant wet lab reagents and dry lab solutions
- Participate in raising invoices when needed
- Act as a role model and promote efficient, highly motivated and capable workforce
- Participate in the supervision, training, recruitment, induction and appraisal of junior staff as required.
- To maintain a high level of professional integrity in all aspects
- Recording of absence and leave following appropriate procedures
Information Technology
- To comply with national standards for the safe, secure and confidential processing and storage of patient and laboratory information.
- To comply with the departments procedural policies on accessing
patient or research information on the computer data base.
- To ensure appropriate processing and storage of laboratory information.
- To comply with the department’s procedural policy on data theft.
Education & Professional Development
- Assist in training and induction of colleagues and clients as required.
- Monitor your own performance and undertake in-service training and participate in the development of training strategies.
- Identify your own professional needs and take steps to further your professional development.
- Lead and contribute to articles for publication in high quality peer reviewed journals.
- Responsible for maintaining an up-to-date knowledge-base while demonstrating advanced competencies through a personalised Continued Professional Development portfolio.
Other General Responsibilities
- Be organised in terms of planning and prioritising jobs and ensuring, in collaboration with colleagues, that all required resources are in place.
- To assist the Head of BRC Genomics Research Platform with clinical governance issues, safety and risk assessments and identification of any laboratory risk issues.
- To take on the responsibility of a Fire Warden or Safety Officer for the BRC Genomics Research Platform if required.
- To provide the team with accurate and reliable information and contribute to technical and scientific research protocols at a high standard.
- To train and supervise trainees, staff and authorised individuals in molecular biology techniques or equipment use for single cell workflows and maintain training records.
- To manage, run and perform advanced fault finding and maintenance of equipment in the BRC Genomics Research Platform (automated and semi-automated).
- To assist the Head of the BRC Genomics Research Platform in the procurement of BRC affiliated equipment and to coordinate service contracts.
- To oversee and perform a wide variety of molecular biology and biochemistry techniques to a high standard and where appropriate to collate, analyse and interpret data with integrity.
- To assist the Head of the BRC Genomics Research Platform in the development of service management systems and assist in service-related quality initiatives and instigate appropriate corrective action in instances of reduced performance.
- To ensure compliance with local, Trust, College and National Health and Safety policies and directives.
- Communicate specialist, complex data analyses results to a spectrum of researchers, clinicians and other users, including those non specialists with little or no single cell workflow expertise.
- Be integral in evaluating and implementing policies for data delivery and analyses in collaboration with the end users and to respond to needs, new innovations and plans.
- Capable of working independently and as part of a team of clinicians, scientists and commercial partners. Good organizational and communication skills with proven record of prior scientific achievements.
- To provide the team, accurate and reliable information, contribute to technical and scientific research protocols at a high standard and generate costing information as requested by the Head of the BRC Genomics Research Platform.
- To monitor and review quality control within the BRC Genomics Research Platform and participate in internal and external quality assurance schemes as appropriate.
- To follow and ensure compliance with good laboratory practices in the BRC Genomics Research Platform.
- Assist in the planning of current and future single cell technology and bioinformatics needs of the BRC Genomics Research Platform
- Represent the organisation at national and international meetings as required.
- Provide data for internal executive board submissions and other major institutional applications as and when required.
- Establish collaborations with key academic single cell groups and commercial kit providers to bring the service to a cutting edge standard
The above duties will be subject to review from time to time, in discussion with the post holder, to ascertain whether they meet the requirements of the Theme.
The post holder is required to follow Trust policies and procedures which are regularly updated including:
Confidentiality / Data Protection / Freedom of Information
Post holders must maintain the confidentiality of information about patients, staff and other health service business in accordance with the Data Protection Act of 1998. Post holders must not, without prior permission, disclose any information regarding patients or staff. If any member of staff has communicated any such information to an unauthorised person, those staff will be liable to dismissal. Moreover, the Data Protection Act 1998 also renders an individual liable for prosecution in the event of unauthorised disclosure of information.
Following the Freedom of Information Act (FOI) 2005, post holders must apply the Trust’s FOI procedure if they receive a written request for information.
Information Governance