SF – Acquisition Interagency Council 07/30/2015
San Francisco - Acquisition Interagency Council Meeting Minutes
July 30, 2015
1. Update on FEB
· Council received full council status and full endorsement from FEB on June 11. The council had affiliate status before and is now called the San Francisco – Acquisition Interagency Council (SF-AIC).
· Provides opportunity to expand membership and bring in other agencies. No fee, voluntary. No financial risk.
· FEB website now public at: https://www.sffeb.us/. The SF-AIC is on the FEB website which includes a one page summary and charter of SF-AIC.
· The charter will include an addendum page for co-founders. Les will send out addendum page to agencies for signature.
· Council needs to provide quarterly update to FEB on intitiatives.
2. GSA Interact
· Google site was previously used as the repository for the Council. However, there were security issues and GSA has added a lot of restrictions to the site.
· Created GSA interact (https://interact.gsa.gov/) to share information with other members and house documents.
· Allows users to sign up, subscribe to the group, and receive email notifications.
3. Training for FY 16
· The SF-AIC will be sponsoring a National Educational Seminar in conjunction with the FEB and NCMA Golden Gate Chapter. Attendees will receive 7 CLPs. Potential topics include:
(1) Contract Changes Disputes and Terminations
(2) Cost Estimating and Contract Pricing
(3) COR Members of the Acquisition Workforce
Les will send out an email asking members for their preference and a poll on GSA Interact.
This is projected to be in mid November.
· PBS will be offering contracting (projected to be in FY 16 Q2) and FAC-P-PM (projected to be in FY 16 Q1) training. There will be seats that will be set-aside for GSA first.
4. Events, Other Than Training
· FEB has events such as volunteer and sports days to build synergy and interaction among members.
· GSA will be having a Silicon Valley Industry day.
· Corps of Engineers will be having several industry days
(1) 10/22 – Sausalito, Stan can arrange for a tour of the vessel and cruise and have 2-3 tables reserved for Council members.
(2) 11/10 – Sacramento
(3) 12/17 – LA
Stan to send out email with information.
· Forest Service has booths at different events and recommended this as something that SF-AIC can look into for outreach.
· EPA has an Earth Day event in April with 5-6 different activities.
· Forest Service recommended the council to sponsor a FEB award for acquisition excellence. Will need to look into FEB requirements/criteria for award.
· Outreach Subcomittee Volunteers: Alex Kramer (EPA), Stan Lee (Corps of Engineers), and Vinay Kaul (USDA)
5. Year End work and Human Capital Issues
· Agencies continue to have challenges on finding qualified 1102s. Difficult in finding 1102s particularly at the 11/12 grades due to cost of living and relocation costs. A lot are losing talent to other agencies and private sector.
· Linda Allen shared her previous experience with using the DOTA funds to retain talent (i.e. relocation, tuition assistance, loan repayment, training outside DAU) and the importance of branding the mission, taking care of employees, get them excited and engaged.
· GSA currently has a loan repayment program but employees need to be with GSA first. Relocation needs to paid within own budget and require approval.
· EPA and Corps of Engineers shared their experience on exchanging employees (rotations at another agency). For year end, EPA employees have volunteered to work overtime at Corps of Engineers.
6. FAR/Regulatory Updates
· Effective October 1, small business subcontracting threshold will increase from $650k to $700k.
· Subcontracting changes – Regulations are out but the FAR is not updated. Prime contractors are now required to report (1) payments more than 90 days that are overdue to subcontractors (2) when a subcontractor helps them develop proposals and the subcontractor is not used.
· Forthcoming rules for common mentor protégé program government wide similar to the 8(a) mentor protégé program.
7. Future Council Meetings
· It was recommended that the next council meeting be held during the Corps of Engineers’ Industry Day on 10/22 in Sausalito. Stan will need to check on this.
· Members agreed to have future meetings on Wednesdays.
8. Other
· Council will need to create a site for training and events.
· David Lampbert reminded agencies the training that GSA offers to other agencies for eTools.
· 18F visit has been postponed.