Understanding By Design Unit Template

(Revised & adapted)

Title of Unit / Creation, Expansion, and Interaction of Economic Systems
/ Grade Level / 3rd Grade
Subject / Social Studies Unit 5 / Time Frame / Unit Begins: 5/18/14
Ends: 6/26/15
Developed By / Melissa Alvarez, Emily D’Agostino, and Diana Sukalic
Stage 1 - Identify Desired Results
Narrative about this Unit of Study: (including the Big Idea)
In this unit students explore concepts associated with economy in order to understand how communities around world produce goods and services to meet their needs. Throughout the unit students will also learn about the relationship of supply and demand and its effects on a community.
Learning Outcomes – Identified Primary Standards
What relevant goals will this unit address?
3.9 Communities meet their needs and wants in a variety of ways, forming the basis for their economy
3.10 Each community develops an economic system that addresses three questions: what will be produced, how
will it be produced, and who will get what is produced?
Vocabulary: wants, needs, goods, services, producers, consumers, natural resources, scarcity, supply, demand, exchange/trade, savings, currency, capital
What understandings about the big ideas implied in the PLOs are desired? / Essential Questions
What provocative questions will foster inquiry into the content?
Students will understand that (includes key vocabulary)...
3.9 Communities meet their needs and wants in a variety of ways, forming the basis for their economy.
3.9a World communities use human and natural resources in different ways.
3.9b People in communities have various ways of meeting their basic needs and earning a living.
3.10 Each community develops an economic system that addresses three questions: what will be produced, how will it be produced, and who will get what is produced?
3.10a Communities around the world produce goods and provide services. 3.10b World communities have needs, wants, and limited resources. To meet their needs and wants communities trade with others. Technological developments in transportation and communication have influenced trade. / 1.  What does it mean to be a consumer, producer?
2.  What is the interaction and interconnectedness between humans, the environment, and the economy?
3.  How are natural resources, human resources and capital resources used to produce goods and services?
4.  How do communities affect the flow of resources, goods, and services and decide who gets what goods and services?
What knowledge will student acquire as a result of this unit? / Skills
What skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?
Students will know...
·  Available resources for each selected world community
·  Concepts of surplus and scarcity in relation to resources for each selected world community
·  What goods are produced and services are provided in each selected world community.
·  How the goods are produced within each selected world community.
·  Who receives the goods that are produced in each selected world community
·  What products and/or services it imports/exports to other communities.
·  Basic economic concepts of supply and demand and how they influence prices and trade. / Students will be able to…
·  Students will examine concepts of surplus/scarcity and supply/demand
·  Students will identify the variety of resources available in a particular world community used to produce goods and/or provide services.
·  Students will identify the products found in world communities and the various ways people in those communities pay for products.
·  Students will examine the goods and services provided by world communities; describe what goods and services a world community trades with other world communities.
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Performance Task
Through what authentic performance task will students demonstrate the desired understandings, knowledge, and skills?
Quizzes below
Other Evidence
Through what other evidence – student work samples, observations, quizzes, tests, self-assessment or other means – will students demonstrate achievement of the desired results?
Student work samples will include: weekly reviews, student notes and completed handouts.
Applebee’s-Supply and demand, food cost etc.
Related to knowledge, skills or both? / Listed Aim or Learning Intention of Each Lesson. / Assessment / Resources
Week 1:
Needs & Wants
Goods & Services / What are needs & wants?
Needs- things we must have in order to stay alive
Wants- things we don’t really need but would like to have
What are goods & services?
Goods-things we buy or get free
Services-things people do for us or we do for others. Some are free / S.S. Resources\Goods and Services Quiz.docx
S.S. Resources\SS Unit 5 Needs and Wants Review.pdf / S.S. Resources\Needs.docx
S.S. Resources\Wants.docx
Student activities:
S.S. Resources\Cut outs wants and needs.pdf (wants & needs 1-6, goods & services 7-9)
Producers & Consumers / Producers: A person who makes a product or sells a service.
Consumers: A person who buys a product or service. / Additional resources:
S.S. Resources\SS Unit 5 Quiz 1.docx
The Tortilla Factory
Week 2:
Natural, Human & Capital Resources / What are natural resources? (air, water, sunlight, land, soil, animals)-some are renewable, some are not (coal, oil)
How do we use natural resources? (we eat plants, use plants to make different items-rocks/minerals, make pottery, glass & metal) non-renewables like fossil fuels can be changed into energy that powers and heat homes, help in transportation –to meet people’s needs.) / S.S. Resources\SS Unit 5 Natural Resources Review.pdf / Brainpopjr video:
Brainpop.com video
Read aloud: Tortilla Factory (capital and human resources) pg 17
Different resources around the world (interdependence pg-57 S.S. Resources\EconPlans&Songs.pdf
Week 3:
Interdependence & resources from around the world / How do countries around the world depend on each other?
What products and/or services imports/exports to other communities?
Who receives the goods that are produced in each selected world community? / S.S. Resources\EconPlans&Songs.pdf pg 57
S.S. Resources\Interdependence.docx
Week 4:
Supply and Demand / How do concepts of supply and demand influence prices and trade in world communities?
How does demand of a product affect the cost of the product? / Z:\Curriculum Planning 2013-2014 (under Construction)\Grade 3\Unit 5\S.S. Resources\Snakes.pdf
S.S. Resources\Supply and Demand.pdf
Songs: S.S. Resources\EconPlans&Songs.pdf
Oh Scarcity! Pg 40
Universal Design for Learning
The ‘what’ of teaching & learning.. / ACTION & EXPRESSION
The ‘how’ of teaching & learning… / ENGAGEMENT
The ‘why’ of teaching and learning…
Visual Representation
·  video clips
·  enlarged text and images
·  Brain Pop Jr
·  Pebble go
·  Discovery Education
·  Explicit teaching-pre-teaching through content area texts
·  Content word walls
Links: above in “Resources” / ·  Collaborative learning
·  Small group instructions
·  Shared reading
·  Independent Reading/writing
·  Graphic organizers
How do I support students to understand and interact with knowledge and skills and then demonstrate what they know and understand in a range of ways?
·  Question and questioning
·  Multimedia
·  Smart board lessons
·  Explicit teaching
·  Modeling / ·  Small group instructions
·  Question and questioning techniques
·  Modeling
·  Research stations
·  Smart board activities
·  National Geographic

From: Wiggins, Grant and J. McTighe. (1998). Understanding by Design, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, ISBN # 0-87120-313-8 (pbk)