F.Y.H.A September Newsletter
Hello there! We are officially in the fall season. The kiddos are back in school and the fall sports are in full swing. And it is hard to believe how fast the summer went and in not too far in the future we will be having ice again! There is lot going on right now and we are hammering out details on lot of things that will be public here real soon. So let’s begin.
If you haven’t done so yet please get our skaters registered for the upcoming season very soon. We have to finalize how many teams at each level we will have this season in the next week.The district has a scheduling meeting set to schedule all of the district games for our kids. If we don’t know what teams we will have it will make it hard to add teams and players later.
We are finalizing the date for our parent/player meeting. This will be the time to ask any questions that you have. In the past there has been a major time suck answering questions that were brought up during our parent/player meeting. And while I will answer your question, sometimes I am not able to be quick in responding even if it’s time sensitive. Time becomes essential when things undoubtedly come up. We also are looking for any ideas or concerns that you may have. I’m sure something probably did get overlooked. Several things have changed this year. While not drastic we just want to make sure everyone is on the same page. We will be finalizing the handbook for this year next week. It will be put on our website for your convenience.
I have been working with the Fairmont Public School District on the process of the district taking over the high school teams in the future. Things will be drastically different in the future. While nothing can be announced yet I will assure you we are getting closer.
Greg Sokoloski has setup the equipment handouts. For FYHA skaters it will be Oct. 2nd at 6:30pm at the arena. For CER skaters it will be Oct 23rd also at 6:30pm. If any goalies have any issues let him know ahead of time so that he can get ahead of the game. Email him at .
With the changes to open skating this year we are looking for anyone that is interested in a part time job. We are looking to add employees to work at the arena at the FREE PUBLIC OPEN SKATING! If you or your child age 14+ are interested please contact Ryan at .
Picture Day will be November 5th.
This is directed for the Bantam team. MN Hockey is putting on checking clinics this fall for any skater that would like to learn the in’s and out’s of checking. They do teach more than just checking. They will teach your child how to give and take a hit, look for a potential checker, sliding into the boards and when to and not to check to name just a few things. I would highly look into it. You can go to the website and look for upcoming clinics at
Become a Hockey OfficialStay in the game for years
Do you enjoy hockey? Do you want to stay close to the game for years to come? Think about becoming a hockey official now and you could take your game to the next level ... You could become a high school , college, or even a NHL official. It all starts with youth hockey and becoming a USA hockey official. Start Today!
Benefits of becoming an official now.
•Knowing the rules of the game can help your game
•Get some extra skating time
•Have a job when you if you go off to college
•Work with your friends
•Giving back to the game to love
•Earn some money
If you have any questions please contact me
Bryan Wilken Fairmont Officiating Coordinator 507.236.5688
To find a seminar that works for you look here:
To check other clinics:
Sports Ngin is having a contest to win a trip to Universal Studios. There will be a link on our website in the next few days. Check it out!!!
One last thing. As you all know there are people in the community working on making the Community Center a reality. They are now at the point to decide whether or not to hire someone to oversee the project. This next section is from Randy Lubenow, Committee member for the Community Center.
“Please send out an association wide email asking hockey families to email or contact the Mayor and City Council members asking them to support hiring Tegra as an owner's rep to help plan the community center. As you know I have attended every meeting that Tegra, ORB or Kraus Anderson were at pitching their services to help us with this project. Tegra was by far the best suited to help us get this project to phase two/construction phase.
Tegra worked on Target Field which is viewed as one of the best baseball parks in Major League baseball and they also just recently finished Watertown SD second community center. I personally toured this facility and I can tell you it is AMAZING!
We are asking the City to use $125,000 ($50,000 to Tegra directly for their services) of the sales tax revenue to hire Tegra to manage phase one/planning phase of the project which will include hiring an architect and construction firm, finding a location, determining what the community center will have and estimating the cost of this project both to build and to operate. Then they will help us devise a fundraising campaign.
Councilman Peters asked to hear from Fairmont residents so please email him ASAP and also the mayor and other council members. In my opinion Tegra gives us the best chance of getting two sheets of ice in the community center.
mayor Deb Foster
Bruce Peters
Tom Hawkins
Ruth Cyphers offered to make motion already to approve
Jim Zarling
Wayne Hasek
The council will vote on this in the next 4 weeks.”
Randy Lubenow
Jason Hegdal, President
Dates For Your Calendar
October 2nd 6:30pm –FYHA player equipment handout
October 23rd 6:30pm –C.E.R-LTS and Intro/Hockey equipment handout
? –Parent/Player Mtg.
? - Work Training
October 28th – Power Skating Clinic (projected)
November 5th - Picture Day
December – 8th-10th – U12B Tournament
January 19th-21st –Pond Hockey
January 27th- Fairmont Hockey Day
Next FYHA Board Mtg. 9/20/17 6:30pm Holiday Inn (George Room)